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I opened my eyes, a bright light almost blinding me as I did. I squinted and slowly turned my head to look around. I was still on a ship, but not the same one as before. This one seemed bigger, as if someone lived in it. I groaned as I sat up with a stinging pain in my arm and back. Slowly, I stood, holding onto the table for support as I regained my balance. Looking down, I gasped, seeing my arm. It wasn't there, the only thing left being a still healing wound. It was cut from the half way mark of my upper arm.

"No..." I whimpered, gently touching what was left of my arm.

"About time you woke up."

I jumped, backing away as Thanos entered the room. He carried a long box, ignoring me as I flinched away from him. He set the box on the table I had been laying on and opened it.

"Come. I have something for you." He said softly, stepping away from the table.

Hesitantly, I walked in front of where the box sat and looked inside. A grey metal arm rested in the box, reflecting the light that hovered above it. I glanced at my nub of an arm and then back to the metal one.

"Why did you take the whole thing?" I questioned, still staring at the arm. "Why not just my hand?"

"I didn't have just a hand prosthetic." Thanos chuckled.

I clenched my jaw, my face growing warm with anger. "Son of a bitch."

Thanos ignored my comment. "You'll have to wait for it to start healing before putting on the arm."

I nodded, tracing my fingers along the smooth, cool metal surface of the prosthetic. "Is this vibranium?"

"No." Thanos replied, standing next to me. "It can shape into various weapons and shields. And it's fireproof, of course. Much better than vibranium."

I scoffed and chuckled simultaneously, shaking my head. "You really are an asshole."

Thanos patted my shoulder gently before walking towards the door. "Get some rest and let your arm heal."

"What arm?" I questioned sarcastically as I closed the box and struggled to lift it with one hand. Eventually, I managed to place the box on a small shelf near the door.

"Sleep well, my child." Thanos chuckled, closing the cell door behind himself.

I sighed, sitting on the small cot that lay in the far corner of the room. I stared at where my arm would have once rested and began to cry.

Loki...I need you.


I was pulled from my sleeping state as the loud sound of the door opening awoke me. I sat up, quickly checking my surroundings and to my dismay, I was still on the ship and still, I was missing my right arm.

Thanos stepped into the room, holding a woman at his side. She was small compared to him, but her long hair and bright green skin made her much more intriguing than the Titan.

I stood, feeling odd from the absence of my arm still and took a step closer, furrowing my brow.

"Who is this?" I asked, wishing I could cross my arms. The woman stared at me in as much confusion as I felt. She glanced at my arm and then to Thanos.

"You cut off her arm?" She hissed, pulling away from him.

"Breean, this is your sister, Gamora." Thanos spoke, pushing Gamora into the room and closing the door. "Gamora, this is Breean."

"My name is Aidan." I snapped. "Don't call me that."

"So angry." Thanos laughed. "Would you like to see your daughter?"

I moved closer to him. "She's here?"

Thanos nodded. "I have her in a cell. Her powers are impeccable."


Thanos grinned, opening the door again. "Come."

I sighed, following behind Thanos. I looked back at Gamora and nodded, waiting for her to catch up to me.

"Nice to know I have a sister." I whispered, leaning closer to Gamora. The lack of weight on my right side threw me off and I stumbled. Luckily, Gamora caught me before I could fall.

"Be careful." She smiled weakly as I laughed at myself. "Where are you from?"

"Earth, but I wasn't born there." I explained. "I would ask about you but I'm sure the memories aren't great."

Gamora nodded and chuckled. "You're not wrong."

She smiled, staring at me as we continued to walk behind Thanos.

"What?" I asked, raising a brow.

Gamora shook her head. "You remind me of someone."


"My friend. His name is Peter." Gamora hummed, looking away in thought. "He might be here soon to rescue me."

"He's stubborn, then?" I questioned, smiling widely. "No one rescues anyone from Thanos unless, one, they're stupid or two, they're stubborn."

"He's a mix of both, actually." Gamora laughed.

"Bree, she's in here." Thanos announced, erasing whatever reply I had come up with for Gamora.

I walked to the cell door, nudging Thanos out of my way. "Open it."

"Breean is dangerous right now." Thanos sighed. "She's just discovered her abilities."

"I don't give a damn." I spat. "That's my daughter and I want to see her."

Thanos nodded, opening the cell door. I stepped into the cell and immediately felt the temperature drop. I shivered, stepping further into the cell.

"Breean?" I called out, looking for my child. She sat on the floor, curled into a small ball. "Bree!"

I knelt down in front of her and pulled her close to me. She cried and hugged me close.


"Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay. Mama's here now." I comforted, petting Bree's hair the best I could with one hand.

"The snow...." Bree sniffled, holding out her hands to show me her palms. "Snow comes from my hands, Mama."

"I know, baby." I smiled, tucking a hair behind her ear. "It's gonna be okay."

Bree reached out, touching the end of my cutoff arm. "What happened, mama?"

I looked back to Thanos and then to Bree. "I got hurt, but I'm okay now."

"I want daddy." Bree whined, clinging to me. "Where's daddy?"

I held Bree close, whispering into her ear. "Daddy will be here soon. He'll save us."

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now