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"So, I'm the best person ever." Tony stated, placing bandages next to where I sat.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "How or why is that?"

"I have two things for you." Tony began, wiping off my arm and lightly wrapping it. Peter sat across from me, watching both Tony and myself closely. "One is that camera you asked for."

Tony walked away, tossing out the old rag and empty bandage box.

"And two?" I asked, attempting to pull my sweater over my head. I groaned, giving up and throwing the item onto the floor. Peter stood, grabbing the sweater and standing in front of me.

"Can I?" He asked, holding the head of the sweater open. I nodded, leaning forward a bit and letting Peter pull the sweater over my head.

"As I was saying." Tony spoke loudly from across the room. "I also got you this."

Tony held up a box for me to see as I wiggled my left arm into its sleeve while Peter tied off the right sleeve's slack.

"What is it?" I asked, holding onto Peter's arm as I slid off the table. I stood next to Tony as he placed the box on the table and unlatched it.

"See for yourself." He smiled brightly.

I raised a brow, slowly opening the box. I gasped, turning to glance between both Tony and Peter. "This is for me?"

Tony and Peter nodded simultaneously with wide smiles.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I can't take this. It's too nice and too expensive."

"Oh, please. It barely cost a thing. And this is nothing compared to how I wanted it to look. Loki and Peter made me tone it down a bit." Tony explained with a chuckle. He stood next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder as he stared into the box. "By next week, that's gonna be your new arm."

I sniffled, quickly swiping the stray tear that rolled down my cheek. I stared at the beautiful, black and gold artificial arm that laid in the long silver box.

"Thank you, Tony."

Tony hummed, pulling me closer to his side. "If you ever need anything all you have to do is ask. Or not, because I'll do it anyways." 

I nodded and chuckled, tracing a finger across the smooth surface of the arm. "I wish I could have it now."

"You'll have it soon enough." Tony replied. "I just want to make sure your arm is fully healed up before we put it on you. Don't want another infection, ya know?"

"I know, I know." I huffed, looking back at Peter. "Do you have any smart comments?"

Peter shook his head shyly. "No."

I wiggled out of Tony's arm, walking towards Peter. "You don't have to he so shy around me, you know."

Peter nodded and shrugged. "I'm like this with every new person I meet."

"Especially ultra-badass women, huh?" I smirked, heading towards the elevator. Peter and Tony followed me and soon enough we were stepping out and heading towards the living room. Tony and Peter entered first as I had stopped to head back towards the kitchen.

"Uh, Aidan." Tony spoke just loud enough for me to hear from where I stood. I turned to face him.


I froze, seeing Peter and Tony both standing like statues in the doorway. I raised a brow, slowly walking to them.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to Tony, who only nodded his head forwards.

I looked into the living room, a knot immediately forming in my stomach. Loki sat on the ground, holding close Bree to his chest as he stared up in fear. I couldn't move as Bucky was thrown across the room, or when Breean was picked up and then thrown. It was only when indescribable eyes met mine that I was pulled from my trance. I growled, igniting my entire form in raging flames. I sprinted, wrapping my arms around Thanos' neck and squeezing with all my strength. A small crack echoed through the room and everyone grew silent as I fell to the floor in smoke.

"Bree." I said weakly, trying to push Thanos' limp body off of me. Peter ran to me, flipping Thanos over and helping me to my feet. I limped to Breean, who lay motionless on the floor. I felt for a pulse and sighed in relief once I found it. "Tony call someone."

Tony said nothing as he stared around the room in shock.

"CALL SOMEONE GODDAMNIT!" I yelled, startling both Peter and Loki.

Tony looked at me and then quickly walked away. After ten minutes, two doctors carried Bree away on a gurney as well as Bucky. Loki and Peter leaving with them.


I stared down at Thanos, who struggled to breathe as he lay on the floor still.

"Kill me."

I shook my head. "You die if Bree dies. But as long as she's still fighting, you'll have to sit and suffer just like her."

Thanos reached out a hand, resting it atop of my foot. "I didn't know it was her."

"So you wouldn't have cared if it were anyone else that I love?" I hissed, moving my foot away from him. "I almost forgot that it's just about you."

I turned to walk away but stopped as Thanos spoke again.

"I can help her."

I knelt down next to him, speaking quielty. "How?"

"I can turn back time. Take everything back." Thanos smirked.

"Then do it." I said harshly. "Stop wasting time and help my girl."

"There's a price."

I rolled my eyes. "Isn't there always?"

Thanos chuckled and coughed. "Everyone....everyone will forget you. But they will be safe and protected for the rest of their lives. Only you will remember."

I sighed, looking down at my hands. "Give me some time."

"You don't have much of it."

"I know...just...just give me as long as I have, okay?" I frowned, standing up and walking away. "You'll be fine here, right?"

"Perfect." Thanos grinned.

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now