Last Day

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A month has passed, Harry's last day working at Greene Heights Academy

I stroll begrudingly for the last time into my classroom and hang up my coat on my chair. 

I can't believe today is the last day. The last day I'll scold Liam, the last day I'll pretend to ignore Tiffany and Shana flirting with me, and most devastating of all, the last day I'll probably ever see her face. Today we pass out Gatsby-themed baked goods and have our last discussion about the book. It's really over. Gatsby's dead, Daisy left him behind, and the only girl I've ever felt anything for is doing the same with me. Even worse: I'm here to feel the pain.

"Mr. Styles?" I jerk my head around quickly to find Mrs. Bellisario, the Principal, staring at me.

"Yes ma'am?" What could she possibly want? To fire me? I've only got eight hours left.

"I just wanted to thank you," she holds out her hand to me and smiles. I didn't think she ever smiled.

"Thank me for what?" after getting over my shock, I reach out and accept her handshake.

"I had my doubts about you...especially when you tried to quit after the very first day,  but it's clear to me that you've been excellent. I especially enjoyed sitting in on your conversations with Ms. Bloom about Gatsby!" she looks delighted, but my blood goes cold.

"Y-yes, she has been a wonderful student," I stutter, nervously playing with my hands.

"She's one of our best, but I've never seen her connect with a teacher like she connected with you. Thank you for your time, Mr. Styles, I speak for the whole staff when I say that we're appreciative." Mrs. Bellisario's heels click out of the room and I'm left standing alone to anticipate the bell and ponder how miserable my life will be after this day is over. 

After I plop down in my chair and feel sorry for myself some more, the bell rings and students with handfuls of cookies and cupcakes file in, each one leaving a single treat at my desk. For a moment, I sort of love them all. Even Louis, who walks in quietly behind Wheeler as she places a handful of frosted mini cookies with broken hearts on them onto my desk. They're absolutely perfect...a baker's dream.

"I taught you well," I say without thinking, immediately cupping my hand over my mouth afterwards.

"I guess you did," Wheeler grants me a half-smile for only a moment and then returns to her normal spot next to Louis. I decide to look at her as long as I can because she's the most beautiful little thing I've ever seen, and after today I might never lay eyes on her again. A stinging feeling shoots through me and I stand up in a failed effort to ignore it. 

"Okay class, before we eat, this is our last discussion of The Great Gatsby. Does anyone have any thoughts before I ask a few questions?" I expect no one to step up except maybe Wheeler, but, to my surprise, several people raise their hands. I warily call on Liam first.

"I thought it was a pretty good story. T-thanks for explaining it so well," he stutters a little, looking around the room to make sure no one's looking at him. I want to thank him profusely, but I simply offer him a smile instead. I don't want to embarrass him.

I call on Tiffany next, mentally rolling my eyes.

"It really was a good book, and you showed us that it can teach us something in real life," she nods at me and I try not to look stunned as I offer her a bright smile. 

I call on Shana this time, wondering what has gotten into this classroom as where these people were the whole rest of the time I was here.

"It's one of my favorite books, thanks to you." I'm beaming now, with compliments of my students swimming in my head. Maybe being a teacher hasn't been so bad. I call on Louis last of all, interested in what he has to say despite my dislike of him.

"You made us believe that despite the ending of the book....real love really can last if the people are willing to try." I half-smile at his ironic and sensitive comment, and he gives me a knowing look that I don't understand. I look down at my desk to begin reading off a question, and look up to find Wheeler with her hand raised, glaring at Louis. This should be interesting. I call on her, and the class is all ears.

"Real love doesn't exist, and Daisy and Gatsby never would've worked together," she spits, moving her eyes down toward her notebook.

"And why not?" I quip. I think her statement is complete bull. I don't know if her and Louis had a fight or what, but she sure is in a foul mood.

"They were two very different people, with very different attitudes," she replies haughtily, crossing her legs underneath her desk. I'm starting to think this conversation might have something to do with me...and I'm confused.

"Opposites attract. I think they would've been perfect together if Daisy hadn't been too weak to find out," I state, realizing I must've said the wrong thing as soon as the sentence leaves my mouth.

"Maybe Daisy wasn't interested in a big stupid party boy who only wants sex and thrives on violence, like you!" you can probably hear a pin drop in the classroom at this point, and unfortunately, I know that I have to do something.

"Go to the office. I'm sending down your referral now." I try to stare only at my desk, but I can't help but look at the fire behind her eyes as she storms toward the door. I know she's never been to the office, and for a moment I feel terrible for her.

"I'm going, but let me just say: all that stuff they just said about you was complete sh*t. You're the WORST teacher I've EVER had!" her screeching voice seems to echo in my ears as she stomps down the hall, leaving the class and I in her wake.

"There's only fifteen minutes of class left....just enjoy the treats. Thank you all for your time," I mutter, gathering my things as they all stare at me with wide eyes.

"She's wrong!"

"We loved you, Mr. Styles!"

"What has gotten into her?"

"Mr. Styles is the best!"

The room is alive with compliments and reassurances, but the only reassurances and compliments I really want are ones coming from Wheeler. I certainly won't be getting any of those.

"Thank you. You've all been wonderful, really, but I need to head off," I sling my coat over my shoulder and trudge to the faculty parking lot....not even bothering to hide the tears dripping down my chin.

*A/N: I FEEL SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO BAD FOR HARRY I JUST WANNA HUG HIM. Also, I apologize for the depressing chapters as of late, sometimes to get the rainbow you have to put up with the rain :) Your welcome for the Dolly Parton quote lololol anyways: thank you so much for almost 1500 reads! I don't exactly have the number of votes I'd hoped for, but I'll take anything I can get and it just makes me appreciate what I do get even more! I love you all so much, thanks for reading times a million! <3

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