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"So you're Aidan?" The driver asked, glancing at me as I sat next to him in the passengers seat.

I nodded. "And you are?"

"My name's Happy. I'm the one in charge of getting things moved upstate." Happy explained, driving away from the Tower.

I hummed, wanting so badly to cross my arms. "How come I've never met you before?"

"Tony has had me keeping an eye on his newest....project." Happy shook his head. "The kid is going to give me a heart attack."

"Kid?" I questioned, raising a brow to Happy.

"You'll get to meet him once we get to the new facility." Happy held back a smirk.

I nodded, furrowing my brows.


"Aidan." Loki hugged me tightly. "How are you feeling? Any better?"

"Tony said my arm looks better but it's still sore." I answered, looking around the entrance of the building. "This place is nice."

"It's two stories, ten bathrooms, fifteen bedrooms, three conference rooms and the lab will be in the basement." Happy spoke, standing a few feet away from Loki and myself. "Lucky for you two, you get one of the penthouses on the second floor."

"Where is this penthouse? I need a shower." I sighed but yelled when Loki grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him as he walked quickly. "Loki is everything okay?"

Loki nodded, stepping into the elevator. After a few seconds, the doors opened and we walked towards the end of the hall. I pulled away from Loki, making him stop.

"Is something wrong?" I reiterated, staring up at Loki.

Loki shook his head. "Why would there be?"

"I don't know, you just pulled me away like it was an emergency or something." I said, looking behind me and then back to Loki. I turned to look at the door that we stood in front of. "Is this it?"

Loki nodded happily and I raised a brow as Loki slowly opened the door and stepped inside.

"Loki, what-

I cut off my own words, gasping at the sight in front of me. I said nothing as I looked around in awe. The room looked just like I had always wanted my own to look. A queen sized bed, made up with black and pearl white sheets. The walls, painted a lovely, barely visible pastel yellow and the view outside of the large windows that led to a balcony made me feel so at peace. It was light compared to my usual style, but that's what I liked. It was different....and I absolutely loved it.

"You like it?" Loki asked, chuckling at my reaction. I nodded, pulling him into a hug as best I could.

"How did you know?" I asked, my voice muffled from the fabric of Loki's sweater.

"I didn't." Loki hummed, backing away so that he could see my face. "Lee helped me pick everything out."

"Where is she, by the way?" I chuckled, unwrapping my arm from around Loki.

"She's, uh....she's with someone you haven't met yet." Loki smiled, kissing me on the forehead. "Get a shower and then you can meet him. You have some clothes on the bed."

I nodded, eyeing Loki as he walked out of the room. "Mischief."

Loki stopped and turned around, smiling at the nickname. "Yes?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Aidan."


After my shower and a change of clothes, I made my way downstairs. I looked around, walking in the direction of where I thought the kitchen may be. I sighed, finding nothing but another elevator at the end of yet another hallway.


I turned around quickly, forming an orb of fire in my palm. A young man raised his hands in the air, backing away from me.

"H-hey...don't worry, I got lost too!" He stuttered fearfully.

I scoffed, shaking away the orb and walking towards the man. "You must be the guy I haven't met yet. Tony's new project?"

"I...I wouldn't say that I'm a project." He mumbled, glancing down at my amputated arm and then back to my face. "My name's Peter."

"Aidan." I held out my hand for him to take. "Sorry about that, I haven't been startled in a while. Most people know not to sneak up on me."

"Y-yeah, sorry." Peter chuckled awkwardly, shaking my hand and quickly letting go. "Anyways, everyone's in the kitchen. Just follow me."

I nodded, following Peter down the last hallway of the first floor and into the large kitchen at the end of it. Tony and Loki stood at the bar talking while Breean sat at the island, eating from a small packet of fruit snacks. I looked over to Peter, who was staring at my arm once again.

"My godfather cut it off less than a month ago." I said, answering the question that he never asked. "I usually have a prosthetic but my arm's infected." I paused before raising my voice to finish my thought. "That's why I need Tony!"

Loki and Tony both turned to look at me and Peter as we stood in the wide doorway.

"Spidey!" Breean exclaimed with a wide smile. She patted the counter next to her and Peter chuckled, walking to the island and taking a seat next to her.

"Spidey?" I questioned, standing next to Breean and kissing her on the head. "How's it goin' Bree?"

She giggled happily. "I have a new friend!"

"I can see that." I chuckled, looking at Peter once more. "So why Spidey?"

"That right there is Spiderman." Tony answered, moving me so that he could get a better look at my arm. "A couple bandage swaps and some more antibiotics and you should be good."

I nodded, staring at Peter. "So you're from Queens?"

Peter nodded shyly. "I live with my Aunt."

"Man, I haven't been in Queens in so long. I remember....nevermind." I smirked, glancing between Breean and Peter. "That's more of an adult conversation."

"He technically is an adult, Aidan." Tony chuckled.

"I meant Bree, but okay." I laughed, shaking my head. "Anyways, do you have everything to take care of my arm? I'd like to put a more comfortable shirt on."

Tony nodded. "To the lab!"

(Loki voice.)

A new chapter and another small step away from the (hopefully) really good stuff!

--swallow_steve ✌️ *

{Being Edited} Murray // Loki X OC pt.3 Where stories live. Discover now