Chapter 10

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Chapter 10)

**Louis’ POV**

I don’t know what it is about this girl, but I like her. Her and her friends seem really cool though! Harry seems to have really taken a liking to Hanna. I don’t think he’s ever truly blushed from a girl before. And Liam and Jocelyn are dating.. ALREADY! Liam’s not usually one to rush things, but he must really like her. “LOUIS!” I hear Anna screaming for me. Damn, she’s loud. “GET IN THE CAR!” Now it seems like she’s babysitting me.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I retort, as I step into the car. I’m riding in Hanna’s car, with Harry, Anna and Niall. Liam, Jocelyn and Zayn are riding in Liam’s car. Anna is squished between Niall and I, and harry is in the front with Hanna. She fumbles with the stereo, and begins blasting some music. Niall throws his arm around Anna’s shoulder. She lays her head on his shoulder, and closes her eyes. She looks quite less devilish when she’s like this. Her face is soft, and peaceful. Her breath steadies. “I think she’s asleep.” I say to Niall quietly, hoping not to wake her. Although, this music is really loud.

“She’s such a cutie!” Niall whisper-shouts at me. I just nod my head. I am really glad I took this job.


“ANGIE!” I shouted at our stylist. “I RIPPED MY TROUSERS!” She holds up a finger to signaling she is on the phone. I stand there waiting for her to finish her conversation. Her face drops, and her voice lowers to a whisper. She clicks end on her phone, and turns in my direction. One Direction… sorry bad pun.

“Louis, I have a question.” Her voice is soft, and her tone is serious.


“Well, you guys are going on break soon…. Right?”

“Erm, yes! In like two days. We just have this photo-shoot, than an interview tomorrow. Than we go on break for about two months.” I am really confused on why she is asking this.

“Lou, do you think you could look after my daughter? I need to go to America, for awhile. It is really urgent.” Her voice is now panicked. What do I say? I didn’t even know Angie had a daughter. I think about saying no, but then her face drops more. Tears begin pouring down her face. “Please? My husband disappeared over seven years ago, and they found him. He is in America, and they need me there. I never ask anything of you boys. She’s really a good kid too. I would let her stay with family, but we have none left! And to be honest, I don’t trust her friends enough. I am around you guys almost every day. Please, Lou.” The tears are in constant streams down her face, and her hands are clapped together. She is practically on her knees, begging me.

“How old is she?” I ask. It is true. Angie never asks us to do anything for her, and she does so much for us. She is paid for it though. But then again, she isn’t paid to make nice conversation with us, be genuinely nice to us.

“She’s thirteen.” Her face lights up.

“Okay. I can do that.” I smile at her, pulling her into a hug.

“Thank you so much, Louis! I will pay you when I get back as well. And, when you meet Anna, please do NOT tell her why I am going away. I want it to be a surprise.”

------------END OF FLASHBACK------------

“Louis?” Hanna’s soft voice rang throughout my ears.

“Yeah, what are you still doing awake?” I asked. It’s currently three in the morning, and I am sitting in a twenty-four coffee shop, in the hotel.

“I had a bad dream, and couldn’t fall back asleep. Why are you awake?” She sat down in the booth across from me. She took my caramel macchiato and took a long sip. This girl has nerves. I like it.  She set it down and smiled at me.

“I’ll go get you one.” I stand up, and walk to the counter. I order her a caramel macchiato, and then make my way back to the booth.

“You didn’t have to silly.” She laughs, and then takes a sip of it.

“Well, I did! So what’s the deal with you and Harry?” I ask, looking into her eyes. They are brown. I could have sworn they were blue earlier. She is also wearing glasses. I didn’t know she wore glasses?

“I am not sure, really. He says I’m special and different, but I don’t know.” Her face drops as the words roll off her lips. I mean, Harry is my best mate, but I sort of like this girl. She’s beautiful, outgoing, hilarious, caring. She’s actually quite perfect. “Lou-bear, are you okay?” She studies my facial expression for a little longer, but I give her a weak smile.

“I have a question.” I stare into her eyes once more. They were definitely blue earlier.

“Yeah?” She lays her chin in her hand, and takes another sip of her drink.

“We’reyoureyesblueearlier? Sorry,it’sjustreallyconfusingmeI amalmostpositivetheywereblue!” I say all in one breath. I really hope she caught that.

“Yes. I have contacts that change my eye color blue. I only wear glasses at night, cause they are embarrassing.” She buried her face in her hands, and sighed. I took this as an opportunity and slip next to her. I put my arm around her shoulder, and her head shoots up. She has a confused look plastered on her face, but I just smile back at her. Her confused expression turns to a small smile, and she lays her head on my shoulder. She didn’t reject me! I pull her closer to me, and her eyelids flutter shut. A yawn escapes her lips, causing me to yawn too.

“Tired, Han?” I look down at her perfectly braided hair.

“A little, but I don’t think I can sleep again. Lets go for a walk and play the questions game!” She shoots out of my arms and stands up on the booth. She’s wearing pajama shorties, a Madonna t-shirt, and fuzzy zebra slippers. She’s pretty much jumping up and down on the booth of the coffee shop. I can’t help but to chuckle at her excitement.

“Alright, but you’ll have to teach me how to play this ‘questions game.’” I smile at her, and stand up. I pull at her hand and she jumps off the booth and hits the floor.

Surprisingly, she intertwines our fingers. We step outside and the breeze hits my face. It’s still fairly dark but the streets are lit up by streetlights. I feel her shutter from the coldness, so I immediately pull my hand away from hers. I take off my warm sweatshirt, and put it around her shoulders.

“Thank you.” She smiles up at me. Harry is going to be so pissed at me.





VOTE <3Han

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