The flight home

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Miss Bustier knocked on everyone's room door. The last people were Marinette and Alya.

Miss Bustier went up the stairs and knocked on the door.
"Hello your royal majesties," smiled Miss Bustier. Marinette sighed sadly. Alya may have liked that name, but Marinette still hated it.

"We're ready to go," smiled cried Alya.
"There is a helper to help you with your bags. He is waiting in the lift. Adrien and Nino are waiting for you downstairs," explained Miss Bustier.

Marinette carried two bags to the helper and then the next two.
"Thank you sir," nodded Marinette, as Alya put her bags on the trolley thing that helpers (hotel staff) have.

Marinette and Alya linked arms as they went down a flight of stairs. They found their boyfriends waiting for them outside their suite.
"Hey dudettes!" smirked Nino.

Adrien ran to Marinette and gave her a wink. Alya let go of Marinette as Marinette held hands with Adrien.

They went down and found three limos waiting outside. Everyone was stood outside the limos.
"Princess, there is a limo for you and Prince Adrien and Lord Nino and Lady Alya. Would you like to put the class into two groups please?" explained Miss Bustier.

"Uh... ok? Alix, Kim, Ivan in that one. Chloe, Sabrina, Rose in that one. Mylene go with Alix Kim and Ivan. Nathaniel next the other one. Uh, the rest (if there is any) pick," she explained sadly.

Everyone went into their assigned limos and then they began driving to the airport.

Marinette laid in Adrien's lap.
"Are you ok m'lady?" asked Adrien.
"I wish this was all a dream," she sighed.
"Why?" asked Adrien.
"I don't want to be a princess. I just want to wake up in class and let this all be a dream," she explained sadly.
"Yes but it can't all be that bad. I mean, you found out who I am and that I share the same feelings for you," smiled Adrien as he began stroking her hair.
"I guess not," chuckled Marinette.

They arrived at the airport before long.
"Ok class. Princess Marinette and Prince Adrien and Chloe are in first class. The rest of you are in economy or premium economy, depending on what your parents paid for. Our flight will be here in 20 minutes and we will be travelling on a different airline," explained Miss Bustier.

20 minutes went by quickly and in that time, Marinette and Adrien had a short breakfast date. They both had pancakes with strawberries on and had a cup of orange juice.

When they were finished, they grabbed the trolley with their bags on and headed towards Gate B (where their flight was).

"First class enter now," called out an attendant.

Marinette and Adrien glanced at each other before getting on. There was another attendant and she greeted them with warm smiles. Chloe got on Also and they were all welcomed into first class.

Marinette and Adrien looked around after parking their trolleys.

There were toilets at the front, the chairs were more like box rooms.

Marinette picked one next to Adrien. She had a TV. There were buttons to change her chair to a bed, add a leg rest, make the chair lean back a bit or make it lean forwards a bit. She had two cup holders and a table on wheels. She had a door and a window. She could see Adrien's room through her window.

An attendant came through the aisle.
"Hello kids," greeted the attendant.
"Your the only three people with first class. I will be giving you instructions and packages," explained the attendant.

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