Chapter 01

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Jason's POV

I got home and saw my parents fighting again as usual. I pushed my dad away from her as I saw Justin and Derek scared in the corner of the room. "Stop fighting don't you see you are scaring the kids." I screamed at them.

"Shut up and go to your room."Dad screamed at me.

"What happened now?" I asked calmly and my mom was sobbing by now.

"Your mother cheated on me with Tommy Jones." He spat like venom.

"No, I swear I didn't.. He forced me." I hugged her as she sobbed on my shoulder.

"He raped you?" My dad was so angry right now.

He has a short temper just like me. He stormed out of the place and my mom went after him.

"Watch the kids Jason, I'll be right back. I love you kids don't worry." She closed the door and that was the last time I saw my parents alive.

They never came back, they died in a car accident and since the age of 13 I had to work in the streets to take care of my two brothers Justin and Derek.


"Aye bro, I need some money."Derek said as he walked out of his room.

"For what? To give it to that woman?" I spat and he sighed.

"No..I just need to buy some stuff."He mumbled and Justin laughed.

"Yeah right You know you are going to give it to your slut like always." Justin smirked and Derek pushed him but when Justin raised his hand to hit him I got on the way.

"Enough, here's 20 dollars and stay out of trouble because I'm not in the mood to fight." I spat and he walked away. "Stop bothering him Justin."

"We both know she is using him for the money." Justin laughed.

"What money man? We are broke the only money we have is to pay the bills of the house and I gave him 20 dollars you think is because of the money?"

"Whatever I have to go to see my model." He smirked and put on his hat.

"Use a condom asshole." I laughed.

"Always." He winked and walked away.

I sighed and looked at the picture of my parents, I still can't get over their death. I grab the news paper and saw a article of the Jones family hiring employee's to construct a house. I read the article over and

over again until I had an Idea for the promise I made once. I promised that I would take revenge for my parents death and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

Derek's POV

I walked inside the bar and sat down on the same place as always seeing my beautiful girl sing and dance. She smiled when she saw me and walked towards me she winked at me and continue dancing. After she finished I walked back stage to her dressing room and as always she was expecting me. "Hi baby." She kissed my lips and I pressed her body against the wall while she unbutton my shirt.

"I love you, Allison." I whispered on her lips and she smirked and continue kissing me but never said she loved me back. "Baby, Don't you love me?" The door slammed open and a man grabbed me and pulled me away from her. He punched me and his friends joined in. I look at Allison and she didn't even do or say anything to stop them.

"Leave my Woman alone." He spat and his mans throw me out of the bar. I stand up and my lip was bleeding, my ribs hurt and I knew My face was swollen. I walked back home and when I got there I went staright to the bathroom and washed my face.

"Got beat up again?" Jason stood there looking at me. "When are you going to learn?"

"I love her Jason." I sighed and he shook his head.

"And does she loves you? Is she worth it?" He asked and I staid quiet. "Exactly my point." He walked out of the bathroom and I punch the wall. I hate when he is right.

Justin's POV

"Hey Sexy Lady." I kissed her lips and she smiled.

"Hi baby, I'm glad you made it." She kissed my lips. "I'll be right back." She walked backstage and I Saw so many sexy models.

"Hey beautiful." I winked and the girl smiled. "Can we talk?" I asked.

"Aren't we talking?" She smirked and I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Sorry I can't hear you with the music so..Lets go outside." She nodded yes and we walked outside. I peck her lips and she didn't mind so I kissed her again and started making out with her.

" Justin Drew Bieber!" I heard Jessy shout.

"Oh shit." I turned around and she was so angry. "She kissed me! I told her the only model I loved was you." I lied of course and Jessy started fighting with the girl. "Cat fight for me." I laughed and ran away letting them back there fighting. On the way I got 2 number from two models and then got back home. "Hey Jason." I smirked.

" Why that smirk?" He asked.

"Well, I just saw two models fighting for me." I chuckled.

"Good job player." He laughed and I notice Derek face swollen.

"What the fuck happened?" I ask him.

"You know..." He mumbled.

"Stay away from that girl." I laughed and mess up his hair.

"Ayee!! Stop that." He did the hair flip and fixed his hair.

" Guys remember the promise we made once?" Jason asked and we both nodded yes. "I have a plan for our revenge." He smirked and I could see the hate in his eyes. "Tommy Jones Will pay for what he did." We both nodded yes and we sat down listening to the plan.

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