Princess Ladybug

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The plan was in place.

Ladybug and Chat Noir would stay behind as the others make themselves visible to the attackers. Then... ATTACK.

Queen Bee, Carapace, Rena Rouge and King Monkey made their way to the gorgeous palace.

"Hey Mari?" started Chat Noir as they made their slow journey towards the palace.
"If worse comes to worse, are you willing to do it?" asked Chat Noir. Ladybug sighed. She stopped walking which made Chat Noir stop and she fell to her knees.
"I'm 15," whimpered Ladybug. "I'm nowhere near ready to do it. I'll have to but, I don't want to think about it."

Chat Noir ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into an embrace.
"I love you m'lady. We will all be as responsible. You won't go through it alone," he whispered softly.

The hug broke and she smiled sadly.
"Get the weapon out," nodded Chat Noir.
"Lucky Harm!" she cried.


"Huh?" questioned Ladybug. "Spots off."

"Oh! Wrong country. Lucky Harm is Russia," laughed Tikki. Marinette frowned and Chat Noir laughed too. Eventually, Marinette joined in.

"Uh ok. So I must've mixed the two countries up. You don't have an extra power here. Or maybe you do? I'm not sure if this is England or not but try, Tikki, create me whatever. Obviously don't say whatever," explained Tikki, stammering a little.

Marinette chuckled happily and smiled as she transformed into Ladybug.

"Lets go Chaton," winked Ladybug, as she held his hand. Chat Noir blushed a little as they ran towards the palace.

When they arrived, they let go. Chat Noir grabbed his baton and Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo and they started swinging the objects in a quick spinning circle (like they usually do).

There were ninjas at the enterance.
"You take the one on the left and I'll take the one on the right," whispered Ladybug. Chat Noir nodded and she began counting down from 3 with her fingers.

They jumped into attack and knocked out the ninjas.
"That was easy," smirked Chat Noir. Ladybug chuckled a little.
"Think of it as a game," smiled Chat Noir. "This was the first level and the boss level is against the boss."

They went inside and stayed on full alert.
"They could be anywhere," whispered Ladybug, as they stood still in the halls.

Ladybug spotted a tapestry of her mum, dad and her as a baby. The tapestry had tears on her mum and dad but not on her. She saw more paintings and tapestries with the same cuts.

That's when the penny dropped. They wanted HER.
"This is a trap!" exclaimed Ladybug. But it was too late.

A net had fallen on the two. It was electrical. She felt Chat Noir pass out already and her eyes were getting heavy. In her last moments of being awake, she managed to see a few figures walking towards her.

Sorry for a shorter chapter and sorry for leaving on a cliff hanger. I couldn't resist. Also, I decided to remove the power, Lucky Harm (in case you didn't notice).

Stay amazing guys.

Side note: Right now it is 10th of September 22:06. The next episode comes out in like 20 minutes or something.

Another side note: I appreciate the support and how many people like this book. I got 70 views on the previous chapter in 1 day. That's a record so thank you!!

Another side note: Have an amazing day/night.

Stay amazing guys! Sorry for the long........ breaks between......... side notes. Lol!

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