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Andrea's POV.

I woke up super late this morning, Thank goodness we've vacated for the term. I slowly walk up to the bathroom in my Hello kitty Pj's and my towel. I did my hygiene and put on some mascara and I drew my eyebrows.

What?!, I gotta look pretty at least for myself.
I put on a black turn up rag jeans, a loose shirt with my best black sneakers then I made my hair a messy bun.
I went upstairs to chat with my dad and brother then I went to the kitchen to get something to eat, Raisin bran, my favourite. I hurriedly went to watch my program until I felt uneasy,

Wait? is there anything I'm forgetting? lord! my appointment!.

I grabbed my Dad's keys and ran out of my apartment, it's also mine, and speedily drove to Candy's stake house. I parked my car at the parking lot and strode into the building.

"You. . .you're back? how goes it?" A girl with a purple Shirt saying 'Candy's stake house' with a black dungaree with little makeup said to me.

"You're Leah, right? you still remember me?" I said as I scanned through the restaurant.

"Yup! I guess you're here to see my boss today, am I right?" she said as she served the customers.

"Yes please! I guess, I'll see you later, bye."

I made my way to the Managers office in order to submit my application form. I got to the door and I became speechless.

It's just an office, What's wrong girl? you can do this.

                              * * *

"Hello ma'am. I'm here again to submit my form, Andrea Parker." I said as I took a seat and hand the documents to her. My palms started becoming sweaty and I was already hyper ventilating, if that's the word.

I don't think I might want this Job anymore, I'm so scared, maybe I should go home. Dad has enough money for us. Snap out of it girl you needed this, you'll get it, there's no turning back, there's no--

Seeming satisfied, she said, "Good! You can start now if you want. You're going to attend to the customers, let me call those you're going to work with." The middle aged lady said with a smile.

"Thank you so much for everything."

* * *

"Wow. You're really coping with this Job, it seems as if you've done this before." Leah hands a plate to a table.

"No, I haven't. My dad has a lot of money and all I do is to take as much as I want but I'm tired of that anyway."

"Hmm, I see. There's a customer there, go see what he wants." I nod and walk to the table.

"Hi, welcome to Candy's stake house, what can I get you?" I said politely.

"I'll have only stake cooked medium rare please and Soda to go with it." The Indian guy with a wavy hair said with a smile.

Damn!, he's cute. I never knew Indian boys are like I said "cute"

What! don't you like cute guys?

"Coming right up, anything else?"

"I'll have water too, thank you!"
I made my way to the Kitchen and brought him his order.

"You are to pay $34.99 sir." Although we were almost the same age, addressing him formally was the best way.

"Here's 50 bucks, keep the change." He said as he stood up from the chair.

"Thank you! thank you so much! come again!" I flash a happy smile and head back to my desk.

"Lucky you! you're new and you get a tip."

"No, I don't. This is for the management. Is that how you guys do it here?" I said feeling displeased.

"Oh, no, no. The tip belongs to you and the original amount belongs to Candy's, got it?"

"Thanks Leah, I'm grateful."

"Anything for our newbie and coworker. Let's get back to work before the Manager sees us."

Time had been spent until I decided to go home, I dropped Leah off and drove home. Even though I'm exhausted, it was still the most interesting day of my life, I got a tip, new friend, I got loved by my colleagues and here I am, in a car, not taking the bus or walking as usual. I got to my home sweet home and walked inside.

"Where have you been for the past five hours? I called your cellphone but you didn't pick up." My dad bumped into me angrily.

Bravo dad! what a way to welcome me!

"Fine! I got a job. It's a restaurant and I kinda love it though." I said with a tired look.

"You got a what? Why does stupid self always ruin everything? Dad has money, fame and a lot of connections and your there trying to be the good one." My brother replied angrily.

"Why are you mad? It's my choice, its mine life, remember?"

"Calm down guys, I've only got one thing to say to you."

"Say it dad I-"

"I'm so proud of you!" phew! I was a lot scared. "First time in this family that one of you is independent. It's really a great start honey! if you need anything, anything at all, just contact me and I'll be there for you." My Dad said as he pulls me in for a hug.

At first I thought he was gonna yell at me for taking a stupid decision but I was wrong, he actually loved it, he really did! I'm so proud of myself right now. At last, I'm not an embarrassment.

"Dad! seriously! not cool!" My brother reacts harshly.

"Thanks Dad, I'm really excited and also exhausted. I'm going to bed, night dad." I said with a smile.

"Good night baby, sweet dreams."


"You see your little sister, one day she'll become better than you and you'll feel it. You're turning nineteen soon and all you do in my house is to chase fools and harlots. Sometimes I wish your mother was here at least to scold you a little." Dad said with annoyance.

"You can't allow me to do out on the streets and look for a job when my own pop is here with a lot of cash everywhere in the world all because of her."

When I got to my room, I had my shower and laid down on my bed, thinking about all that happened at work, my mom and my family. I sometimes wish my mother will come out of nowhere and behold her little daughter and her world. I continued with my thoughts until I quietly dozed off.

A/n; Hello y'all. Please don't forget to hit that little star!

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