Her Pain

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It have been good. Ned and MJ have welcome me back which is good. Me and Peter just finished 5th period. I went to the rest room. As I finish washing my hands, Betty Brant.

"Oh look it the it the rapist daughter", she taunt. I bit my lip and tried to walk out. She push me back hard to the ground. I landed on my right arm that just started to heal. I bit my tongue to stop the screaming that was begging to come out.

"Just because you got adopted by Tony Stark, doesn't mean you are anything more. You are nothing more than a killer kid and a druggie sister. You are going to end up just like your sick parents and your slut of sister", she said. I close my eyes from crying. She then kid me in the stomach and left.

I stay there and sliently cried. She right. I'll end up like them. It was five minutes till the day end. I went to my locker and grab my stuff. The bell rings and people came out.

I walk outside quickly and spotted Mr. Happy. I quickly got in and we drove in slient. We finally got here and mumbled quiet thank you to him. I went straight to my room and cried into my bed. I want the pain go away.

I went to my bathroom that was connected to my room. I grab a razor and pull out a blades. I will only do this went I am upset. I promise. I roll up my sleeve on my right arm.

I stare at my arm for a second. I stare to cut about five lines. It stings for a second, then feel free for a moment. I forgot all my problems. I let my tears fell asleep.

"Y/N are you okay?", I heard Clint or Hawkeye asked. I quickly wash my arm. "Y-yes, just washing my face", I said to him. I pull out bandage and wrapped them on my arm. "Okay, I just wanted to let you know that Vision finish cooking", he informed me.

"Thanks so much for letting me know", I said to him. I quickly flush away the blade. I pull my sleeve down. I open it and saw Mr. Clint. "Come on kid, you must be starving", he said.

I gave him a small smile. "Yes sir", I said. "Call me Clint", he said. "Okay Clint", I said with a little hestion. We both walk out.

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