The princess is a normal girl!

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Ok guys here it is!

The last...

And I mean last.... CHAPTER!

I've had so much fun writing this and hoped you all enjoyed reading this. Of course, I'm going to make a sequel soon so go ahead and check that out (I will notify you all when that comes out).

Now the chapter.

Marinette felt like she wanted to get akumatized. It had been exactly one week since the return and all she's been hearing is, 'Yes your majesty', 'There is no homework for her royal highness', 'Instruct us what we should do your majesty' and 'Everyone pay attention to the princess'.

And it got on her nerves. She wished she never went to China!

She slammed her door shut and screamed. Eleanor went shopping so she couldn't hear.

"Are you ok Marinette?" asked Tikki sadly.
"No! I just want my reign to end!" yelled Marinette as she walked to the window.
"Don't take your anger out on me!" snapped Tikki, folding her arms.
"Sorry Tikki. Please leave and take the earrings," sighed Marinette.

"Why?" asked Tikki, extremely scared.
"I'm going to yell and scream and shout and don't want to take my anger out on you. I also have a 99% chance of getting akumatized," said Marinette, with tears welling up.

Tikki took the earrings. Tikki respected Marinette's decisions and why she felt like that.

Tikki left to Master Fu.

"WHY WON'T THEY STOP?" screamed Marinette. The voices filled her head. It was like a busy classroom of 60 all talking at the same time, saying royal titles for her.

"Just! Stop! Talking!" sobbed Marinette as she held her hands on her head and bent down in pain.

She saw a butterfly flying outside her window and glared at it.
"Chat Noir will stop me. Chat Noir will save me. And I'm going to take your miraculous," she snapped.

The butterfly flew backwards, as if Hawkmoth heard her. But then the butterfly flew into her.

"Princess Justice. I am Hawkmoth. Your so tired of the voices in your head calling you by your royal title. Now, you can go and cause them the pain they have caused you. All you have to do is get me Ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous," smirked Hawkmoth.

Ladybug put her hands on her head and closed her eyes.
"Do you accept the offer, Miss Justice?" asked Hawkmoth with a huge smirk.

She let out a sigh and smiled.
"There are other ways of getting what I want. Chat Noir has saved me in my head and he will protect me until the end of YOUR reign! And Ladybug and Chat Noir will take YOUR miraculous and no one will ever be harmed again! So, I DECLINE!" shouted Marinette.

Her body began shaking and she fell to the ground as the akuma flew out of her purse. It changed from black and purple to white, which showed that he had clearly given up.

She laid on the floor, crying. Eleanor started applauding her.

She looked up and saw her standing in the doorway with bags from the local supermarket.

"Well done Marinette. Well down," smiled Eleanor. "You are a strong person and you did the right thing to let Tikki go far away in case the opposite of this happened."
Marinette wiped away the tears and smiled a little.

A few hours later, Tikki returned.
"Congratulations Marinette," she smiled.
"You came back!" gasped Marinette.
"Of course I did. Master Fu made sure there weren't any akumas and let me come back," explained Tikki happily.

Marinette placed the earrings in her ears and smiled.
"Your a strong person Marinette. I'm sure that's why Master Fu chose you," winked Tikki.

The next day, Marinette made an announcement. Using her 'royal powers' she told everyone to stop referring to her and acting differently towards her and treat her like a normal person. Which was a relief for Chloe and Lila. And of course, they all obeyed.

Adrien walked up to Marinette after and hugged her tightly.
"Oh, Oh. This is nice. But why?" she smiled, hugging him back.
"A certain someone told me you fought off an akuma," he whispered.

She gasped and let him go, but he still held on. She pushed him away and looked him in the eyes.
"How?" he asked.
"How did I get akumatized?" asked Marinette.
"No. How did you escape it? How did it not fly into your earrings?" whispered Adrien, as he held one of her hands.

She looked down sadly. She looked back up to him.
"Easy. I took my earrings out. But what saved me was you," she smiled.
"Me?" cried Adrien.
"I kept telling myself that you (we'll Chat Noir) would save me. And you did. In my head of course," explained Marinette happily.

Adrien smiled softly.
"I'm proud of you," he whispered.
"What was that?" asked Marinette, pretending not to hear him.
"I said I'm proud of you," groaned Adrien, realising what she was doing.

"What was that?" shouted Marinette happily.
"I said I'm proud of you," he laughed. She jumped onto his back.

"I declare you my royal chariot to school! Piggyback!" smirked Marinette.
"As you wish princess," smirked Adrien. Marinette frowned.

"I am a normal girl," started Marinette,"But only you are allowed to call me that."
"Deal!" nodded Adrien as he carried her to class.

Alya made an "aww" sound as they entered class and took a photo.

Adrien kissed her cheek before putting her back down on the ground.

She tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear before sitting down in her usual seat next to Alya, as they waited for everyone to arrive so the lesson could start.

Alya and Marinette began talking about the project they were assigned and how Marinette could take part in it without choice. Marinette missed homework for some reason.

Adrien gave her a wink just as class started and she knew what that meant. Chat Noir was still protecting her. Chat Noir was still proud.

Chat Noir was still proud. I think that was a nice way of ending the story;  nice last words.

So that's it. I'm done. I will publish a mini chapter soon to tell you when and if the sequel is coming out! So stay posted. Cause this story is over.

I hope you all enjoyed it. I did. Stay amazing guys <3

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