
389 26 15

Working at the bakery, day 75

"How are those scones coming, J---I mean--Wheeler?" I can't seem to get used to calling Wheeler her name outside of my head...this is the sixth time today I've almost messed it up.

"Great, but you're clearly struggling."

"Sorry, apparently I've created quite the habit," I smirk, annoyed at myself.

"It's alright, Haz."

"Since when do you call me that?" I marvel.

"I made the decision about thirty seconds ago, actually."

"It's quite endearing," I roll my eyes at her sarcastically and remember the piece of paper Niall slipped in Wheeler's pocket. I wonder if she's called him yet.

"So, did you call your lover boy yet?" I mutter quietly, catching her off guard.

"You're skating on thin ice, Harry, remember. If you must know, I called him last night and we're going on a date tomorrow."

"Oh...how lovely." I sound astronomically insincere, but I can't help it.

"Don't be impolite, daddy," she half smiles at me.

It has been quite a slow Tuesday morning, so we are both equally shocked when a boy about our age strolls in quietly. He looks to be the epitome of a bad boy, with tattoos that offset his jet black hair and eyes to match. If that isn't enough darkness, he's wearing all black, a shade that shows up well against his caramel-colored skin.

"What can I get for you today?" Wheeler makes it to the cash register first and smiles politely at the boy.

"I'm Zayn...and if you really want to make me happy you'll take off that apron and let me see the hot body underneath," his mischievious smile makes me seethe with anger, and Wheeler doesn't exactly look delighted either. She hesitates on what to say for about three seconds, which is just enough time for me to answer for her. There must be steam coming out of my ears.

I lean over the counter and face him, my eyes dark with anger stare into his, dark with mischief. 

"This is a bakery, not a strip club, and she is much too classy for the likes of you." 

"Classy? A girl with a body like that is--" before he can finish my hands grip his collar firmly, and he pushes me back. I shove him.

"Harry, be careful," Wheeler's quiet voice warns from a far corner of the kitchen.

"Zayn..you finish that sentence and I'll beat the hell out of you, I swear it." I'm practically panting out of pure frustration.

"I want a scone." he's really smiling, knowing he's got to me so easily.

"Here, it's free, now get. out." thankfully he listens, chuckling all the way.

As soon as he leaves, I start to apologize, figuring Wheeler will be pissed that I got so defensive, but strangely her feelings are confirmed to be the exact opposite by the hug she envelops me in. My breath hitches in my throat. She smells like vanilla and honey.

"I owe you, Haz. Thank you soooo much." she lets go, and though I don't understand it...I'm disappointed when she does.

Why does being close to Wheeler give me these strange feelings?

Why am I so damn protective?

Do I....like her?

There's no way. I can't like her. 

I don't like her.

I don't like her.

Oh hell, what if I do?

No, no, I don't....maybe I can suppress this.

I'm so messed up.

"Earth to Haz...can you get the scones out of the oven?" Wheeler is staring at me, eyebrows raised.

"Oh, sorry."

"What planet did you go to?"

"I'm not sure."

"No comebacks? You alright?" she looks genuinely concerned, and I know I've got to find a cover.

"Nah, just thinking. You should know that I'm truly sorry for the other night...and I hope you have a good time on your date tomorrow." I'm not sincere at all, but I need to try anyway. There's no way I can have a crush on Wheeler.

"Thanks, Haz. So, you'll help me pick out an outfit?" she's grinning, and I'm horrified.

"I hope to God you're not serious."

"Aw, c'mon...I don't have any other friends..." her bottom lip juts out and begins to quiver and before I know it the word yes has fallen out of my mouth.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Wheeler jumps around the whole kitchen and runs into a couple of walls but laughs it off goodheartedly.

"Whatever," I mumble, knowing this can't be good for my quest to make this whole "crush" thing a fluke. Maybe I just need to get laid.

Before I know it it's time to go home, and we clean up quickly before I high-five her and she heads out. My eyes rest on the brownies she created, and I feel a twinge of sadness. I push it away the minute I realize that I sound like a hormonal teenage fangirl. Fifteen minutes later, as I'm leaving, I complete the ritual.


Harry: Did you make it home okay?

Wheeler: Yes. Thanks for everything, Haz. You're wonderful. 

Harry: You're quite welcome. I am, aren't I? Have a good night.

Wheeler: So conceited. You too, Haz.

I find my stomach twisted into knots from the conversation we just had, and realize that I'm screwed. I don't want to like Wheeler, but I think I do. Does that even make any sense? I've got to stop these feelings.

*A/N: So amazed that I'm at 300 reads! I love you all,and I can't stress this enough... thank you! Dedicating this one to KileyPayne, thanks so much for all the voting and commenting! I hope you enjoyed Zayn's little appearance...should he show up again? Do you want any other members of 1D to show up? Where do you think things are going? Thanks again for reading!

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