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‘It’s… it’s a blessing to all us Invisibles that now we have a ruler for Sightless…’
I have no idea from where they got this guy, but he had been going on for like forever. It took me the whole of my strength just not to yawn. Andrew and I have been standing at the edge of the podium for forty five minutes and I heard Andrew mumbling under his breath. Zeus gave us thumbs up from the crowd below us. I was more bored and annoyed than terrified as I was half an hour ago.
I was in a fit of crying. ‘Get on with it!’
‘And here, I-I… conclude my speech,’ said the guy who was giving the speech and he burst into tears. ‘We finally have a ruler after three thousand years!’
Two nymphs had to escort him down from the podium. I was flabbergasted. What did he think I was? Some great savior? The only thing I’m capable of is to ruin things.
‘He’s always so dramatic,’ said Andrew.
At that moment, the robed Egyptian magician with dozens of jewels and a crooked staff stepped forward, banging the staff into the marble floor. He didn’t even need a microphone.
‘Amethyst Heartfield Stone, the Enchantress of the Mischievous and Cunning, step forward!’
I gulped. But yet I wondered…. Mischievous and cunning… I’m clumsy and dotty.
I felt my feet tremble and I stepped forward. My shoes felt heavy all of a sudden and I stood in front of the magician. His grumpy face told me that I was doing something wrong, so I kneeled.
As I was kneeling on one knee, I stared at the letters and figures around me. There were Greek letters, hieroglyphs, some Japanese and Chinese characters, English letters, letters which looked like Arabic and even some other strange letters and Roman figures written from inwards to outwards along a spiral on top of the obsidian dial in the middle of the podium.
‘Do you, once you are bestowed with all power over all Invisibles, pledge to use your power wisely and selflessly?’
‘I-I do,’ I stammered.
‘DO you pledge to serve the needy, respect all customs and to uphold the ancient laws of our kingdom, to be a servant of justice and to keep peace among all races?’
‘I do…’
‘And do you pledge to preserve the throne you hold and to withdraw when the people find you unsuitable?’
‘I do.’
‘Ad do you pledge to keep the existence of the Invisible Realm unknown to the Visible realm at all costs?’
‘I do.’
‘And do you pledge to keep the deities under control and prevent them from causing trouble and war?’
‘Er, seriously?’ I said looking up.
‘Yes,’ he grunted.
‘I do.’
‘Then, Heir of the Throne of Sightless, you shall be named the Queen of all Invisibles.’
That’s when the letters on the ground began to shine. I don’t know but I just felt all dizzy. I held onto the floor, willing myself not to fall.
‘Rise, Amethyst Heartfield Stone… the ninth Queen of Sightless.’
I pushed myself up, even though I still felt dizzy.  The brilliantly dressed crowd with glitter sparkles and in many colors were all a blur. It settled a bit and I stepped out of the circle.
Then the obsidian dial sank down and instead of black, a white crystal throne rose from below. I heard some gasps and I was still feeling lifeless. Andrew was eyeing me to look at the hall since I was staring at the throne in the middle of the podium. I turned to the crowd and this time they were all on one knee, bowing down. So was Zeus, Athena, Andrew and the Magician.
I was the only one left standing.
And it was terrifying.

The Queen Of All Strange ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now