Together until the end

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So two things before I start.

1: The new episode came out last night. I was watching a livestream last night for the episode and every time it got to the really good parts, the stream kept getting disconnected. Then, it got to an epic part and the stream disconnected ALTOGETHER. I was really bummed. But then I found the episode earlier and watched it then. It's awesome. Just thought I'd tell you. Tell me if you were on the same livestream lol.

2: In case you haven't noticed, I have given this book a cover. I quite like it but I'm not too sure. I hope you all like it. If not, I can change it!

Now we can begin with the story.

Marinette walked down the stairs confusedly.
"Where am I?" she asked. She heard children. Marinette figures that she was in a house somewhere in Paris.

Marinette saw one girl and two boys. The girl was blonde and blue eyed. One boy was bluenette and had green eyes and the other was also a bluenette but with blue eyes.

"E-Emma? L-Louis? And Hugo?" stammered Marinette as she saw them pretending to do some modelling poses. They turned their heads with a smile and Marinette gasped.

"This has to be a dream!" she cried, as she slowly stepped backwards.
"Hey Mari. You feeling any better?" asked a familiar voice as he grabbed her shoulders and spun her round.

"A-Adrien?" cried Marinette.
"Yes honey?"

She spotted a wedding ring on his finger and the miraculous.
"This isn't real!" cried Marinette as she ran up the stairs.

She ended up in her room back in the bakery. She looked down and saw her teenage self.
"Now where am I?" asked Marinette curiously. "This is my room. Hm..."

Booming footsteps came up the stairs and she saw her dad.
"Marinette Dupaib-Cheng! Explain what this F is doing on your test paper?" yelled Tom.
"An F? But I always get really high scores!" cried Marinette.
"Your grounded until this F changed to at least an A-!" shouted Tom.
"An A-!! But... but!" she protested.

Marinette jumped out of her window and saw herself laying on the floor at school.
"Maribrat is such a clutz," laughed Chloe.
"I know right," snickered Lila.
"She is so indecisive too!" added Kagami.
"Can't pick between two boys. It isn't that hard," laughed Lila.
"Yeah. And we all pick Adrien. You better pick Luka," smirked Kagami.
"Because Adrien will be one of ours," cackled Chloe.
"And you will never be her," nodded Lila.

They all kicked her in the ribs before leaving.

Her eyes fluttered open to the real world where she was Ladybug and being tasered in the ribs to wake up.

She saw she was tied to a chair. Behind her was another chair and Chat Noir was tied to it.
"Where... am... I?" groaned Ladybug.
"Morning princess," grinned a man. He had a shaved beard, a ponytail and sunglasses on. He was wearing a ninja outfit so she assumed that he was boss.

"Where are my friends?" growled Ladybug as she started to wriggle.
"No point. They're chained together. Nothing can break then. And your friends?" smirked the man as he turned around and pointed above them.

Ladybug looked up and saw a cage with Queen Bee, King Monkey, Rena Rouge and Carapace in.
"So they're 10 feet above us and if dropped, can kill us and them?" asked Ladybug.
"Clever princess," nodded the man.

"What do you want with me anyway?" sighed Ladybug.
"Oh it's just a simple request. If not, your mother and father die," shrugged the man as he looked over to the shadows.

Ladybug managed to make out four figures. Two of them were her parents and there were two ninjas holding knives to their necks.
"So everyone I care about dies unless I do this request for you?" stated Ladybug. The man nodded with a grin.

"Are you ready to negotiate?" asked the man.
"Ready as I'll ever be," smirked Ladybug.
"Your question first."
"What is your name?" asked Ladybug.
"My name is Wong the Wicked," said the man. "My turn. Why are you in China?"
"I came on a school trip," nodded Ladybug. "What do you want from me?"

"Something the king and queen can't give me," smirked Wong.
"And that is?"
"Your hand in marriage to my son. Your word that you will love him and only him. Your promise that you will make him king," explained Wong.

"And why would I agree to that?" scoffed Ladybug.
"Do you not see the threats I show you?" grinned Wong.
"I do. But your forgetting one thing," smirked Ladybug.
"And that is?"
"I am a clever princess!" smirked Ladybug. "Now my prince!"

Chat Noir and her suddenly pushed their feet to the floor and he cataclysmed the ropes.

Ladybug got up from the chair and rolled her shoulders.

"Chat Noir, my parents," whispered Ladybug. He nodded and gave a wink.

He frontflipped his way over there, avoiding every punch and sword that was thrown in his way.

He grabbed his baton and leant on it.
"Ok boys. I warn you. I'm an experienced fencer," grinned Chat Noir. They looked at each other and smirked.
"I did warn you," sighed Chat Noir.

Meanwhile, Ladybug was staring at Wong. His hand was on a lever which would determine the other heroes' life.
"I'll drop them and they will die," threatened Wong.
"Go on then!" challenged Ladybug.
"Your willing to let your friends die over marrying my son," laughed Wong.
"No. But they're not my friends," lied Ladybug.

He pulled the lever and the cage was dropped. Screams were heard and then dust.
"Wait what?" cried Wong.
"I told you. They're not my friends. They're illusions," smirked Ladybug.
"How?" asked Wong, as he stepped back.
"A little thing called the miraculous!" winked Ladybug. "Now!"

The others joined in the fight and took on the ninjas.

Ladybug grabbed her baton and swung it around.
"Now, I have a few requests if you want to spare you son's life," smirked Ladybug, as she pointed to Queen Bee.

Queen Bee had her venom stinger held against the son's neck.
"What do you want?" asked Wong.
"Leave China and don't return. Let your son do what he likes and... lose the costumes," explained Ladybug.
"Agreed. Ninjas, defeat!" sighed Wong as they all left.

Queen Bee let go of the son and he ran too.

Ladybug ran to her parents and helped them up.
"Thank you. Thank you all," smiled Tom.
"No problem your majesties," smiled King Monkey.
"Yup, it was no biggie dudes- I mean your royal highnesses," added Carapace.

The heroes returned to the hotel and gave back their miraculous. Chat Noir and Ladybug went to meet Master Fu and handed the miraculous back.
"Well done you two," smiled Master Fu.
"Thanks Master," smiled Ladybug as she curtsied and Chat Noir bowed.

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