The big day (Fluff

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Denise POV: Janessa and I woke up super early to catch our flight so we went down to the hotel lobby for breakfast and drove to the airport and had our luggage and checked and were headed on the plane so I checked our tickets and Janessa and I were sitting together so we put our luggage on the over head compartment and buckled my seat belt and sat back and looked at Janessa. She had her headphones on so I looked over and saw she was watching joeys old videos..Lol typical Janessa although I'm just as guilty. So I took my Xanax and fell asleep. I woke up to Janessa shaking me awake.

Janessa POV:
Hey! Denise, we are here in LA!
She slowly woke up and then realized where we where
Denise: WERE IN LA!!
So we grabbed our luggage and headed into the airport. We saw a sign with Denise's name on it and she turned to me and I just shrugged my shoulders so we headed to the sign and there stood Joey Graceffa and Daniel Preda with a sign and bottles of Juice and blueberry muffins. We screamed and dropped our bags and ran over to them! I hugged Joey and Denise was hugging Daniel more like tackling him to the ground basically hugging him tight and tighter.
Daniel: Hi ladies!! It's so nice to meet our biggest fans,
Denise just stood there and held out her hand and and said "hi my name is biggest fan I meant Denise" she giggled kinda nervously. I shook Daniels hand and said "Mr Preda, Hi,I'm Uhh uhhh I'm. Did I seriously just forget my name?!? Hi I'm Janessa. I said sure turning a bright shade of tomato red.
Joey: so we thought we would go get lunch, go shopping and then dinner and head back to our house and go in the pool. Sound cool? I turned to Denise and brought her in for a fake huddle
Janessa: so we think it sounds good right?
Denise: duh..
so we turned back to Joey and I said we gladly accept your offer we said as if we actually had to think about that. Daniel and Joey both laughed and omg the way Daniel gazed into Joeys eyes with a bright smile I'm sure I was drooling. So Daniel grabbed our bags and carried him to the car and set them in the trunk and opened our doors for us!
Janessa: Thank You Daniel!
Daniel: your very welcome he said with a smile then he went to the passenger side and opened it for Joey with a smile and as Joey got in the car Daniel leaned down and kissed Joeys cheek. Awwwwwwwwwww Denise and I said literally fangirling on the spot.
Daniel: haha sorry bout that. I'm positive you'll see that a lot more this week. he said blushing a little.
Denise: apologize?! For what? That was literally so adorable😍 so we went and grabbed a quick lunch and Joey excused himself to the bathroom then Daniel turned to us and said "can you keep a secret?"
Denise and I both said : of course we can, what's up?
Daniel was silent for a minute then said
"I really love Joey with all of my heart and I want to propose to him tonight at dinner. I thought it would be special to do it with our two biggest fans with us.
Denise looked so happy and said "OMG OMG THIS IS AMAZING" Daniel told us he already had a ring in his car hidden and that he had a plan to do it so he told us about it but then Daniel noticed Joey walking back to our booth so Daniel said quickly "don't say anything act natural" so we quickly changed the subject and Joey came back and said "what were you talking about?"he said a little suspicious.
Denise: nothing really just talking about all the cool scenery in LA!
Joey: well ok I agree everything is really cool.
Daniel looked relieved we didn't spoil the surprise. We finished lunch just talking and having a good time and went to the mall and Daniel pulled us aside as Joey went up an escalator. He told us he got reservations at a steak house then he showed us the engagement ring. The ring was silver with 3 little diamonds around the band and we were in awe then hugged Daniel once more. Daniel told us he should get matching outfits and that he would get matching outfits for him and Joey matching outfits. He told us the restaurant would put rose petals by the table with flowers on the table. He just smiled and hugged us both and walked away to go to the men's wear department. He walked back and said here's my number and we gave him our numbers and he walked away so we went to the ladies wear department and found these cream colored dresses with black flowers and these black heels with matching dangly earrings and hair pieces so we went to the fitting room and they were perfect so we checked out and went and got Joey and Daniel matching bracelets with little earth beads on them for joeys don't wait music video when he came out as gay... I just love that video. I told Denise I was gonna go use the bathroom and she said ok and that she would be at Barnes and noble. So I left the shop and went to Kay jewelers. I went to get Denise a friendship bracelet because I appreciate her so much. So I found a bracelet with a pink flower in the middle of the tiny black beads. I paid for it and put it in the bag with my clothes and I hurried back to Barnes and noble and Denise walked over with medium sized bag of books. She had joeys books ( a pixilated life, and both children of eden books ) I laughed. Oh Denise.
We walked back out and decided to hit up Starbucks so I texted Daniel what he and Joey orders and he told us and said he would pay us back. I told him not to because he and Joey payed for us to come out to LA.  So he said ok fine. We met him and Joey back at the entrance of the mall and Joey saw Denise's Barnes and noble bag and said "ooh what books did you get?" Denise pulled the books out and laughed and Joey hugged her and she hugged back. So Daniel hugged me and I hugged him and gave them their coffee they thanked us and We left and we got in the car and headed to dinner. We walked in and Daniel handed Joey his bag and had his and told him he wanted to match so they went to the restroom to change and we waited for them to go so we went and changed into our dresses and walked back out with our heels clicking loudly. A minute later Joey and Daniel walked back out and Daniel smiled and winked and Joey looked so confused. I could see the ring box sticking out of his pocket.. I was so excited! Joey started to say "wait when did they-" Daniel cut him off " hey let's figure out what we want to order. Joey ordered a steak and salad and Daniel said "I'll have what the man is having" Denise and I ordered lobster and mashed potatoes. After the waiter took our order and walked into the kitchen Daniel fell silent and kept looking at Joey with a huge smile. Joey smiled and said "what? Why do you keep smiling at me, what's up? Here it came. The moment we were waiting for all day!
Daniel said to Joey. "I know what's up"
Joey looked so confused but he couldn't get a word out before Daniel got up out of his seat, pulled the ring box out and got down on one knee. Joey gasped and started crying.
Daniel: Joey Graceffa, I love you so so much, I've been wanting to do this since the day we first kissed. You mean the absolute world to me and I wouldn't be the person I am today without all of your love and support. Everyday waking up next to you is absolutely amazing and everything about you is beautiful. Your smile makes me smile. There's no sweeter sound than the sound of your laughter. There's no greater sight then seeing you happy. Everyday together is amazing and I thought it would be a great idea to do this with our two biggest fans here with us. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you until the day I die. Will you marry me.
Joey was sobbing by then he was shaking and I looked over to Denise who had her face buried in her napkin. I rubbed her head wiping tears off my face.
Joey: yes Daniel. Yes I will marry you. I love you so much baby. Joey threw his arms around Daniel and Daniel hugged Joey and started crying quietly. We were all crying. Daniel kissed Joey with passion and love. He pulled back to slide Joeys ring on. Joey was still crying pretty hard so Daniel sat Joey down again and kept rubbing the back of his head and kept rubbing his back trying to soothe him. A couple minutes later Joey pulled out of the hug and kissed Daniel and Daniel wiped joeys face with his napkin and said "Te Iubesc" and Joey said "Te Iubesc Daniel"
I looked over to Denise who came out of her napkin and wiped her face and I wiped mine. Waterproof mascara comes in handy. Daniel got up again and hugged us and said "thank you for keeping it a secret" Joey looked shocked and said "wait.. they both knew?! You told them you were gonna do this?!" Daniel turned to Joey and said yes baby I did. I love you so much. Joey said "I love you too" a few minutes later our meals came and we calmed down and starting eating then i remember I still had the bracelet. Wait I said. I pulled the bracelet box out of the bag I had my clothes in and turned to Denise. What is that she asked. "when I said I had to use the bathroom I went to the jewelry shop and got you this. I opened the box to reveal a bracelet sitting there. I told Denise " your my best friend and I never want to lose you. I got down on one knee like a proposal and said to Denise "your my best friend and your literally my number one like no one can replace you. Do you promise to be my best friend until the end of time? She started crying all over again. "yes Janessa a million times yes. Of course I was very happy so got up and put the bracelet on her and wiped her tears away. I go and sit down again and I look over to Daniel and Joey and Daniel was holding Joey and Joeys shoulders were shaking. I made Daniel and Joey cry. Wow. So we ate up and headed back to the Janie household and oh my god it was huge. We were greeted by wolf, storm and lark! We bent down and pet the dogs and Daniel walks in with our stuff and walks back out and carries Joey inside and sets him down on the couch. Daniel brings our stuff to the guest room where there is a huge bed we went back downstairs and Daniel pulled a chocolate cake out of the fridge and gets ice cream out of the freezer.  Daniel said : THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION. We had cake and went in the pool and then went in the living room and watched Harry Potter until Joey fell asleep in Daniels arms so we all agreed to hit the hay for the night.
Daniels POV: I said goodnight to the ladies and carried Joey upstairs and put him in bed. I crawl under the covers and Joey cuddles into me and says "goodnight baby, I love you. I can't wait to be your husband"  I kiss him and say "goodnight baby I love you too, I can't wait to be your husband either, thank you for saying yes" he kisses me and says "your welcome baby I love you" soon after that he falls asleep in my arms. I smile to myself. I have the best fiancé ever. I love Joey so much.

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