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Enjoy the chapter!

Andrea's POV.

I was woken up by the melodious songs of the birds and I realized that I didn't close my window yesterday, I must be really forgetful.
Dad has always warned to close my windows so as not to attract creepy things into the house. I lazily crawl out of bed, smile at my image in the mirror and hurry up to the bathroom.

After a really long shower,  I came out to discover that it was past eight, no sign of my dad, no calls or text, no sign of my brother and I quickly dress up and run down the stairs to eat breakfast when my eye caught a note on the dinner table and opened it, it read:

  Morning honey! You woke late so we had to go, Donald had something in school and I felt your were so exhausted, I had to let you stay, I'll  get back at 9. You can send your list to me for the things you need and oh! I went with the keys to the main door so please don't get worried, Donald has the spare one. Please don't go outside, just read your book and have fun. There's food in the fridge if you want. See you soon,

            With love, dad.

So that's it, no school and I borrowed someone's note and she's having the subject today, "what are my gonna do? Should I use the spare key in my room? Nah, Dad will hate me he hears that I left the house. Should I call Donald? he'll not pick his calls." I said pacing back and forth.

No school for this me,
"Why are my so bothered? If I go to school they hate me, if I don't they still hate me so let me just enjoy my quiet day alone."
I quickly turn on the TV and slid to my favorite channel "instant mom" I'm not a mom but I love it!

I ran to get something to eat.
"Ahh! Cookie! dad wouldn't know unless this mouth says so." I said smiling and pointing to my mouth.

I checked my time and it was twelve already, I wanted to stay awake but my eyes were begging for sleep, so I went to Donald's room. It looks like a pig's sty, full of dirty clothes and lots of ladies clothes too.

"This dude will never learn until I show him who's boss, no girl would want this type of animal." I say to myself.

I said as I picked up my phone and snapped the whole mess. I got tired and went to my dad's room, lo and behold, it's the neatest room I've ever seen, the bed, so fancy, sleep had begged me enough and I went for it. Time had gone, my alarm started beeping, its 4pm, I woke up, if not the whole bed will be full of saliva and that will be gross on my path.

"Wow, Don isn't back and its 5pm, I hope things are good out there. Oh! I haven't done my homework."




"Hey sister, watcha doing? I have looked everywhere for you, school was dope, the girls, partayy was on fire!!" My idiot brother appeared in front of me. That's him, the only annoying thing in my life, the idiot I have to stick with forever, scrap that, till my wedding day. He has been into a lot of girls lately and he calls it fun, What a brother.

"What the hell is wrong with you?every single day of your life is to party and get drunk! you're just so gross, let me walk you to your room, foolish cow!" I yell at him. He's my brother and I still love him that way.

"Watch out! this is gonna be dangerous." he spilled the whole stuff on my precious dress.

He poured out all the beer and vodka, yes, vodka. This maniac doesn't want to learn.

"How many bottles did you drink?" I yelled with a teary face.

"C-chad and I to-ok sev --"

"What! you know what? you're a big fool, a very big one. Dad works his butt day and night for the both of us and this is what he gets! shit!, let me go change, I've a lot of reasonable things to do."

                              * * *

"Hey, hey." my dad walks in at the exact time he said on the paper.

"Hi dad, how was work?" trying to ignore him but it didn't work.

"It was great! guess what darlene?" He had this look of happiness and Joy in his heart.

"You got us tickets to see Shawn mendes concert?" I ask.

"Better! I got an Endorsement with one of the publications that I wanted for the foundation!" my dad said with a smile plastered on his face.

"Oh! i wasn't expecting that congratulations then." with my i-dont-care-attitiude on.

It's not like I'm not excited, it's just that I don't know much about work stuff so my care level is at a Zero.

"Thanks! By the way, where's Don?"

"He's upstairs, he has a bad headache, wants a little rest." I lie. This is the part where you lie to save your brother's butt. Try this at home, always!


"Okay then, I hope you enjoyed your day?"

"Yep! It was fun when I woke up until my dad told me not to leave the house." I say sarcastically.

He should get that. . .I hope.

"I'm so sorry, honey. It's just that you were a little late so I felt that you should stay at home and rest." he sits on my bed.

"Rest?! Did I mention that I was tired?! You treat me somehow and I don't understand it. I just wish someone was here to see things and explain them to you. I don't want any of the things you got me. If you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bathroom crying my heart out." I storm angrily upstairs without looking back to see his facial expression.

I am so losing it!

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