Home sweet home

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Ok so a few people wanted a sequel so I will begin writing that as soon as this book has finished!!

And can you believe I am writing 2 chapters on 1 day? That's a personal best I think.

Anyway, the chapter.

The plane landed and Marinette grabbed her trolley with the bags on.

There was a woman with a sign saying Marinette on. A lot of parents had signs with the names of their kids on. But Marinette didn't recognise the woman. At all.

She strolled over to the woman and gave her an awkward wave.
"Hello your highness. Your parents sent me over here as soon as possible. I am Eleanor. I will be your personal bodyguard. And your parents have bought a mansion instead of you staying in a tiny apartment," explained the woman, with a friendly smile.
"Wow," gasped Marinette.

Marinette and Eleanor took a quick walk over to where a black Lamborghini was parked.

DID I SPELL Lamborghini RIGHT? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

"This is the car in which you will be taken to interviews and school and photo shoots," explained Eleanor happily. Marinette could tell they would get along.
"Wait photoshoots?" cried Marinette. Eleanor nodded as she opened the boot and started putting Marinette's bags in.

"Hey Marinette! Are you coming?" cried Alya as she ran up to her.
"It appears no. My parents bought me a bodyguard and a mansion," said Marinette, as if she were dizzy and confused.
"Oh. See you at the interview tomorrow then?" smiled Alya. Marinette nodded as Alya left with her family.

Marinette stepped inside the Lamborghini and buckled up.

She watched Adrien glance in her direction as Eleanor got in the car and they drove off.

"I also know your secret," informed Eleanor when they got out of the airport.
"Wait what? W-what s-s-secret?" stammered Marinette.
"Your Ladybug. I promise to tell no one. Your mother found it best to tell me," explained Eleanor with a chuckle.

"Of course she did," sighed Marinette.

Eventually the reached a modern mansion.

Inside was three bedrooms. One was Eleanor's, one was Marinette's and the other was a guest. There was a kitchen with a door to the back garden. In the back garden was a huge pool, a barbecue and tables and chairs.

Marinette's room had a balcony and she had her own bathroom. There were three bathrooms in total. One downstairs, one upstairs and one connected to Marinette's room.

There was also a living room downstairs with a huge TV, an electric fireplace, a bean bag, a PlayStation 4, a PS4 VR headset and a desk with an Apple Mac. There was also a mini office where there were a lot of artsy stuff. 

There were two garages connected to the mansion. One was empty which would have the Lamborghini in and there was one with a motorbike, two bikes, one skateboard and a quad bike in.

When they arrived, Marinette gasped in awe.
"One problem with this house," stated Marinette as Eleanor pulled up.
"Go on," Eleanor smirked as she drove inside the garage.
"We're on the outskirts of Paris. How do I get to school on time?" asked Marinette.

The engines turned off and they both got out.
"Easy. I know a shortcut there," winked Eleanor as she opened the boot.

About an hour later, Marinette had unpacked. All of her stuff from her old room was in her room (plus the stuff she brought on the holiday and back) and new stuff. For example, Tikki had a small proper bed with a mini fridge next to it full of food for her.

Marinette immediately video called Alya and showed her the room. Alya added Nino to the call and then Nino added Adrien.

Adrien was jealous.

"Lucky!" cried Adrien.
"Dude! How are you jealous. You have two floors in your room!" cried Nino.
"Still," said Adrien, pouting.
"When is the interview?" asked Marinette.
"During the first few hours of school tomorrow. Everyone who wasn't invited goes to school. Speaking of which, are you going Adrien?" explained Alya.
"One unknown person is going then," said Nino.

"I wonder who," thought Marinette aloud.

They all said their farewells and Marinette went to sleep. She had to adjust between the different time zones again.

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