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Anika's POV

I stood there waiting like a lion about to catch a prey. Then I started panting as I walked around the area. I was definitely losing my mind and there was no way I could calm down.

"I knew it, this fucktard wouldn't show up, he's such a dork." I said, burning with rage.

Not after few minutes with my thoughts, He shows up in front of me. To be frank, I'm gonna play like the dumb one until I achieve my game.

"Yeah? You texted, what's up?" He said to me as he turned on his phone.

"Yes yes, I did. Um--. I-i'm so sorry for everything and what I've caused us. I just want the best for us, I think you need to change and be the baby I used to know." I rub his hair and hold his hand with a plastered smile on my face.

"I'm cool with it though, I didn't mean to get angry and hurl those words at you, you're still a sweet little girl. Can I go now?" he said as he wore his hoodie before turning to leave.

"But, but-" I said as I tried reaching for him, but he was out of sight.

This one should be easy, no one dares to walk out on me.

I'm gonna get whoever that made my relationship sour, Andrea, the new 'She' and any other person. I'll make them pay even if it takes a drop of my blood to do so.

Ring ring

"Now what?" I blurted out

"Hi, where are you, meet me at Club Spark now." Mindy said over the phone and hangs up.

* * *

Andrea's POV

I still fail to understand what's going on with my brother and Emily, he's been acting strange and she's been too. It's sick that I'm the only one in the dark but I've to know what's going on. Who are my kidding, who'll tell me?

I think I need to do something, I've been bored lately, Emily has her own issues and I need to give her a break. I need to kill time.

Knock knock

"Well, hello there, I'm looking for Andrea. She's a friend of mine." Emily said to me as she smiled shyly. You know how she is, always full of sarcasm.

"Look at who we have here, the only friend that doesn't ask after her friend." I say with a smile and usher her in.

"I'm sorry okay? My mom didn't let me go out throughout and I couldn't text you because of time and work. Forgive me your grace." She laughed.

"I have no choice so I do forgive you. That reminds me, Don said he saw you at school."

"Oh, yeah! I'm not grounded for school so I'm liable to go to school."

"Okay, so hit me. What's the relationship with you and my brother?" I pause,  allowing the words to sink in.

"Nothing much actually. He's just trying to be a nice friend, but I hope there's no prob with that though." She had a look of guilt on her face.

"Hey, I'm just teasing. Do you have to look that way? It's nothing though. He just blabs about you all the time, that's all." She nods and silence follows after that.

"Okay. So, Let's talk about something else." she pinches in.

"Like what?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Your likes, dislikes, greatest fear and all about you."

My mind started battling with if I should tell her or not.

"Hello? what you thinking about. You must be tired." Emily broke into my thoughts.

"I'm not tired. It's just that I'm so afraid of Min--" That was all I could say,the spirit of fear just overpowered me

"Mindy! I knew it. Thanks for saying it." she said as she scribbles something into a notebook.

"Ayy, not fair. You're gonna make me fell bad for telling you."

"You don't have to feel bad at all. I really want to help you and this is the best way to do it. Just relax and you'll see my magic here." She gives me a relaxing smile and I felt a bit comfortable.

"I hear you sister. You want anything? I made something before you came."

"Finally!" Raises her hand in happiness. "I need juice first, refrigerated one please." I head to the kitchen.

"Let's order pizza first then the food can come later. Mama has plenty space in this belly for anything." She rubs her stomach and I laugh.

"No problem. Let me call the pizza guy right away."

"Yeah, do that." Then she goes back to her writing like she's some kind of detective while I go get my phone upstairs.

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