Time to go home

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The day before the flight had arrived. The day she had to say goodbye to her parents.

Marinette had a lot more to pack. She bought a lot of stuff (most was for Manon) and then she had a lot of princess stuff to take. Like designer outfits, tiaras, jewellery and some money.

"I can't fit all of this in two suitcases!" wailed Marinette. Alya ran to Marinette's bedroom with a grin.
"Oh no," said Marinette with a long sigh. "Why? Why Alya? No please Alya!"

But it was too late. Alya had reached for her phone and dialled Nino's number and put him on loudspeaker. Whilst the number was ringing, Marinette continued shaking her head.

"Hey Alya. Adrien and I are-"



I hung my head down sadly. I had failed. The word shopping had escaped from Alya's mouth, and once it was out, it would not return.

I heard Adrien enter Nino's bedroom and with a whisper say,"Did she say 'Shopping'?"
"Yes. Find a place to hide and stay there," muttered Nino.
"We can't. She has said it. Now we have to," hissed Adrien.
"Shoot!" sighed Nino.

"But Alya!" I protested loudly. "None of us have any money left!" That was a lie. We all had loads left.
"We all have about €200 in Chinese currency left each! We. Are. Going. Shopping," stated Alya.

"Nice try Mari," sighed Adrien.
"It wasn't enough," added Nino.
"Get your stuff!" ordered Alya as she hung her phone up.

So I got my shoes on and pulled a Chat Noir hoodie on. I grabbed my purse and put my money in. Tikki looked confusedly at me. So I explained.

"Alya adores shopping. Once she says it, there is no escaping it. Literally. We once did it on Chloe and Alya dragged her around the whole shopping centre, even though we all hate Chloe," I explained.

So we went shopping. I bought some more suitcases and we all got lunch at a cafe. I had a burger, Adrien had a salad wrap, Nino had fish and chips, Alya had a baguette and milkshake with a donut.

Then, Adrien bought flowers for me which I found adorable. He is a true prince. Then me and him bought promise rings. A promise to stay together. Alya and Nino found it cheesy, even though they have bracelets with their names merged together on them. That. Is. Cheesy.

I bought a nice gift for Ms Mendeliev and we all headed back to the hotel. Then we started packing again.

I managed to get everything in. My designer clothes, my normal clothes, my tiaras, my souvenirs, my photo album, my diary, my hairbrush, hair accessories, my tablet and my design book.

And I still had €163.45 left in Chinese currency. I put everything in the living room of our hotel room and Alya did the same.

Alya and I were chilling on the sofa when 4 o'clock.
"There is still a few things we haven't done," sighed Alya, as she changed the channel on the TV.
"Yup," I nodded.
"Do you know one thing we should do?" enthused Alya.
"Go on."
"Let's go to the cinema and watch Angry Birds Movie 2 with the boys!" smirked Alya.
"OMG why didn't we think of that at the start!" cried Marinette.
"I have been trying to tell you," laughed Tikki.

So we went and watched it. We all had popcorn and some Coke and a hotdog with a bag of M&Ms. That was pretty much our dinner. And the film was amazing!!

Side note: I have not seen this film so don't spoil it please!

Then, we all got a limo to the palace to say goodbye.

I entered the palace and found my parents in the throne room.
"Do you just sit here all the time?" I asked, joking slightly. My mum was not amused.
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"To say goodbye. I'm leaving tomorrow," I answered.

Adrien came up to me and held my hand. He could tell I'd lose my cool and was telling me to keep it in.

"Understood," nodded Mum. "You can leave." I took a deep breath in.
"What?" asked Mum as she stood up.

I ran up to Dad and hugged him. He hugged me back and then looked at Mum.
"Honey, you need to relax. Marinette will be safe with Alya," smiled Dad. Mum sighed and fell into the hug.

We all ended up laughing.
"I will miss you cupcake," smiled Dad.
"I will miss you also," agreed Mum.
"I'll miss you guys. I will text you all the time," I promised.

I ran up to Adrien and held his hand as I waved goodbye. We all left and entered the limo which drove us back to the hotel.

"Swimming!" blurted our Alya as we were entering the lift. "Get changed into your swimming costumes!"
"Alya, they've all been packed," sighed Nino.

Alya gave us an evil look and before we knew it, we were swimming in our clothes.

It was loads of fun! We did piggyback battles, who can hold their breath the longest challenges and we all splashed.

It was about 8 o'clock when we decided to get out. We were all soaked so we changed into our pyjamas.

However, the night was still young. So, Adrien and Nino came up in their pyjamas.

Alya got some shloer out of one of her bags and we pretended it was alcohol. Then we played Never Have I ever.

"Never have I ever... lied to my crush," smirked Alya. Adrien, Nino both took a sip from their drinks. But I drank all of mine.
"I'm gonna need a refill," I laughed. Everyone joined in with the laughing.

Alya refilled my drink and it was my turn to say.
"Never have I ever tried to do a front flip and failed," I smiled. Nino took a sip from his drink.
"Me and Alya have been doing parkour and I took it a step further," explained Nino.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a superhero who turned out to have a crush on my civilian self who didn't know I was a superhero that had a crush on them," chuckled Nino.

Adrien glared at him as he took a sip from my drink.
"Never have I ever been locked in a zoo cage and never told the details of what happened," smirked Adrien.

Alya and Nino took a sip from their drinks.
"Good one!" I cried.
"Never have I ever hung posters in my room and claimed it was for fashion," grinned Alya.
"Alya!" I cried before I took a sip.
"Never have I ever thought I looked ridiculous without a hat on!" I cried.
"Hey!" gasped Nino as he took a sip of his Shloer. "Never have I ever not stood up to my father when I was being treated unfairly."
"Excuse me!" coughed Adrien as he took a sip.
"Never have I ever thought the LadyBlog was nothing more than amateur," scoffed Adrien.
"Hey! Never have I ever had a crush on more than one person!"
I took a sip before everyone glared at everyone else.

Then we all fell into a fit of laughter.
"Maybe not that game," suggested Nino.
"Good idea," I giggled.

We stayed up until about 1 in the morning talking, playing more games, watching TV and more talking.
"How our lives will change when we go back," sighed Alya.
"What if we didn't go?" suggested Adrien. "Run away. Buy somewhere to live and never go back to school. Never have to return home."

"Adrien! Are you insane?" I cried.
"No! I think we could do it!" said Adrien seriously as he sat up.
"Dude, do you seriously want to be a high school drop out with no job and loaning money off his wife because she's the princess?" cried Nino.
"Well... no but-"

"Adrien, I don't want to be a princess," sighed Marinette.
"You know what. Forget I said anything," he sighed.

Then the boys returned to their room and it left me thinking. What if we stayed here?

    (extra) long chapter. Stay amazing!

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