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"You'll never have anything. You think you have something but you'll lose it. Go back. GO BACK!"

I jolted awake, grabbing for Loki and feeling nothing but a cold floor. I stood, wiping the sweat from my brow and walking around the oddly quiet ship. I shivered, digging through a shelf for a sweater or jacket. "Come on, Stark. Yes!" I sighed in relief, pulling a large, black sweater over my head.

"You look adorable."

I turned around, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I walked to Loki. He wrapped his arms around me, trapping my arms between his torso and my own.

"I feel like shit." I mumbled, untucking my arms and wrapping them around Loki. "How far are we from Earth?"

"We're close." Loki spoke quietly, tilting my head up by my chin with his finger. "What's the matter, Aidan?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. I just had a nightmare is all."

"What about?" Loki asked, tucking a piece of messy hair behind my ear. I shrugged, shifting my gaze to the floor next to us. "Aidan?"

Loki's voice was muffled as my thoughts consumed my mind.

"Go back, he said...he said go back." I whispered to myself, forgetting that Loki still held me to him. "He said I'm going to lose everything.."

"Aidan, who said that? Aidan." Loki shook me lightly. "Aidan!"

I jumped, backing away from Loki. "Stay away from me."

"What?" Loki stepped closer.

"I SAID STAY AWAY!" I yelled, pushing Loki away. "You can't be near me anymore. No one can."

"Aidan what are you talking about?" Loki furrowed his brows.

"I'm going to lose you all." I held my arms to my chest, feeling sweat drip down my face. "I'm going to lose control again."

"No you're not, love. I'll make sure of it even if I have to chain you down." Loki chuckled, slowly reaching out to me. "This is when you're supposed to come back with a smart, sexual comment."

I smiled, rolling my eyes and allowing Loki to pull me into a hug once again.

"What was that yelling about?" Peter asked, stepping out of the bathroom. He was shirtless for some reason and I couldn't help but to stare, his body better looking than I had expected it to be. Peter noticed my staring and blushed, quickly pulling a shirt over his head. "Anyways, we should reach Earth in a few hours. Might wanna wash up or something."

I nodded and looked up to Loki. "Shower?"

"Of course." Loki smirked, pulling me towards the bathroom and glaring at Peter as he did. Once the door was shut and locked, Loki turned and pinned me to the wall. "Who's are you?"

"I was just looking." I scoffed.

"I know and I don't care. I just want to hear you say it." Loki's voice was low and his eyes stayed glued into mine.

"I'm yours... but," I quickly moved, switching our positions so that Loki was the one against the wall. "Who do you belong to?"

"You. My queen." Loki growled, using his magic to start the shower and dim the lights. I let him go and backed away, watching as he began to strip from his armour.


"Prepare for impact." Peter said, gripping his harnesses. I did the same, gripping the straps with one hand and holding Loki's hand with the other. We looked at each other and said nothing as the ship began to shake, hitting into the Earth's atmosphere.

It's alright, my love. You're alright.

I breathed heavily, squeezing Loki's hand. I nodded and smiled weakly. "Don't worry about me. I'm just not used to entering Earth in a spaceship is all."

"You would have hated the bifrost then." Loki chuckled, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "But it's almost over. Just stay calm."

*Loki's P.O.V*

Aidan was afraid, that much was clear. But whatever had her so terrified, I couldn't figure out. She held my hand tightly, her eyes closed and her breathing heavy. But as much as I wanted to get out of my seat and hold her, I couldn't, for the Earth's surface became closer. And so, I held her hand and whispered comforting words to her.

"Guys, look." Starlord spoke, gathering our attention. He stared out the window in wonder, unstrapping himself from his seat and standing to get a better look. "I haven't been here in over thirty years."

I looked at Aidan, who sat still and stared at the floor.

"Aidan, we're home." I smiled, getting out of my seat and kneeling next to her. "Aidan, love. Are you alright?"

She nodded slowly and looked down at me. "I will be."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I chuckled, raising a brow.

"I'll be alright once this is all done and over with." She sighed.

"It is over, isn't it?" I asked, helping Aidan stand from her seat.

She shrugged, pulling down at her shirt sleeves. "You never know with Thanos. Yeah he let us go but that could have been another part of his plan. Whatever that plan may be."

"Starlord, set the course to Stark Tower."

"It's already set." Starlord answered, turning back to look at me. "My name's Peter, by the way."

"I know." I grinned, pulling Aidan into a light hug. "I'm just trying to get Aidan to laugh. And your name is pretty funny."

"Hey!" Peter whined.

A faint chuckle came from Aidan and I smiled, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

That's my girl.

*Before anything else I just want to say that I AM SO SORRY THAT THIS CHAPTER TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE! I've had such bad writer's block it's insane! But I promise I'm going to get back on track as soon as I can!

             --swallow_steve💕 *

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now