going to Mexico. (Fluff)

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Joey pov: Daniels birthday was the other day and I surprised him with hope coming to LA to go skiing and snowboarding but I still wanted to do something for just us. that's when it hit me. we haven't been to Cabo In like forever. the last time weve been was for our 2 year anniversary. while Daniel was downstairs I packed two suitcases for us. I also tweeted. "doing some gaming before taking @misterpreda on another birthday adventure<3" Daniel came upstairs and said

"where are we going big boy?"

I smirked. "That's for me to know and you to find out in the morning."

he frowned a bit.

"Don't worry Danny. itll be fun. I love you"

he smiled and pulled me closer to his chest before pecking my lips.

"give me a real kiss" he smiled and pulled me in again but this time, longer.

we pulled away but I stayed in my arms. he wrapped his arms around my waist and I jumped up where his hands were around my ass and my hands were around his neck.

the next morning-------

it was 8 am and I hopped out of bed and grabbed our suitcases. Daniel moved around "Mmmmmmm Joeyyyyyy" I got Daniel up out of bed and said "You make breakfast and ill take a shower" he rolled his eyes and got out of bed.

after my shower I snuck up on Daniel and wrapped my hands around his back. he Turned around and smiled. "Hello Joey"

I pressed my lips to Daniels and then bent him back in a dip kiss. he stood back up with a high blush.

"I love you Joey" I smiled. "I love you too Daniel." after breakfast I put our suitcases in our car and grabbed our passports since I got us tickets to go to Mexico.

when we got in I was driving and I pulled up our tickets and where it said where we were going. I handed him my phone. he gasped. "Oh my God, Joey..... you got us tickets to Cabo?!" I looked up and a tear was sliding down his cheek.

we got to the airport and Daniel said

"Im hungryyyyy"

I giggled. "Lets go get some food then!"

we ended up getting veggie grill burgers although it was 10:30 am.

we boarded our flight and Daniel handed me two Xanax pills

"Here you go sweet boy"

I took a sip of Daniels water and swallowed the pills. he lifted the arm rest dividing our seats and pulled me closer to his chest. he wrapped me up In his fuzzy blanket and cuddled me.

Daniel woke me up when we were landing and he pecked my lips. "Good Morning sleepyhead"

I mustve looked a little funny with my messed hair and the sleepy look on my face because Daniel was giggling.

we got to our rental car and drove to our hotel. when we got there we had a look around and it was absolutely gorgeous! the sun was shining and it was nice and warm.

we decided to go down to the beach and relax. we sat in sun bathing chairs pulled right next to each other and Daniel gripped my hand and smiled. "Thank You for this Joey, its beautiful. I love you so much"

I smiled back. "Your welcome Danny I hope you enjoy our vacation together."

we got some fruity drinks and some papaya which is my favorite fruit. we stayed outside until the sun was lowering. we grabbed our towels and everything we brought with us and headed back up to the hotel room.

when we got there we decided to go in the jacuzzi on the balcony. Daniel pulled me close to him rubbing up and down my back while we watched the gorgeous sun set. we got under the covers and both ended up falling asleep.

"I love you Joey" "I love you too Daniel"

the next morning-------

Daniel POV:

I woke up bright and early the next morning and turn over and I see him. my gorgeous prince. his lips pushed up in a slight smile, his hair messy from sleeping

I ended up just watching him sleep. he was so gorgeous. the sun shining on him making him look like an angel.

a few minutes later his eyes flutter and I meet his ocean blue eyes. he smiles and yawns. "Good Morning Handsome" I said softly.

he got closer to me and pecked my lips but I pull him closer giving him a romantic kiss. nothing to heated. just a sweet yet passionate kiss.

we stayed in bed a little while longer cuddling and end up getting dressed. Joey wore a cute bright orange tank top and black shorts with his golden cuff bracelet.

we headed down to the café. I got some waffles and papaya and he got papaya and a mango smoothie.

we held hands across the table and decided to go down to the beach for more relaxation.

we sat in tanning chairs and smiled at each other.

I watched joey fall asleep in the sun so I gently put some lotion and sunscreen on him so my angel doesn't get a sun burn.

we both ended up napping and we both vlogged a bit. we decided to go have dinner at this romantic restaurant right by the beach.

on the way to the restaurant I even played our song which is say you wont let go by James Arthur just for a romantic feeling, which ended up making Joey cry.

he turned me to face him and he put his arms around me and I gave him a passionate kiss.

at dinner we ordered salads and some steak while talking about our plans for youtube.

I just felt so in love in the moment, not worrying about the holidays next week or social media or youtube.

we had one of the best dates we ever had and we even decided to go the night spa for massages and facials.

I had the best time ever and I was so in love. in this moment, in love with the boy I get to call mine. Joey Michael Graceffa.

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