
494 19 18

"Motherfucker!" I screamed, throwing my glass at the wall as I paced around the room in pure anger.

"Aidan, calm down." Loki spoke softly, taking a step towards me with his hands in front of him in surrender.

"He has my daughter!" I replied sharply, continuing to pace. I ignored the pain in my feet as I stepped on a piece of glass.

Loki froze, his face growing neutral. "She's my daughter too. She's our daughter."

"Well you're pretty calm, aren't you?" I snapped, turning my head to look at him.

"Because acting the way you are right now isn't going to do anything."

"Acting the way I am?" I scoffed. "You mean having a normal reaction to the fact that our daughter has been kidnapped?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "Don't even start with that. We both know that you've been very angry here lately. Maybe it's because of all the alcohol."

"Piss off." I hissed. "At least I've been around."

"And I haven't?" Loki stepped closer. "I'm pretty sure I've been around just as much as you."

"Well you sure have been going on a lot of missions here lately." I replied, standing in front of Loki. Our faces only inches apart. "Almost like you're enjoying being away."

"How dare you even say something like that." Loki growled. "If you think for one second that I like being gone then you're an idiot!"

I clenched my jaw, swinging my hand to plant a hard slap to Loki's cheek. His head turned to the side with a violently red hand print already forming. I looked down, seeing my hand engulfed in flames. Loki turned around and began to walk away.

I quickly put out the flames and followed him. "Loki..."

"Stop." He gritted, stopping in the doorway. "We'll finish this and get Lee back. And then we'll deal with us."

"Deal?" I asked, holding my arm.

Loki didn't reply and exited the room, leaving me alone.


The jet was silent as we flew to the Tower, an obvious conflict in the air but no one daring to say something about it. Loki stood at one end of the jet while I sat on the other. Natasha flew and Sam and Bucky sat next to each other.  

"Okay, I'm not sitting here like this anymore." Sam said, stomping his foot on the floor. "Obviously, you two had some sort of argument because we could hear you from the other side of the house. Now, your daughter is with this guy somewhere and you both need to stop pouting and get over whatever you're fighting about."

I looked back at Loki who stood with his arms crossed, looking at the floor.

I'm sorry, Loki.

I sighed, looking out of the window.

Be mad, I understand. But Sam is right. Bree is out there and she needs us more than ever. So do whatever you want after this is all done and over with, but right now you need to work with me.

The rest of the flight was silent.


"What happened?" I asked an agent as we entered the security section of the Tower. We walked quickly, standing at a large set of monitors that connected to the buildings camera's.

"We don't know, ma'am." The agent replied. I looked at him and shook my head.

"How could you not know...agent?"

"Carter, ma'am. Agent Carter." He said, folding his arms in front of him. "There's no signs of forced entry and we have nothing on camera."

"Of course." I sighed, looking back to where Loki stood and shook my head. He glanced at me for a moment before looking away again and I turned to Agent Carter once more. "May I take a look down there?"

"Yes, ma'am." Carter nodded.

Quickly, I made my way upstairs and looked around for any signs. I found a small puddle of blood on the kitchen floor. One that would come from a scratch or a bite.

She put up a fight...

"Of course she did." Loki's voice came from behind me and I turned to look at him. "She's a scary mix of the both of us."

I smiled, continuing to examine every last inch of the floor before heading to our penthouse. I appeared in front of my bed suddenly, losing my balance slightly.

"You'd think that you would be used to that by now." Loki teased.

I rolled my eyes, walking around the room. I headed towards Bree's bedroom but froze, seeing something in the corner of my eye. I knelt down, dragging my hand across the smooth surface of the wall. It was cold and moistened my finger as I touched it.


"It's not from me." Loki said as he knelt beside me.

"Then wh-" I paused, whipping my head to Loki. "You don't think?"

Loki nodded. "It could only be."


*I'm so sorry that this chapter took so long! Writer's block is a biscuit to deal with...but anyways, here it is!


{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now