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"Breean!" I called out, searching for the little gremlin I called my daughter. She had grown up quickly, being the equivalent of a six year old at only four. I guess that's what happens when two God's have a kid, right?

It had been four years since I had taken care of Sam. Four years since I had held my daughter for the first time and four years since I had told Loki that I loved him.

I sighed, throwing myself on the sofa in defeat. I rubbed my temple, squeezing my eyes shut in attempt to alleviate my headache.

"Is Lee being a troublemaker again?"

I turned around quickly. "Loki!" I jumped over the back of the couch and threw myself into Loki's arms. "You're home early."

Loki smiled, planting a kiss to my forehead and humming in contentment. "I am. Tony said he could finish without me and so here I am."

I pulled away and smiled. "I'm glad you're back. I missed you."

"I missed you too, love." Loki chuckled, looking past me. I raised a brow and turned. Breean was standing in the doorway, grinning ear from ear. I stepped away from Loki and chuckled as Breean ran to him.


Loki swiftly picked her up, holding her to his chest. "Lee, I missed you."

"I miss you too daddy." Breean giggled, hugging Loki's neck. Loki sat on the sofa with Breean still clinging to him.

She's a daddy's girl.

I laughed lightly, taking a seat next to him.

"Have you been good for your Mum?" Loki asked, sitting Breean on his knee. She didn't answer him and instead fidgeted with her hands. "Lee..."

"She had her moments." I grinned, rubbing Breean's back. "But for the most part she was good."

Loki nodded. "You have to be good for your Mum and not just me, okay?"

Breean nodded. "Okay."


"So, how was the mission?" Natasha smiled as we all ate at the table.

Loki shrugged. "It was a mission."

"Did Tony catch the guy?" Natasha asked, sipping from her glass.

"I'm not sure. Before I left we had found his location but that's about it. I'm still not entirely sure why he was even hunting us." Loki explained, looking slightly uninterested.

"Did you get to see anything interesting?" I asked, rubbing Loki's arm. "Being in Cuba, you had to have seen something."

Loki smiled. "The sunsets were incredible. I almost wish you could have been there."

"Almost?" I questioned.

"You would have had me too distracted to even do my job." Loki smirked, glancing at me in the corner of his eye.

"Daddy did you bring me a present?" Breean stood in her chair, her plate empty.

"Not this time, Lee." Loki chuckled, standing from the table. I did the same, taking everyone's plates and heading into the kitchen. Natasha followed behind me.

"I can take care of Breean for the night if you want." She offered, helping rinse the dishes. "I know you haven't seen Loki in a couple of weeks."

"You don't have to-

"I want to." Natasha interrupted, beginning to wash the plates and silverware. "You two still need some quality time together, you know?"

"Yeah." I nodded, drying off the last plate and placing it in the cabinet. "I really appreciate it, Nat."

Natasha smiled, following me as I exited the kitchen. "It's no problem."

"Breean, you wanna stay with Aunt Nat tonight?" I asked, watching as she quickly ran up to Natasha.

"Yes!" Breean exclaimed, jumping into Natasha's arms. She groaned, holding onto the heavy toddler. "Goodnight, Mama!"

"Goodnight, Bree." I chuckled watching as Natasha carried Bree to the elevator and letting her press the button happily.

"She's so beautiful." Loki hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me. "Just like her mother."

I laughed, turning to face Loki and pressing my hands to his chest. "You don't have to sweet talk me to get me in bed, you know."

"Oh I know." Loki smirked, nuzzling his face into my neck. He lightly sucked on the sensitive flesh, sending shivers down my spine. "I just love seeing your reactions."

I bit my lip, gripping Loki's chest as he continued to bite and lick down my neck, only stopping to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

"Loki!" I squealed, holding onto his other shoulder tightly. He began to walk before we vanished and appeared in our bedroom. The lights were dim and rock music played quietly out of our speakers. I gasped as Loki tossed me onto the bed. "You planned this."

"Maybe I did." Loki began, slipping his shirt over his head and throwing it to the side. "Maybe I didn't."

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now