The day before the coronation

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Princess Marinette walked gracefully down the third floor stairs (meaning she was walking gracefully to the second floor). She wore a masquerade mask with her hair up in a traditional Chinese bun.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Adrien held an arm out for her. He wore a black masquerade mask with a traditional Chinese suit.
"Ready to meet the other royals, M'lady?" he asked with a smile.
"As ready as I'll ever be," she smiled nervously.
"Alya and Nino will be there. Alya told him yesterday," said Adrien, as they linked arms and made their way to the hall.

Trumpets played and an announcer said," Princess and the Prince of China have arrived," as they arrived.

Everyone immediately bowed or curtsied as they walked to the thrones and took their seat.

Beside her was her parents. On the other side was Adrien.
"So glad you could join us Adrien," smiled Sabine.
"The pleasure is mine," he answered.
"Spoken like a true prince," smirked Tom.

Marinette stared at everyone in their lovely masquerade costumes, dancing with their partners. Her eyes caught Alya and Nino standing awkwardly.

"Mom can I go to my friends please?" asked Marinette.
"Ahem," coughed Sabine. Marinette groaned then put on a fake smile.
"Mother, may I please be excused to visit my companions?" she smiled. Adrien chuckled a little as Sabine nodded.

They wandered to Alya and Nino.
"Dudette, why are we here? I can't even dance!" muttered Nino, so only the group could hear.
"Trust me, it'll be better here tomorrow. I requested some music we all could dance to as I can't dance to traditional Chinese music either. I'm so nervous for tomorrow though," explained Marinette.

"You'll do great," encouraged Adrien as he put a hand on her shoulder.
"Anyway, how are you going to tell your dad that your the Prince of China, heir to the throne, if Marinette decides to stay with you, and that you have to stay here," smirked Alya.
"I... did... not... think about... that," he said, eyes widening in horror. "How am I? He would never let me."

"Wait! Alya are you staying?" asked Nino.
"If Marinette stays," she sighed, kissing Nino on the cheeks. "Sorry babe."
"It's ok."

After the coronation, her, Adrien, Alya and Nino strolled to the throne room.
"The princess and prince of China with the lady and lord of China your majesties," announced a guard as they walked through the door.

"Can I help you?" smiled Sabine, as she stood from the throne.
"Leave us," sighed Marinette, looking at the guards. All the guards nodded, bowed and then left.

"Mom, I need to return to Paris," said Marinette, letting her hair down.
"And we cannot allow that. The bakery has been sold," said Sabine, turning around.
"Mom!" cried Marinette.
"Enough. Your staying," she snapped.

Marinette looked down sadly and then turned to face her friends.
"I tried guys," she whimpered.

Adrien and Alya frowned. They both winked at each other and stepped forward.
"Ms. Cheng, may I speak freely?" asked Adrien.
"No. Now leave," said Sabine, sitting down on her throne.

"Well tough! Marinette is too kind to do this but we have to stand up for her! Ms. Cheng, Marinette has to return to Paris," cried Alya.
"Oh really? I'm the queen. But explain," smirked Sabine.
"She has an education!" cried Adrien.

"We have the very best tutors to home school her," sighed Sabine.
"Us! She needs us. Besides, she's finally getting in a relationship with the boy she's loved since an umbrella!" cried Alya. Adrien blushed slightly.

"Adrien is not fit to be a prince. In this country, I am to choose her suitor. He is a temporary prince," sighed Sabine sadly.
"Nothing's working," muttered Alya.

"She's Ladybug!" cried Adrien. Sabine, Nino and Marinette gasped.
"Adrien, I trusted you," sniffed Marinette, walking forwards to him.
"I had to M'lady. You are the only one who can save Paris," he sighed.

Nino, Sabine And Alya gasped.
"You called her 'm'lady'," gasped Alya.
"Hi," he waved awkwardly.

"Marinette, your Ladybug," cried Sabine, standing up from her throne and walking towards her.
"Yes mother," hissed Marinette. Sabine hugged her.
"I can't believe you risk your life for Paris," she sighed. Marinette wiggled free and crossed her arms.
"Yes mother. And I am amazing at what I do," she growled.
"Marinette," gasped Sabine. Sighing, Sabine gave her permission to go back to Paris. On one condition. She'd fight for China if needed. And Chat Noir.

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