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A/n; I listened to All around me by Justin Bieber. An amazing song writer and artist. You can check out the song and see.


I pull back to reality. "I hear you son. It's just that, I-I don't think that can be possible you know. She didn't care nor ask of your wellbeing and it's crazy that you want her now. I'm not promising but I'll try to figure out a way for you guys to see her."

"Alright. I'm okay now, thank you! I think I'm done with this dinner. It was kinat boring." He smirks.

"Oh, son. You never change." I laugh and they both clear the table.

*  *  *

Andrea's POV.

Sundays, the best time of my life. Remember I told you that I love the sermon and it makes me feel okay sometimes. So, today I got up super early, ran off to the bathroom to brush my teeth then I did my usuals and started to get dressed. I wore a blue denim dress with my red stilettoes and my red scarf. I just straightened my hair to make it simple to tie my scarf, applied some lipstick and a little blush to my already creamed face then I carried my Tommy Hilfiger bag with my bible inside and I was ready, I grabbed my breakfast and sped off to church.

Wait, do you think I'm gonna eat in church? nope!

After church, I got to chat with few people that I know. Dad had us go out for a Sunday lunch for some Italian food. It has been so long since I had them, then we went to Starbucks to chill till it got late.

We got back home and I switched over to Netflix to see what to watch. Time passed and I got started with all my homework and reading until my dad told me that I had a visitor. Visitor?

"Darlene, there's someone at the door, HE wants to talk to you about something IMPORTANT." he said with a huge grin.


I changed into something more comfortable and went to see this visitor that made my pop blush.

"Luca?" I was so stunned. "W-what are you doing here? how did you even get my address?"

"Hey babe. Damn the questions, won't you let me come in first?" He came in with this bad boy look, All black. Black shorts, snickers and a black sweat shirt with a head warmer. He looked really cute.


"Dad, this is Luke but we calm him Luca. Luca, my dad." I had to make a proper introduction because my dad can act funny by saying he's my... Whatever.

"Good day sir." He stretches his hand for a handshake. "You have a lovely home and indeed a beautiful daughter." I roll my eyes to make him understand. He winks at me.

What is he saying?

"Thank you, son. You can take your sit while Andrea gets you something, you must have had it rough finding this place." My dad said as he nudged me to go inside. I peeped to see what is going on out there.

"So, how far are you with my daughter? Days, weeks, months?"

"Not really, sir, we're just friends though. She dropped me off at school and we became really close, I guess." he says with a little tension in his voice.

"Hmmm, well if that's the case, let me advice ya as a father. DO NOT let anything bad happen to my daughter, she's the only one I've got. Be patient with her and make sure that she's always happy. She has been through a lot in life and maybe being her friend can take her to another level, understood?"

"Yes sir, I'll definitely do that." I walk in before my dad creates a scene I will never forget.

"I guess you guys are bonding really fast. Here, drink these." I hand him a glass of juice.

"I think I should leave you guys to hang."

"Remember what I told you, son." my dad says almost whispering and Luca nods.

"So, why are you here, in my house? Like the questions I asked you earlier, Answer them!"

"Okay, okay. Keep it down, miss. I'm a hacker so I got your address and I decided to stop by, you okay now?" He shrugs.

"Well, sorta, but it's okay. How are you doing in school? In fact, tell me about you.I don't think I know you at all."

"I'm Turning nineteen soon and I like baseball." he says with a little confidence.

"Is that all? I guess I should have known you more than that. Let me guess, in an essay, you'll just write a line and submit?"

"I don't need to tell you everything about me. I really don't know you like that so let's keep it that way."

Ouch. . . That got me hard.

We chatted about a lot of things until it got late.

"Thank you for the hospitality. It was really fun and I'm super excited to have you as a friend."

"You're welcome and thank you for the company. I'm not really a go out person but you made my day."

"You're welcome, princess and lest I forget, you look pretty in this outfit. See ya at school." He hopped into his car.

"See you too. Bye!"

We had dinner with Tokyo and she seems really nice and all. Did I mention that she's great at making pancakes and cooks wonderfully well? Yeah, she does.

We had loads of fun and for the first time like a real family was restored, Technically not a real family but you know what I mean. Tokyo taught us lots of stuff and she even got me a silver bracelet with matching earrings, she's so sweet. After dinner, we, I mean, my brother and I allowed the two to get some bonding time because my dad kept giving that you-should-go-inside look so we had to excuse them.

Past ten and Tokyo didn't want to go. I was getting a little worried that she wouldn't wait till after the wedding. I summoned courage to go and check on my dad and Tokyo of course and I saw them chatting and laughing. I stylishly tiptoed and went back to my room.

Tomorrow's school and I need sleep...

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