The flight

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The weekend flew by like the Flash. They had no homework and all they did was talk about China and what they'd do.

I woke up really early. I grabbed my clothes, my two suitcases, my purse, my sunglasses and shoes. I got changed and rushed downstairs.

"Hi sweetie. We'll be gone for a while as we have to go to a wedding and then a funeral in two different countries," smiled Mum. I smiled back and waved. By 7am, I was washing her plate up. I looked at the time and turned the sign to closed (on the bakery door) and walked to school.

By the time I got there, Adrien was the only person there.
"Hi Adrien," I smiled nervously and walked up to him.
"Hey, do you need help?" he asked, seeing that I was struggling with two suitcases and my purse.
"No I'm fine. Besides, you already have your stuff. I don't want you to carry more," I  lied. I really wanted the help but had to decline. This is my crush we're talking about!

"So how come your so early?" he smirked.
"Just excited to see China," I smiled.

By 7:30, everyone had arrived and we were in class. (Of course no one at school except our class because school doesn't start then).

We were registered and then were squeezed into the coach. It was an hour to the airport.

"First class passengers: Chloe Bourgeois," smiled Miss Bustier. Chloe flipped her hair and carried her six bags.
"Adrien Agréste," she smiled. Adrien waved to us and we were all ready to step on.
"And Marinette Dupain-Cheng," smiled Miss Bustier and put the clipboard to her chest.

I gasped and then waved to Alya. I walked into first class.
"Woah!" I gasped. Adrien and Chloe looked at me. Chloe was snuggling up to him and when they looked at me, he sighed in relief and walked away.

"What do you think of first class?" he asked.
"Amazing!" I cried.
"Get this trash out of first class!" ordered Chloe.
"My name is on the register! Now, I'm going to explore first class!" I snapped and put my bags in the cabinet.

There were three TVs, luxury sofas, wifi, a PlayStation 4, books, a desk and a computer. Plus, we got the food free whilst everyone else had to pay.

"Attention students. The flight is taking off so please fasten your seat belts," instructed the Captain through a speaker. I sat down next to Adrien and watched some TV.

A few minutes later, the captain announced that we were now free to get up.

I sat down at the desk and did some research on LadyBlogs.

"Alya's posted a new one then?" asked Adrien, leaning one hand on the desk and the other on the chair.
"Yeah, she's just explaining that she's going to China so there'll be no reports," I sighed.

"And also, I'm getting closer to Ladybug's identity. She left a clue for us. A chocolate chip, which was probably to feed her miraculous magical creature thing," explained Alya and the video ended.

I giggled and Adrien looked suspiciously at me.
"What's so funny?" he asked.
"Anyone would feed their "magical thing" that. It's cheap. It's gonna take her ages," I chuckled and then calmed down.
"I think she can find out Ladybug's identity. Chat Noir, however, is especially hard," smirked Adrien.
"Really? How?" asked Marinette.
"His eyes. They're green. Completely. His manner. I know nobody who says puns," suggested Adrien.

"I was transformed... into a knight," I lied.
"Yeah me too. What a knightmare!" said Adrien running past.
*end of flashback*

"You did," I pointed out.
"When?" asked Adrien.
"With the knights," I smirked.
"So...Alya sometimes does puns. And Nino," sighed Adrien and he walked off.

After an hour, we arrived in China

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