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Daniels pov: ever since the stay at home order was put on California I've been all over the place in my own head wanting to get out and go travel. 

I had been going hiking lately just to clear my mind and get some fresh air but the hiking trails were now closed to maintain the 'social distance rule' so that really bummed me out. So I went online and bought a basketball hoop and a volleyball net to start learning some sports and maybe even teach Joey since he's such a homebody. 

I began to get really bored of just doing the same thing ever day so I began to think. what could I do to have some fun. 

thats when it hit me. I had always wanted a motorcycle. just thinking about how fun it would be to go for rides or even take Joey if he wasnt too scared. 

I pulled out my phone and sent out a tweet. "so who wants to talk me out of finally getting a motorcycle" and immediately it began to fill with comments from friends and fans telling me not too. 

they were saying how dangerous it would be and that I could get seriously hurt. I thought they were just being silly so I decided to ask Joey to go see what he thought. 

I found Joey in the movie room with his video games hooked up to the monitor. I found him all snuggled up in a fuzzy bean bag chair with a fuzzy blanket. He hadnt noticed me because the room was kind of dark because he turned the lights off. 

i knocked on the wooden frame and he turned his head and smiled. "Danny!!" he said with a giggle. 

I smiled. "can I come in? I wanna ask you a question that has been on my mind for a while."

Joey nods but than says "are you proposing?" I giggle. "no, well not yet anyways. when I do itll be more than just something at home.'

he nods. 

"okay so what I came to ask was if you thought it would be okay for me to get a motorcycle to ride and go for little adventures in California?" 

Immediately Joeys face dropped. and so did mine knowing what he was about to say. 

"Danny... I dont know Motorcycles are really dangerous. they take a lot of practice just to be able to learn how to ride it and how to balance."

i sigh, "but Joey I would be really careful and I would learn how to ride it."

Joey frowns. "Danny.."

i sigh more. "Joey..." I say back with a bit of irritation in my voice. 

Joey frowns. "Im saying no because I love you too much to let you get hurt."

I roll my eyes. "i wont get hurt, why cant I get a motorcycle?"

before Joey can even say anything he bursts into sobs. full on sobs which take me by a lot of surprise. 

he than sobs out, "I-if y-you w-were t-to get a motorcycle, you could get in an accident and go skidding across the road and end up in the hospital on life support in a coma or you could even die. if anything were to happen to you, I would blame myself for allowing you to do something dangerous. I would never forgive myself Daniel"

I than begin to feel horrible. I than pull Joey into my lap and he sobs more and begins breathing uncontrollably. he sobs into my shoulder as I rub my hand through his messy hair and rubs up and down his back.

"shhh I wont buy it.. i wont.. i promise... i promise I wont.

joey continues to cry on my shoulder. 

"shh calm down.. its okay.

joey sniffles. "i-i dont want to loose you.. I would never forgive myself"

I kiss the top of his head as he begins shaking. '

knowing what was happening i pulled him off my shoulder. 

"hey.. look at me.. breathe. breathe in and out, in and out"

Joey slowly begins breathing in and out slowly calming down a bit. 

He looks up at me with bright red eyes and tear stained cheeks. 

I smile at him gently. "i love you. you wont loose me. I promise. I promise not to buy a motorcycle."

he smiles a bit and cuddles into me and pulls the blanket up over him. i cuddle him more and rock us a bit which always makes joey fall to sleep. 

i rub up and down his back and rock us gently.

I watch as he slowly falls to sleep all curled on my lap. 

i slowly move us to the couch behind us so he could sleep.

i layed down and he curled up on my chest and his breathing slowed down and he looked absolutely adorable. 

Te iubesc, Joey

----hey guys, sorry i havent posted in a long time, i was really busy with school and life, and then the corona virus happened. ill try to post more during this crazy time. i hope you guys are all staying safe, happy and healthy. love you guys<3 

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