Romantic day date with Daniel. (Fluff

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Joey POV: ever since I pushed Daniel away and he told me that he had been depressed and had cut I felt so bad because I pushed him away when he needed me. The next morning I was determined to have the most romantic day date. I got up early and went to the farmers market for some fruit and flowers for Danny. When I came back I opened the door "Danny I'm ho-"
Daniel was sitting on the couch sobbing and curled up into a ball. I dropped everything and ran to him pulling into my lap. I said "shhh baby I'm here now. What's wrong?" He started coughing and hyperventilating. I rubbed his back and calmed him down to where his breathing slowed down and he laid his head in my chest. I looked him in the eyes and said "baby what's wrong? You were asleep I left!"
Danny said in a shaky voice,
"When I got up and turned to see you this morning you were gone with no note or text and I went looking for you and couldn't find you so I started thinking you left me without a reason, I- I t-thought y-you w-were g-gone"
Feeling your heart break inside of you is so damn painful. I felt like shit for forgetting to leave a note or even text him so that he'd see it when he got up. Fuck I felt so bad.
"Oh Daniel I am so sorry I didn't mean for it to seem like I left you. I just went to the farmers market. I'm so sorry Daniel I would never leave you. I love you so much" tears threatened to fall from my own eyes.
Daniel said "it's okay I was just scared, I love you too" leaning in to kiss Joey. Joey kissed his husband with so much passion.
Joey handed Daniel the flowers he picked out for Daniel. He smiled and said "I got you these" Daniel smiled and took the flowers in one hand and held joeys with the free one. He smelled the flowers and said "thank you, these are my favorite flowers. [ if you get the video reference.] and Daniel kissed joeys cheek.
Joey cuddled Daniel on the couch as Daniel fell asleep in joeys lap. Joey remembered what he planned. He woke Daniel up but Daniel groaned "nnnnnn no to tired." Joey picked Daniel up and set him in the car. Before Joey drove off he tied the bandana he grabbed around Daniels eyes as he slept. They got to the beach to see the sunset and Daniel woke up realizing he was blindfolded and says "JOEY?!?!"joey shushes the screaming boy and says "shhhhh I'm right here it's just me." Daniel calmed down and Joey carried Daniel bridal style to the beach and set him down right before they hit sand. Joey said "take your blindfold off babe" Daniel untied the bandana to see a blanket on the beach with fake candles and rose pedals sprinkled around the beach. Daniel immediately kisses Joey and says " I love you so much babe" they sit on the blanket till the sun sets.
Joey pulls the covers over him and Daniel and Daniel says "thank you for today, helping me through an anxiety attack and taking me to the beach and for the pleasure" Joey kisses Daniel and says "of course that's why I married you. That's what I promised to you in my vows. To help you through good times and bad. For better or for worse" Daniel smiles and pulls Joey closer to his chest and rubs Joeys head and rubs his stomach as Joey traces random patterns on Daniels back and then rubbing his head. Before Daniel could do anything, he purred. He actually purred. Joey giggled "awwwww your a kitten boy!" Daniel kissed Joey and said "I love you" and just like that. He was out and so was Joey. Daniel knew from their day out together that Joey would never leave him. Joey loved him and Daniel loved Joey. Always and forever like in their vows. ❤️

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