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When I woke up, the thing I thought was, 'that was a weird dream...'

I dreamt that I had a brother and that I was a queen of an invisible kingdom. Then there was this bad guy who wanted the kingdom and I had to go through hell with me so called brother to retrieve it. I didn't know what happened in the end since I guess I woke up.

All I could think of was school.

Another boring school day... Which day was is? Maybe it's a holiday. I couldn't quite remember. I unconsciously rolled over in my bed, but there was something stuck to my arm. I gulped. Was it a bug?

That concept of a giant bug in my arm was enough to jerk me back to life. I shook my arm, only to find a syringe fixed onto it with a tube that was attacked to a packet of drained blood. I was in a room; a large one ... and definitely not the one in my home.

That's when I realized that my dream was not a dream.

It was real.

I was a queen once. I have a brother. My mom got kidnapped. I'm probably in Sightless. I gave out a moan; my muscled weren't feeling that good. That's when I saw a face peeping at me from the crack of the door. The face, realizing that I already saw here walked in.

She was a girl, probably fourteen or fifteen with rough ginger brown hair, wearing a denim jacket and a pair of jeans. What I noticed most about her were her eyes.

They were icy blue.

"Her icy blue eyes gazed towards the sky...."

That was the opening line of the first Mystica book.

My eyes widened. 'A-are you Mystica?'

The girl cocked her head, studying me. She then smiled. It was a very reserved one. 'I am.'

All of a sudden, a man in a trench coat stormed into my room, 'She is awake!'

And then the hoard rushed in.

My mother suffocated me with a bear hug while Andrew stood behind her and yelled, 'You idiot! You could have died! You almost died!'

I could not help but laugh. Isis stood behind them all, frowning while a Seer who looked like a doctor kept on asking math and history questions from me and finally said, 'No signs of brain damage.'

Mom let go of me. I didn't notice that she was crying. 'Oh god,' she said. 'I thought I lost you.'

I looked at Andrew. Why were all of them acting like I was at my death bed?

'You were unconscious for two weeks,' said Andrew.

Two weeks.

That's the longest I have been sleep.

After that tearful reunion, the doctor ordered everyone to get out and allow me to rest. I wanted to argue that two weeks rest was enough for a human but it was getting too crowded in my room.

'Andrew, wait.'

Everyone left but Andrew.

'What happened?'

He sat at the edge of the bed. 'Taramen got arrested. Things were chaos, since you were out as well. Your mother settled things a bit...'

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