Date night with babe (Fluff)

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Daniels POV: as Joey and I were getting ready for our date on the board walk. Ever since I told Joey I was pregnant he's been clinging into me but I don't mind at all❤️ he rests his head on my shoulder and I tilt his head up and kiss him. He looks up, "Danny we have to tell your mom" I smile and say "let's FaceTime her" I grab my phone and FaceTime my mom. She picks up thank god. She smiles and says "Daniel! Joey! Hi:) how's vacation?" We don't say anything but i hold up the pregnancy test. She looks confused and says "Daniel what is that? I hold it closer to her and she gasps and says to Joey "oh my god Joey are you pregnant?!?" Joey laughed and I spoke and said "mom...... I am" she gasped and said "OH MY GOD DANIEL IM SO HAPPY IM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA" I started bawling into joeys shoulder. I am so happy. Joey started running his hand through my hair kissing my cheek. My mom was bawling her eyes out on camera. Joey smiled and said "congratulations grandma:) well we have reservations on the board walk so we gotta go" she smiled and nodded. Joey hung my phone up and he wrapped his hands around my shoulders and I hugged him so tight and continued bawling my eyes out. I love Joey with all my heart he is so special to me, I love him so much.
He continued to rub my head to calm me down. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist and he picked me up and spun slowly in a circle. I love when he does that. He whispered to me "darling you are perfect to me❤️" I clung to Joey as he finished getting ready. He looked cute of course. We walked to the board walk talking about names I suggested for a girl to name her Karissa, ( your welcome Karissa;) ) I also suggested Eden like joeys children of Eden books. Joey looked at me and said "thank you baby I love you more than I can ever tell you. Your the best husband ever and there's no body that could ever replace you" I teared up and turned Joey to face me and I kissed his beautiful lips and said "you are not going to make me cry right now" he grinned and said "I know how to make you cry" I smiled and said "try me cutie" Joey grabbed my hands and said "Daniel I love you so much, waking up everyday and is a blessing and everyday you make me feel so loved and special. Were about to have a kid and there's no one else I'd want to spend my life with except you. You make me feel safe when I'm in your arms and I love being yours. I love you Daniel Christopher Preda" ok I admit it that got me. I had tears streaming down my face by the time he was done. I jumped into joeys arms and said "Thank you, Joey. I love you so much, I'll never be able to explain how much I love you my prince" Joey connected our lips and I kept my lips on his. I love his kisses. He smiled up at me and set me down. I immediately held his hand the second he put me down. He looked and me and smiled. "Whatcha looking at cutie?" He said nothing but grabbed my back and tilted me back bridal style kissing me holding onto my back with strength but kissing me gently. He pulled back still holding onto me and kissed me once more and pulled me back up and held my hand and said "I love you my handsome prince" I smiled and said "I love you too" we held hands as we walked to this restaurant and got seated. I held joeys hand across the table and stared into his beautiful eyes. He rubbed my hand and kissed my cheek and said "your the best thing that ever happened to me" I blushed and said "thank you baby" we ordered and ate and went to the ice cream store for dessert. We sat down at the table and shared a brownie sundae. A lady at the table next to us scoffed and whispered something and I noticed and said "what did you just say about us?!" She rolled her eyes and said "you and your gay boyfriend are a disgrace to everyone especially children and need to be dating girls, this world doesn't need gay f**s like you" I got pissed and said "how dare you speak that way about my HUSBAND and I!! I love him with all my heart and I will never love a girl and I will never love anyone more than I love him so how about you fuck off and leave my husband and I alone?!" She glared, got up and left. I turned to Joey and his head was buried into my arm and he was shaking. Fuck. "Joey are you okay?" I asked in a softer tone. He looked up with watery eyes and tears streaming down his face. No no no no no no. I hate when Joey cries. It breaks my heart. I pulled him into my arms and he kept crying and shaking rapidly. I rubbed his back and said "shhhhh baby, I love you uncontrollably I'd never leave you. Your my greatest source of happiness I love you so incredibly much" i tilted his head up and kissed him passionately. I could taste the tears on his lips but he kissed back. Him kissing me is the best feeling in the world. I fed him brownie ice cream like he's my child. We left and I held his hand as I pulled the blindfold out of my pocket I brought just in case there was time to go see the sunset. I quickly slid it onto him and he said "d-Daniel what are you doing?" I said "trust me" we walked another few minutes just in time. I untied his blindfold and he saw where we were and he jumped into my arms and I hugged him tight. I lead him down to the shore and took a picture kissing him. We watched the sun set and made our way back to the hotel. I set my alarm early because I had another surprise for Joey. We stripped down to our boxers and got in bed. He crawled into my arms and I held him close to my chest. He kissed my neck and said "I love you Daniel" I tilted his head up and kissed him and said "I love you too honey" we dozed off in each other's arms. I love this boy so much, he has no idea.

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