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Two months later.

Unknown's POV

In a dead area in the middle of nowhere, littered papers and trash cans filled the environment. This is the hideout of the assassins and me,their leader.

"Why didn't you kill him? I suppose I gave you a simple job to do that shit for me!" I say to the assassin. Easy job, he couldn't do it.

"I tried so had madam but I couldn't get the target easily. He was surrounded by people." He says almost stammering.



"How stupid were you,you fool?! One easy task you failed it badly and you are expecting your pay huh?" I yell at him.

"N-no madam, I'm so sorry. Let me try again please, one more time, just one last chance." He pleaded on his knees while rubbing his red cheeks.

"No chance! You've exhausted all your lifelines. Now is the time to give you my verdict." I laugh mischievously as he pull out my gun.

"Say your final goodbye."

"Please don't do this. I have a family. Don't. . ." I pull the trigger and with that he falls on the hard floor, dead.




* * *

Tokyo's POV.

"Honey ... please wake up." I try waking my husband up and I'm unsure if he will answer me by two in the morning.

"Why aren't you asleep? you have work tomorrow." He says half asleep.

"I'm worried and it's about Rose." I have to bring up the topic about his ex wife because she can be capable of doing odd things. "We need to discuss this because it's important and I'm scared."

He stands up a bit and looks for my unserious face, when he couldn't find it he had to ask me what the matter is.

"What if she harms us or the children? What if she sends killers to us or even kidnaps any of us or the children? What if. . ." I blurt everything out as I rub my head for more questions to ask.

"Relax, she isn't going to do anything to any of us, that I'm sure of." He chuckles which makes me more scared. "Forget about her, okay? She's too stupid to think of such evil plans so please go back to sleep. For a second I thought you wanted to tell me that you're pregnant." He says and I tap his leg playfully and went to sleep almost immediately, deep down my heart, I am still scared.



* * *

Andrea's POV.

"I don't get why you don't wanna go back to school, besides we're already in our final year in highschool." I say to Emily who is bent on dropping out of school and going on as a tourist!

"It's not that I'm totally dropping out of school, I wouldn't be coming for a few months." She says giving me a useless excuse and I shoot a warning glare.

"Are you nuts?! Please Emily, come back to school and finish up. It'd be sad that I have a friend that is a fucking drop out." I shout back at her.

"Ouuu, you've been swearing lately, I like it." She tries changing the topic.

"Don't make me drag you back to school, plus teenagers swear these days. It's a usual thing." I shrug.

She touches my shoulder, "I tell you what, we graduate from school then I go on with my tourism. Happy now?"

I smile, "of course I am. Please make something for the both of us, I'm starving." I groan in hunger and take a bite of a burger from the fridge. Since I started this workout, I has completely drained the food I take in. I'm indeed hating it.

"You're always hungry these days. Maybe I should tell André that he should double-up your workout sessions so your weight can reduce faster, what ya think?" She seems amused and folds her arms.

"I think you're crazy. CRAyZEE." I frown at her.
"Now go, shoo....Please."

While waiting for her, I got bored and decided to watch some movies on Netflix. My dad had paid for the subscription earlier and there was stable WiFi so I settle for a horror movie instead of teen romance and all that.

I heard the door bell ring and I go see who's at the door.

"Delivery for Donald Parker." the middle aged guy with a lame shirt saying "We deliver at the right time."

Totally lame.

"I..uh..From who please?" I ask him. Because it has been quite a long time since my brother ordered anything in my presence or absence. If not I'd have seen it so it's so strange.

"The person says it's from his girlfriend back at Kansas. Sign here please." I take the pen from him and sign then I carry the little box inside.

"Who was at the door?" Em calls out.

"A guy with a lame shirt asked me to give this to my brother saying it's from his girlfriend in Kansas. Like, my brother doesn't even do distant relationships. The situation is, my brother hasn't had a girlfriend since her broke up with that Anika chick so it's weird that a girl got this for him." I point at the box on the table.

"Well, open it." Em says.

"What? You didn't hear correctly or something?" I don't understand her. She is definitely driving me insane.

"You heard me. Open it, let's see what's inside." She tells me and I fiddle with the wrapper untill she takes it from me and opens it.

"Weird. The box has a letter in it and a CD inside. No wonder it's so light."

"Should we watch it?" I say to her...scared.

"Duh. We have to know what this girlfriend of his is up to because I don't understand." I could see that Em is also scared but she's trying her best to hide it. At least from me to feel okay.

We finally played the video and it shocked me so much that the girlfriend we thought it would be is someone I hate so bad.

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Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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