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Almost everyone in the restaurant was on their feet and staring out of the glass display. They backed away once a small tiny two inch tall fairy bumped onto the glass. It wasn't like the normal fairies that braided my hair all the time. These ones had a icory color and three pairs of wings; there was also a pair of tiny wings attacked to their ankles. They were goggling on the glass as is trying to look inside. Soon the number of fairies increased in number until the glass was completely cowered, like termites.

'Teeth.... Teeth.... Teeth...'

'It's not even the season!' yelled the troll, pulling out a gun.

'Sheriff,' said the house elf behind the counter. 'That is not a good idea.'

'You are the sheriff?' I said, staring at him.

'That's my name and aye, I'm the Sherff.'

The Troll pushed both of us away and marched towards the door, which was fortunately closed.

'Andrew,' I said. 'Are those... tooth fairies?'

Andrew nodded.

'Why are they all... crazy? Aren't they good fairies?'

'Name me a fairy who had a good reputation and I'll buy you a library.'

'Hay,' said the house elf. 'We are not that bad.'

'So,' I said, to change the subject. 'They attack during a season to collect teeth?'

The house elf nodded.

Form outside, the tooth fairies chimed. 'Tooth... queen.... Teeth.'

The glass was almost about to break.

'They are after you,' said Andrew.


'This is the only place they have gathered!'

Meanwhile the Sheriff was in an internal battle onto whether to go outside and deal with the problem or not.

'Not a good idea,' I said to him.

'What else do you expect me to do?'

'I expect you to do nothing.'

'Oh just shut up, elf!'

'Amethyst,' said Andrew looking at the crowd of ivory creature pressed against the glass. 'You'd better do something'

'You think it will work?'

'Teeth... teeth...'

'I will go, on the count of three,' said the Sheriff. He cocked his gun.

'Sheriff, they will rip your teeth off.'

'Gotta chase them off.'

'You can't even aim properly,' said a little elf.

Guess I'd better so something.

I walked over to the Sheriff.

'Um. Sir.'

'What is it elf?'

Andrew reached out and pulled my hood down, and pulled his own hood down. 'Fairies are her specialty.'

The Queen Of All Strange ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now