Chapter 02

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---Barbara Point of View---

I grab My beautiful Hot Pink dress from the closet and My High heels. I put them on the bed and My Mom walked in. "Where are you going?" She asked with attitude.

"Just out, Mother." I mumbled while looking for my accesories.

"I asked where, Barbara." She raised an eyebrow and I sighed clearly annoyed from her. She is so over protecting always getting in my life.

"To a party with my friends, Mother. I am 21 I don't have to be asking you for permission or do I?" I asked with sarcasm and she breath out loudly and storm out of the room. I look at Elizabeth and She shrugged while giving me a half smile.

"You know how she is Barbie Don't get mad." Elizabeth has always called me Barbie since she learn how to speak.

" Want to come with me to the party?" I asked her and she nodded no and continue reading her twilight book. "Don't you get tired of reading? You are 19 and you don't have friends, a boyfriend you don't have a social life, Just stuck in those books and helping our parents with the house stuff. Come on lets go and have a sisters night out." I tried to convince her but she just closed her book and gave me a look of shut up and walked away. "Its your lost." I shout and walked in to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and undress myself while standing in front of the mirror I saw the hickey on my boob and smiled as I remember the incredible night I had with Niall. He and I have been a couple for 4 months behind my parent's back because My dearest parent's don't want me to date someone that's not in our class and when I say class I mean Rich. Niall is a great boy working hard every day to pay his bills but that isn't enough for my parents. ---

I Arrived in my Red Ferrarri to the party and Parked my car. I got down and my friend ran to my side. "Guess who is here." My friend Lisa said with the smirk on her face that made me more curious.

"Who?" I lock my car and we started walking inside.

"Your sister Kimberly and she is so waisted." She laughed and I slapped her arm.

"That's not funny you Idiot." I walked faster looking for Kimberly. I saw her on the table about to pull up her shirt. "Kimberly!" I shout and her eyes widened when she saw me. I reach out my hand and help her get down.

"I need to throw up." She mumbled and I dragged her with me to the bathroom. She got on her knee's in front of the toilet and started puking. I grab her hair and rubbed her back in a comfort way.

"Why Kimby? You were doing so well with out the alcohol." I said softly clearly disappointed in her.

----Kimberly Point of View---

I staid quiet knowing that she was disappointed in me. Ever since I found out that my dad cheated and raped a woman I haven't been the same. I started talking less, Smiling less, Sharing less with my family I was just a kid but through the years It really affected me and I turn in to a rebel, Well That's what my mother says. I have a alcohol problem that only my sisters know about because we share the same room so they notice I always got home drunk. "I'm sorry." I mumbled and more vomit came.

"Its fine Little sist. Lets go home." She help me stand up and I rest my arm around her for support. We walked out of the bathroom and everything was a blurr.

"Hide me." I whispered on her ear and hide my face on her shoulder.

"Why?" She asked and She stopped walking so did I. "Kimby, Babe You're drunk." My boyfriend Seth Grab my face forcing me to look at him. "I can't deal with this anymore, I came here because my friend called me telling me that MY girlfriend was in the table dancing like a slut about to show her breast to the guys. Its Over Kimberly I love you but I can't keep dealing with this." He looked at Barbara and shook his head. "Take care of her." He walked away and I started crying while walking to my Barbara's car. When we got in I was sobbing and she hugged me.

"Calm down, Kimby." She wipe off my tears and drove away. "He warn you and you just didn't listen. If mom finds out about this she will kill you." I look at her and she looked worried and pissed. Her hand going through her hair like if she was thinking about something.

" I don't care about mom!" I scream at her. "Mom and dad only care about keeping our last name clean. They want us to be the perfect girls but They should start by them because they are worst than us."

"Calm down, Kimby I can't get you home like this." She sighed.

---Elizabeth Point of View----

After Barbara left I staid reading my book but then got bored so I grab my laptop and log in on skype to see the boy of my dreams Jeff. "Hey baby." I blow him a kiss.

"Aye babe, How are you?" He asked while smiling.

"I'm good and you?" He bit his lip while looking at me.

"Good Just dying to see you in person." I pouted and he smirked.

"Me too babe but you know I'm always busy but soon I'll visit you." He winked and I sighed.

"Okay.." I have tried seeing him more than 6 times and he always has an excuse. We have been talking for 7 months and I have never seen him in person. I have told him I could visit him but he is always busy I have been so loyal to him but sometimes I have a feeling that he doesn't loves me and he's cheating.

"Babe, It has been 7 months and we have been talking every day..Can we step up things?" He asked and I gave him a confused look.

"How?" I asked and he chuckled.

"I want you so badly." He took off his shirt and then his pants. "Your turn baby."

"Uh..I can't.." I chew on my lower lip danm this boy is so sexy.

"Come on babe, you aren't a kid, You are 19 I know your hormones are crazy so take off your clothes baby." He licked his lips and I nodded yes. Its not that I'm afraid its just that I'm not sure about this I have seen so many girls get in trouble because their boyfriend recorded them or took pictures of them naked and then sold them.. If something like that would happened to me, my parents will kill me. "Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"Give me a second." I got up and locked the door, I took off my shirt and about to take off my bra my cellphone rung.

"Come on babe!" He groaned and I answer my phone.

"I'm busy Barbara." I look at my computer screen and got lost in his amazing abs damn how I wish he was here.

"Unlock the door Hurry." She hung up and I sighed.

"Sorry baby We'll talk tomorrow." He started fighting but I closed my laptop and Unlock the door when I open it I saw a drunk Kimberly wrapped around Barbie."Not Againg, Kimby." "Help me get her to bed." Barbara whispered not wanting our parents to hear her. I help her and We undress Kimby and cover her with the blanket.

"Good night little sist." I kissed her forehead and sat down next to Barbie on her bed. Yeah we still share the same room even tho we live in a mansion but we love being with each other no matter what. "How could she drink Again, I though she was over it."

"Me too but I guess she fooled us." She sighed and looked at me. "Why are you shirtless?"

"I was about to take a shower." I lied of course I couldn't tell her I was going to step up my relationship with Jeff.

"Oh, Well my party mood was ruined, How about we make some hot chocolate and watch a movie?" She stand up and throw me my shirt.

"Sure." I smiled and my mom walked in.

"You two got home early." She was observing me and of course serching for Elizabeth.

"Yeah, I saw Elizabeth and she got a ride home with me but she doesn't feels very good so can you please not bother her?" Barbara said to my mom and my mom nodded and walked away.

"Thank's sist." We heard Elizabeth mumbled and we both laughed.

"We are the Jones sister's and we have each others back always."

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