
422 14 18

I opened my eyes groggily, sitting up on the sofa.

"About time you woke up."

I turned my head slowly, feeling a bit light headed and sore. Tony stood in the doorway, crossing his arms.

"What time is it?" I asked, resting my feet on the floor.

"One o'clock. You needed sleep." Tony sighed. "I know you just woke up, but I do need to check on your arm."

I nodded, slowly standing up and following Tony to the elevator. "Where is everyone?"

"About that." Tony paused, pressing the button to the elevator. We stepped inside. "We're moving."

"Moving?" I questioned, looking at Tony with a raised brow. He nodded, stepping into the lab once the elevator doors opened.

"I bought a new facility upstate. It's a lot safer and much more private." Tony explained as I attempted to hop up onto the table. I failed, unable to balance myself with one full arm and falling forward. Tony quickly caught me, helping me sit up. "Be careful."

"I'm so used to having two arms. It's weird how I never noticed until now how much I used them equally." I chuckled sadly with a faint smile. "Just do whatever it is you need to do."

Tony nodded, pulling on a pair of rubber gloves and unwrapping my arm. "It looks better already."

"Doesn't feel like it." I mumbled, staring at the wall in front of me as Tony cleaned and re-bandaged my arm. I swallowed back the lump in my throat as the sudden urge to cry hit me. But I failed to keep the tears from falling.

"Hey." Tony whispered, holding my head in his hands. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head.

"Don't lie to me, Zombie." Tony smiled as I chuckled at the nickname.

"I just want this all the be over." I frowned, staring down at my lap. "I have a family and I can't even enjoy it anymore. Breean has grown so much and I don't even have time to see the change in her. I feel like Loki is losing all interest in our relationship and that everyone else is sick of all the drama that comes with me. I just think that everyone would be better off without me. Especially now that my arm is gone and I'm useless without a prosthetic."

"Aidan." Tony sighed, holding my hand. "I know things have been tough here lately but everything's slowly falling back into place. It's hard, I know, going through so many traumatic experiences. But know that you're loved by everyone, even if you have doubts, know that you can come to any of us. We're your family and we always will be. And talk to Loki. Don't hold anything back. It's what he would want."

I nodded, wiping my eyes. "O-okay."

"Now," Tony smiled, grabbing the old bandages and throwing them away. "after this we can head to the new place and say one last goodbye to the Tower."

"You make it sound like it's being destroyed or something." I said, hopping from the table. "But, uh, who's moving all of my stuff?"

"I've got a guy that's taking care of everything." Tony prided, walking to the elevator. He stopped, turning to face me. "You comin'?"

I shot my head to him, realizing that I had been standing in the same spot. "Oh, yeah."

I quickly stepped into the elevator, silently staring at my feet. I could feel Tony's eyes on me but I kept my gaze on the floor, waiting for the elevator to open.

"Are you sure you're alright, Aidan?"

I shrugged. "I'm not as strong as I used to be. I could have killed Thanos, but I didn't. He was right there, a-and I didn't put my all into it. And now he's going to come back. Because of me."

Tony sighed. "Feeling weak when you've always been the strong one is hard. But blaming yourself isn't going to help."

"I'm not blaming myself. I'm speaking the truth." I clenched my jaw. "It's my fault that Thanos is still alive. It's my fault that Loki almost died. And it's my fault that everyone is dragged into my family drama. So, Tony, I'm not blaming anyone. I'm simply telling you that all of this is because of me and no one else."


I ignored Tony, stepping from the elevator. "When are we leaving?"

"There's a car outside for you." Tony explained. "I'm gonna stay here for a while. Make sure everything is packed up correctly and stuff."

I nodded. "See you later, then?"

Tony nodded. "Later."

I walked towards the doors to the front of the Tower and froze, turning to face Tony again. "Hey, can I ask you for something?"


"Can I get a camera?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. "Just like a simple one for photography?"

Tony smiled and nodded. "I'll see what I can do."

I smiled faintly. "Thanks."



These chapters are short and I'm sorry! But, I do have some good stuff planned for future chapters! (Stay tuned for some drama, romance and other stuff!)

         --swallow_steve 😁 *

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now