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"Goddamn hangovers." I groaned, making myself a cup of tea quickly before making my way into the foyer. Bucky and Sam were on the floor, passed out and snuggling each other. I held back a laugh as I sat on the sofa, finally taking a good look around the large room.

Every place Tony owns is a mansion...

He has too much money and he doesn't know what to do with it.

I smiled, crossing my legs as Loki took a quiet seat next to me.

Look at them. All snuggled up together like they're in love.

Loki chuckled, sipping from his cup.

I see you found the tea.

It's very good.

Loki nodded, humming as he drank slowly.

Yours is better.

Loki looked at me and smiled, taking my hand in his.

"I love you." I whispered, setting down my cup. I leaned over to him, kissing his cheek softly.

"Gross." Sam groaned, slowly sitting up.

I chuckled, leaning back against the sofa. "Enjoy your night? Tell me, is the metal arm uncomfortable to snuggle with?"

Sam rolled his eyes, standing up and cracking his back. He ignored me and headed towards the bathroom.

"There's tea in the kitchen." I smiled.

Sam waved his arm to the side, saying nothing. He soon returned in fresh clothes and sighed. "I'm a coffee man."

"Of course you are." I scoffed. "Mortals and their coffee."

"Watch it." Sam replied, walking into the kitchen.

Loki laughed quietly, setting down his now empty cup. "Do you want to do some training?"



I panted heavily, preparing my sword to fight. "You've gotten better."

"Thank you." Loki breathed, standing up from the floor. "So have you."

"I just realized how long it's been since we trained together." I grunted, blocking Loki's swings and kicking his legs out from underneath him. He caught himself before he could hit the floor and ran towards me again. This time he managed to hit my sword from my hands, the metal clanging loudly as it hit the concrete floor.

Loki chuckled, breathing heavily. "You're still predictable."

He ran towards me, swinging his daggers and I swiftly dodged his hit, taking both daggers from him as I threw him over my shoulder.

"As are you." I grinned, wiping the sweat from my forehead.

"You know.." Loki began, kicking my legs out from beneath me and pinning me to the floor. "Your stamina is much much higher than it used to be."

I smiled, lightly struggling against Loki's grip as he held my arms above my head.

"I would say the same for you but it'd be a lie."

Loki raised a brow, lessening his grip. I took the opportunity to flip him onto his back, pinning him down as he had done to me.

"Aidan, Tony's o-

Loki and I turned our heads. Bucky awkwardly stood in the doorway of the gym and chuckled.

"You two having fun?" He smirked, crossing his arms. "But as I was saying, Tony's on the phone. He says Breean wants to talk to you and Loki."

I nodded, quickly standing and pulling Loki onto his feet with me. I hurried to Bucky and took the phone from him.


"Hi mama." Breean spoke with a small voice.

"Hi, baby." I smiled. "How are you?"

"I miss you and daddy."

"I know, baby girl, we miss you too." I sighed, looking up at Loki. I put the phone on speaker as Bucky left the room. "Daddy's right here."

"Hey, Lee." Loki chuckled. "I hope you're being good for Aunt Nat."

"I am." Breean replied sadly.

"What's wrong, Lee?" Loki asked, resting his hand on my lower back.


No reply came, the sound of the phone shuffling coming from the speaker. A low laugh echoed from the phone.

"Your daughter is beautiful, Aidan."

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now