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Marinette got up as soon as her alarm went.
"My alarm is set for 5 in the morning?" she groaned.
"Apparently," groaned Tikki.

Tikki was so used to getting up only a few minutes before Marinette. This was completely different.

Marinette got up and made her bed.
"I have so much time. I'm gonna go onto the balcony," yawned Marinette, as she pointed to the door.

She opened the door and rested her arms on the balcony ledge. The sun was just coming up. She had the Eiffel Tower in view and she watched as the sun shone through the Eiffel Tower.

"So that's China and Paris," yawned Tikki. "The sunsets are beautiful." Marinette nodded before going back inside.

She took a quick 15 minute shower before changing into a small red dress with black polka dots. She had her hair in a bun and put black flats on. She grabbed her purse and put that on too.

Marinette and Tikki went downstairs into the kitchen and saw a stranger there. They both freaked. Luckily, his back was turned so Marinette had time to hide Tikki in her purse.

"Ah Marinette! Your awake! I see your already used to your new schedule," smiled Eleanor, who appeared from behind her.
"Nope. It took me ages to get ready," chuckled Marinette. "Who's this?"
"This? Oh! Your parents hired him. His name is Francesco de la Poisson," laughed Eleanor.

"You don't speak French do you?" smirked Marinette.
"No. Why?" asked Eleanor.
"Nothing. Nothing at all," grinned Marinette.

Marinette sat down and saw pancakes with strawberries on them. Marinette began eating them and thanked the chef.
"Thank you monsieur poisson," giggled Marinette as she made her way to the stairs.

"Your majesty!" called Eleanor, which made Marinette stop in her tracks. She turned around to face Eleanor.
"Yes?" sighed Marinette.
"You have an interview at 8, school at 10, then a modelling gig at 2," said Eleanor, with no emotion.

Marinette ran upstairs and flopped onto her bed.
"Why the hell did we have to wake up at 5 when your not expected for anything until 8!" cried Tikki.
"My thoughts exactly," sighed Marinette.

"Well, we could use this time to go for a morning run," suggested Tikki.
"Good idea!" nodded Marinette.

"Tikki, spots on!" cried Marinette.

She transformed then looked down at herself.
"Aw! I liked the Chinese costume," whimpered Ladybug as she gave a small shrug. Her hair was in pigtails.

"How is my hair in pigtails when my hair was in a- you know what? Not even going to bother asking! Magic is the answer," chuckled Marinette.

She jumped off the balcony and onto a roof. She began running and swinging her yo-yo from one roof to another and practised her handsprings and front flips and her fighting.

When the time reached 6:56, Ladybug decided to run home. She reached the balcony and jumped inside.
"Tikki, spots off," smiled Ladybug.

"Well that was refreshing," sighed Tikki with a happy smile.
"Yep sure was. Shame I didn't see Chat Noir," agreed Marinette.
"That's because he wakes up later than you," smirked Tikki.
"I guess everyone wakes up later than me now," sighed Marinette.

When 7:45 came, Marinette and Eleanor hopped onto the Lamborghini and they drove to the TV studio.

"My friends are over there! Can I go join them?" asked Marinette.
"My instructions were to bring you to the TV studio for your interview, not to hang with your 'friends'," said Eleanor in the voice that Natalie sometimes uses.

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