The rooms

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The class walked off of the plane and were greeted by a bodyguard.
"The King and Queen have given you a limousine to the finest 5 Star Hotel in China," he said calmly.

When Marinette came to sit down in the limousine, the bodyguard helped her in and ignored Chloe.
"How come she gets the special treatment?" whined Chloe as the limousine started to drive to the hotel.
"Because Chloe. She's the only one with a Chinese ancestor. She's well known in China apparently," smirked Alya.
"Shut up," cried Chloe.
"Chloe Bourgeois, that is enough! Or I will send you back to Paris!" cried Mrs Bustier. Chloe gasped and was silent for the rest of the journey.

Adrien was sat next to Marinette and Nino.
"So, Marinette, how come China treats you differently?" he whispered.
"Not sure. I wasn't born here," shrugged Marinette.

It took half an hour to get there but they finally arrived. It was an extraordinarily tall building.

"Stand in a line and I will read your names out and which room you'll be staying in. At the top floor, in the finest room in the hotel, will be Marinette Dupain-Cheng and a plus one," instructed Mrs Bustier.
"Come Alya," signalled Marinette and they rushed to the lift.
"On the floor underneath them, in the master suite will be Adrien Agréste and Nino," read Mrs Bustier. Adrien and Nino rushed to the second lift.

"And the rest of you pick your own rooms," smiled Mrs Bustier.
"There must be a mistake! I should get the finest room in China!" whined Chloe.
"These were instructions given to the class by the King and Queen. They are not wrong," said Mrs Bustier.


The finest suite was the finest! There were two humongous bedrooms. Alya picked the one with the smallest balcony as she wanted me to have the biggest. We both have our own private bathroom, and a living room. It's huge! Long sofas with an enormous TV! Oh, and there was an office. It had books, two desks, a speaker to connect our phones to, two wheely chairs and computers.

"This is amazing!" cried Alya as she came out of her room.
"I know! I've unpacked but wow! Why would the King and Queen want me to have the biggest suite there is?" I cried.
"Who cares?" laughed Alya. I shrugged and walked into my balcony.

I saw that underneath me, on his balcony, stood Adrien.
"Hey," I smiled. He looked up and smiled back.
"What's it like up there?" he asked.
"Amazing and you?" I smiled.
"Good. Nino's unpacking," he shrugged.

"There's so many fun things to do in China," I smiled.
"Yep. Hey, could I possibly take you to a restaurant while we're here?" he asked.
"How?" I asked.
"What? You mean friends or date, right?" he asked.
"Yeah," I smiled, blushing slightly.
"The second option," he smirked.

I ran back into my room and into the living room.
"Adrien freakin Agreste just asked me on a date!" I cried.
"No way! I'm so happy for you!" squealed Alya.

We started jumping up and down while squealing.
"Hey! Could you keep it down please?" yelled Nino through the floor.
"Sorry!" I yelled back.

We sat on the sofa and watched The X-Factor.
"Aww come on! She had a brilliant voice!" I sighed.
"All because of Simon Cowell!" groaned Alya.

Knock! Knock!
"I'll get it," I smiled and walked to the door. I opened it and Mrs Bustier stood there.
"Lunch is served in the cafe downstairs," she informed.
"Yes Miss. Come Alya," I nodded.

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