Second day in China pt2

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I entered the palace. It was huge and gorgeous! As soon as I entered the palace, there were beautiful paintings.

The servant led me to the room they were waiting for me. He knocked on the door, opened it and walked away.

I hesitantly walked in and curtsied. The King and Queen turned around to face me.
"Hello Marinette," smiled the Queen.
"Mum!" I gasped.

The King and Queen of China were my parents!!

"Please sit darling," smiled Dad.
I obeyed and they explained everything to me.
"So, I'm the Princess of China?" I repeated.

Later on, I returned to the hotel.
"So, what was the talk about?" asked Alya.
"They wanted me to design the princess's dress for her coronation," lied Marinette.
"That's great! I'm definitely going to the coronation," cried Alya.
"Same. Wait, we need a date for the coronation," said Adrien.
"Bagsie Alya," said Nino quickly. Alya giggled and hugged him.

"You two are going together!" cried Alya.
"I don't think so, I'm not going," laughed Marinette.
"Yes you are, now go design that dress!" ordered Alya.
"Yes mum," hissed Marinette and she stomped upstairs.

Adrien: 9:56pm

I stared at the note again. Last Valentines, Ladybug sent me a note, but that was last year. I still love Ladybug, but I'm going on dates with Marinette.

"Yo kid," said Plagg, whilst Nino was out with Nino.
"What's up?" asked Adrien.
"Ladybug's in China," smirked Plagg.
"Tell me where she is!" begged Adrien.
"Information like that costs a wheel of camembert," smirked Plagg.
"Ugh fine, tell me," cried Adrien.

"Her school was invited to China as well. Anyway, a damsel in distress is waiting for you, well not really. She doesn't know your here, unless you want to think about your lady," explained Plagg.

"Claws out."
"I wish I shut my big mouth."

I hopped onto Marinette's balcony and tapped on her door. She rushed to the door and saw me.
"What are you doing here?" she asked shocked.
"My school was invited here too. Not in this hotel though," I smirked.
"Come in, Alya's on a date with Nino."

I walked into her room and she wandered into the office and sat down at her desk. She began designing the dress again.

"How's your trip?" I asked.
"Amazing, I met the King and Queen today. And also, I get to design the dress for the princess," cried Marinette, not looking up from her desk.
"That's good then. Will I see you at the coronation?" I asked.

She stopped and looked up at me.
"Y... your going?" she asked.
"Yep. Wouldn't miss it," he winked.
"O...oh. R...right. Um... no I'm not going," she stammered and got up from her chair. She stroked my hair and walked into her bedroom.

A/N: When I said "me" I meant, hair! Geez you guys are dirty-minded XD

"How come?"
"Well, I'm very busy," she lied.
"What's the real reason?" I asked.
"That's the reason. And besides, I haven't a date for it," she sighed.
"What about Agréste? He did ask you, did he not?" I asked.
"How do you..."
"I do keep an eye on my purrincess to make sure she's safe," I lied, quickly realising what I had said.

"Goodnight Marinette," I smiled and jumped away.

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