Apoted by Iron Man

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Your POV
They have move me to a foster home as Janice went jail for drugs. I haven't been to school for four days. It have been better now. They save me. Agent Morgan gave him his card.

I was walking around the house. Mrs. and Mr. Clinton have been very helpful to me. I entered the living room. I stop right there and stare. There was Tony Stark sitting in the room. "You must be (Y/N)", he said as he looks in my direction.

"Y-yes", I stutter. "Back your bag kid", he said. I look confused. "What?", I asked. "I adopted you", he said.

That was the last thing I remember before I pass out.

Tony POV
Me and Frank Clinton move her to the couch.  I Iook at her. Her wounds are healing but have bags under her eyes. She must not be sleeping.

"Mr. Stark why do you want to adopted her? She is very kind and sweet, but also very scared. The doctor told us she have scars and burn marks on her. I don't think she will ever open up to anyone", Rachel Clinton said.

"I help her through this, plus this will help me and my fiance when we have kids", I said. Thanks to underoo this kid will have a better life. I will make sure of it. Rachel pack up her stuff that was very little. I put it in my car as they (Y/N) in my sport car.

I went in and look at the kid. She look so peaceful and calm. How could they do this to a kid? She must have been through so much. From now on, she have me, the averages, Pepper, Happy, and the kid

The Angel Hero (Spider-Man x reader)Where stories live. Discover now