Princess Marinette

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The guests arrived to the dance before Marinette and Adrien.

Marinette sat on a throne in the throne room, bored out of her mind when Adrien entered the room.

"Now m'lady. That is not lady like," he winked, as he walked up to the thrones.
"I just want to be with my friends. I've been a princess for only a week or something and I'm tired of it. Eat like this. You must wave like this. Curtsey  when meeting others. Talk in a posh manner! Ugh!" groaned Marinette as she stood up pacing around.

A/N: I accidentally typed curry. I have fixed it. It was supposed to be curtsey. I didn't mean to offend anyone if I did.

Adrien grabbed her shoulders and she stopped in her tracks. He turned her so that she was facing him.
"Did I tell you that you look beautiful?" asked Adrien with a smile.
"Several times," smiled Marinette, blushing.
"Look, we have a few more days and then we can go back to Paris," smirked Adrien.

Marinette relaxed a bit and fell into his warm embrace.
"Now until then, we must wait until everyone is settled into the dance and then we can disco all night long with our friends," smirked Adrien.
"It's not a proper disco. We will have a formal ball dance and then it's just teenager stuff," chuckled Marinette.
"Ok which comes first?" asked Adrien.
"The ball dance. We will be dancing to the song changes," smiled Marinette, breaking the hug.
"Good choice," nodded Adrien.

A butler entered the room.
"Your majesties," he said whilst bowing.
"Yes Sir. Speak your mind," smiled Adrien, giving a small nod towards Marinette. She sighed happily.
"The guests are inside. We are awaiting your presences," informed the butler.
"Of course good sir. Now, enjoy your night," nodded Adrien, speaking in a formal manner.
"Thank you your royal highness," smiled the butler as he left.

"Wow," gasped Marinette happily. They linked arms and exited the throne room and entered the grand hall.

Everyone turned towards the doors as trumpets began playing and they all bowed/curtsied.

The music began to play as Marinette and Adrien walked to the middle of the hall and began dancing.

Alya immediately began recording. Then news reporters. Then Miss Bustier. Then Nino and Rose and Max and Kim.

The dance was magical. Marinette felt like she was flying and there were sparks and magic stuff happening around them.

She could see her father watch with happiness in his eyes but her mother payed no attention.

Marinette guessed that Sabine was upset that Marinette would be staying in Paris to be Ladybug.

When the dance ended, everyone clapped and cheered.

Marinette and Adrien gave a bow/curtsy and then headed to the dance as the disco music began. She saw that all her friends were wearing designer outfits.

"Where did you get the fantastic clothes?" smiled Marinette.
"From your dad. He insisted," beamed Rose as she gave a twirl in her pretty pink ball gown.

A news reporter gathered up the courage to go and talk to the group. She gave a small curtsy as she said,"Your majesty."

Marinette turned around with a smile.
"Hi, I was wondering if I could interview you and your friends," asked the reporter.
"Of course!" smiled Marinette, as she looked around to all of the nods.

"So, could you introduce me?" asked the reporter as she pressed record.
"Well, I am Princess Marinette and this is my date, Prince Adrien. This is Lady Alya and Lord Nino. This is Miss Rose, Miss Alix, Miss Mylene, Sir Max, Sir Kim, Sir Nathaniel and Sir Ivan," beamed Marinette.

"I have a question for Lady Alya," smiled the reporter. "Oh and I'm Elena."
"Ok Elena. Ask away," nodded Alya.
"Are you by any chance, Alya Cesaire, the founder of the LadyBlog?" asked Elena.
"Why yes!" smirked Alya.
"Amazing! I just am a huge fan!" cried Elena.
"Aren't you sweet?" smiled Alya.
"Sir Kim, how did you meet Princess Marinette?" asked Elena.
"We're classmates. Basically, we're all like one great big happy family," explained Kim.

"Prince Adrien, how did you get her majesty to go out with you?" asked Elena. Alya formed a huge smirk on her face.
"I have always found Marinette to have an amazing heart and personality and so I gathered the courage to ask her out," he half-lied.

"I think that's all for now. Thanks so much! Can I get an autograph from all of you please?" she asked as she stopped recording.

"Of course!" they all cried. So each and every one of them autographed a piece of paper in a folder which was labelled 'Autographs from AMAZING people'.

Elena left and the group began dancing the night away. When the dance ended, Marinette and her friends got a limousine back to the hotel.

Marinette and Alya arrived at their room and they slouched down onto the sofa.
"You know what's funny?" groaned Alya.
"What?" asked Marinette as she took her tiara off.
"My body is killing me but I'm not tired," moaned Alya.
"Oh I feel your pain," sighed Marinette as she took her high heels off.

Marinette went into her room and changed into Chat Noir pyjamas. She came out to see Alya asleep on the sofa.
"Not tired huh?" whispered Marinette.

Marinette (using her Ladybug strength) picked Alya up and placed her on Alya's bed in her bedroom. Marinette slipped Alya's high heels off and tucked Alya off. Then, she took Alya's jewellery off and her glasses. Without waking her up.

"There is no way in hell that I am changing you into your pyjamas Alya," whispered Marinette.

Marinette went onto her balcony and watched the palace lights turn off.
"Goodnight mum. Goodnight dad," smirked Marinette.

I haven't updated this book in a while so forgive me and I hope you enjoyed it. I will post another one soon (hopefully)

Stay amazing!

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