Chloe Bourgeois

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I sat down in the cafe downstairs and had an English breakfast.
"So, how goes the day?" asked Adrien, smirking slightly.
"Well, it's just started so I'll get back to you on that," I smiled and he sat down.
"Did you sleep well last night?" he asked.
"Yep. I dreamt of a certain kitty though," she sighed.

I thought she knew when she said that.
"Is Marinette cheating on me?" I gasped, smirking a little.
"I would never cheat on you. And besides, we only went on one date," she cried, patting my head.

"Let's play a game of Truth or Dare," I smiled, looking at the counter. The cooks were still preparing our food.
"Alright. You go first," she nodded.
"Truth or dare?"
"Hm... I'd have to say truth," she giggled.

"Who's your crush?" cried Alya, suddenly rushing downstairs.
"Um... a prince," smirked Marinette.
"Damn it!" she yelled.

Nino ran down the stairs and started panting.
"What were you here to originally say?" he panted.
"Chloe is upstairs saying a bunch of lies!" she cried.

We all ran upstairs, forgetting about our food.
She was stood on a table, with paparazzi everywhere.

"Yeah so I know the princess of China. We're like secretly best friends," she lied.
"Son of a..." Marinette was cut off by me covering her mouth.

"Why are you so angry? It's not like your the princess?" hissed Nino.
"No reason. Just, if the princess were to find out she'd probably freak," whispered Marinette.

"And also, I'm a Lady of China," she lied, smirking with her eyes closed.
Marinette started growling, which made me confused and amused.

"Chloe can you tell us, what's the King and Queen like?" asked one of the reporters.
"They are amazing! They treat me like I'm their own. My daddy, the Mayor of Paris, is actually very good friends with the King," she smiled.

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