Second day in China pt1

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China is beautiful! Just beautiful!

"Girl, wake up!" cried Alya as she shook me. I groaned and pushed her away.
"Ow! Your incredibly strong for a girl who sleeps like asap," laughed Alya. I groaned and got up.

"About time! Nino texted me to tell you that Adrien wants to take you out for breakfast! Come on!" shrieked Alya.
"Hey! Keep it down!" yelled Nino from downstairs.

I pushed her out of my room and changed into comfortable clothes.

I walked into the living room and Alya was staring at me in shock

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I walked into the living room and Alya was staring at me in shock.
"What? Is it that bad?" I asked nervously.
"Bad? You look good! You never wear anything like that!" gasped Alya.
"Thanks," I smiled.

Knock! Knock.
"That's your date," winked Alya. I answered the door. It was Nino and Adrien!
"Hello. You ready?" asked Adrien.
"Yep. Let's go Alya. Your date has arrived," I smiled.
"I'm surprised your ready by how much noise you make," smirked Nino.
"Alya gets over excited," laughed Alya, referring to herself in third person.

We walked into the cafe downstairs and got seperate tables.
"What would you like today ma'am?" asked the waiter.
"Um... an egg and bacon sandwich please," I smiled.
"And you?" he asked, looking at Adrien.
"I'll take the same as her please," he smiled. The waiter nodded and walked off.

"So, how's China?" he asked.
"I'm loving it so far. Today, I plan to go to the pool," I smiled.
"I know, I was planning my day today. Date with you, pool and then explore. Want to explore with me?" he smirked.
"Alright. What's with you? Ever since we arrived in China, you've been acting... well... flirty towards me. You all of a sudden want to go on dates," I asked, leaning forward to him.

"It's just... oh look our food," he smiled. The waiter brought two egg and bacon sandwiches.
"Thank you," I smiled. They were amazingly delicious.

"Adrikins!" cried Chloe as she sat down next to him.
"I'm kinda on a date right now," he smiled awkwardly.
"Exactly! Buzz off Marinette!" laughed Chloe.
"No. With me," I smirked. Her jaw dropped.
"What?" she asked.
"What I literally just said. He's on a date with me," I smirked.
"What?!" she shrieked. "That cannot be true! Adrikins!!! This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe huffed before storming away.

About an hour later, Alya and I were dressed in bikinis, sunbathing at the pool.
"This is the life. Sun, no homework and a pool," sighed Alya, closing her eyes.
"Lol," I murmured.

"Hey girls," waved Adrien.
"Hi Adrien. Do you mind? I'm trying to get a tan here!" whined Alya.
"The sun is bad for you Alya. It's changed your brain!" laughed Adrien.
"How was the date?" asked Alya.
"Good. Chloe interrupted but we both shared smug smiled when she stormed off," I giggled.

We did a lot of exploring after. We came across the palace.
"Excuse me miss. The King and Queen would like to see you," said a royal servant.
"Yes you miss. Nobody else," he smiled and walked to the front door. Alya looked suspicious but I shrugged.

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