Chapter 16

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Chapter 16)

**Liams POV**

I can't believe Harry did that to Hanna. Hanna is so nice. Yes, she went out with Lou last night but nothing happened. Louis told me everything when he got in last night. I didn't think Harry knew, but he did.

"So you're taking her side? You've known her a day." Harry scoffs at me.

"You can't kiss another girl just because you're mad, Haz. What if you would have been dating her? That's called cheating. You should have just talked to her about it." I spit back at him. It really pisses me off when guys hurt girls. It's guys like Harry that makes girls hate all guys. I am actuall a good boyfriend.

"But I am not dating Hanna! I am single! I can kiss who I want! So shut up!" Harry yells back. Hes a fiesty little boy. He pulls out his phone and begins tapping. I decided to just leave him alone. Hanna can do better than him anyways.

"You said that aloud, dummie." Harry scowls at me as we pull into the hotel parking lot. I see Hanna's car, and she kicks off her heels and runs inside. Niall quickly follows her yelling something at her. She races in the door. Wonder what that was about. Then I see my Jocelyn step out of the car. I like saying My Jocelyn. She's so beautiful. Even though I can barely talk to her without studdering or messing up my words, or sounding like an idiot. Harry quickly fumbles out of the car, and stalks off into the hotel.

"Hey, babe." I say to Jocelyn as she waits by the car for me. Anna had run off after Niall. So it was just Jocelyn and I.

"Hey. Any luck with Harry?" She says to me.

"n-n-no." I stutter. Why do I stutter over the stupidest things with her? She laughs at me, then intertwines our fingers. I smile down at her, and she smiles up at me. But her eyes show sadness. I'll have to ask her about that later. I walk into the hotel room to a full on war.

"HARRY SHUT UP. Oh my god." Hanna shouts at him. Shes standing behind the kitchen counter, leaning down on it.

"What did I miss?" I whisper to Jocelyn and she just returns a weird/confused look.

"DONT TELL ME TO SHUT UP, YOU SLUT." Harry shouts back. We all stop what we're doing and stare at him.

"Me? A slut? HAve you looked at that girl who you picked up today? You could have atleast upgraded from me, instead of downgrading from me." Hanna says cooly, taking a sip of water. I have to admit, that was a good one.

"DON'T DISS TAYLOR!SHES A VERY LOVELY LADY." Harry shouts back. He still seems to shout, even though Hanna doesn't.

"Ladies have class. She sure as hell doesn't have class." Hanna retorts. She's good at this arguing thing. I feel bad because all of us are just staring at them.

"SHE HAS MORE CLASS THAN YOU." Harry shouts back.

"Hahahahaha!" Hanna laughs which makes Harry even more pissed off. "Oh wait, you were serious? Oops." She takes another sip of water. Jocelyn is trying so hard not to laugh. Hanna is just too good at this arguing thing.

"YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKING BITCH. JUST SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM. NONE OF US WANT YOU HERE." We all freeze. Hanna's face drops. She shows no emotional at all.

"Ok." She stands up, and walks to the door, but not before Louis shouted.

"WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN ARSE TO GIRLS? Thats why you're not in a relationship. You hurt amazing girls, and sleep with trashy ones."

"YOU JUST WANT TO SLEEP WITH HANNA TOO SO YOU CAN STAY OUT OF THIS." Harry shouted back at Louis as Hanna left.

"Lads, calm down. It doesnt matter who wants to sleep with Hanna." I step between them, and stop them. Jocelyn and Anna quickly scurry out of the room. A frightened Niall is sitting on the couch wrapped in Zayn's arms. Zayn is whispering something to Niall and Niall is trying to calm down. Harry went and slammed the bathroom door, and Louis sat down next Niall.

"What the hell happened?" I ask them.

"Harry came in here, and pushed Niall on the couch and said 'stay away from hanna, she's mine.' and Hanna said, 'Excuse me, you dumpd me for that whore.' so harry got all pissed off, and yelled 'She's not a whore. Niall just can't stand the fact I am better than him, and can get whoever I want.' Then you came in right when Hanna told Harry to shut up. That girl has nerve." Louis explains. Poor Nialler. He already has very low self-esteem.

"Niall, Harry is in no way better than you. I hope you know that." I reassure Niall. I pull him into a hug. "You want to make sure the girls are okay?" I ask Niall. He nods his head no.

"I will." Zayn volunteers. He stands up and walks to the girls room.

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