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WARNING: The content of this chapter is somewhat adult. Not what I would consider rated R, but definitely a little racy, so please read on with discretion and know that you've been warned.

Monday night, approximately 7PM--at Slinger's Bar

I was tired of thinking about I decided to think about beer instead, and here I am.

"You want another?" an old man with more wrinkles than a Bassett Hound has been waiting on me since four o'clock, and I'm on my fifth beer. 

"Yeah, one more," I slur, staring up at the sports channel and trying to decipher what I'm looking at through the veil of blurriness, pissed off that I can still remember Wheeler's name. I'm not supposed to like her the way that I do, to care for her the way that I do, but I'm inebriated enough to admit to myself that I might be in love with her. The key issue is that I'm road scum whose been with countless disgusting girls, and she's innocent beauty who deserves better than that.

"Wow, I'm impressed," my thoughts are interrupted by a somewhat drunk Isa wielding a large bottle of Skyy. The straps on her revealing tank top are falling down her arms, threatening to expose her whole chest to the world, and her short skirt is far tighter than it should be. I shift uncomfortably, trying to control my drunken lustfest.

"You caught me," I shrug my shoulders as she plops down next to me, nearly falling off the barstool.

"Why are you here?" she giggles, trying to pull up one of the falling straps and failing.

"I need to forget somebody and this seemed like the most natural way," I take a big swig of what should be my last beer of the night.

"It's not exactly the Dr. Phil way, but it works," Isa's dark eyes flit toward the large bottle of vodka she has rested on the table.  "A couple swigs of this and you won't even remember you met them," she adds.

I take a few huge swigs of the vodka, hoping that in a few minutes Isa's promise will come true. I know it won't last, but I just need to get over Wheeler somehow. I hope this is the start of the process.

"You need anything?" the wrinkly man from before questions Isa, feasting his hungry eyes on the part of her chest that's exposed.

"Nah, I can't afford it," Isa takes a swig of her vodka as she waves the man away.

"Wait! Peppermint Schnapps on me," I hand him the money for the drink, knowing it's one of Isa's favorites.

"Hey, thanks," Isa pats my shoulder lightly. "Now, tell me what's going on," she gives me an overly serious look and tries to straighten her clothes again to no avail.

"I think I'm in love with someone who's way too good for me."

"Aw, c'mon that can't be true."

"She's a virgin."

"Maybe it can be true..."

"It's a match made in hell."

"Unfortunately, I think you may be right about needing to forget her."

"I know I am, she deserves much more than anything I can offer."

"You'll offer a lot to someone someday."

"Thanks, so will you."

"We're both so messed up."

"Right now or in general?"


"Can you help me get to the bathroom?" Isa says quietly, standing up and stumbling quickly as I wrap my arm around her waist and guide her across the almost empty bar.

When we reach the door that reads "WOMEN" she begins to blush wildly, and I know what her next question is going to be.

"I think I'm going to need in the stall...." she giggles.

"It's fine, I'll help," I chuckle, opening the door for her. 

When she's finished and says she's fully clothed, I carefully swing the stall door open and help her out of it and over to the sink. When she's done washing her hands and flinging the water all over the floor, she promptly slips in it and is headed toward the floor when my mind and reflexes (though VERY drunk) go into overdrive. I dip low and intercept her and we look like a couple doing a move on dancing with the stars....except we're in a bathroom and nearly on the floor.

"Thank you," Isa says breathlessly as I have her stand against the wall and rest while I compose myself.

"It's not a problem," I reach for her and begin to lift her off the wall when I suddenly lose the quiet little lust game I've been playing in my head and decide to press her up against the wall instead. We just stare at each other, breathing hard from the fall.

"Kiss me and you'll forget," her words dare me to do it, and my drunkeness seals my fate.

I quickly sling my hands up and around her neck and press my lips to hers, tasting the delicious remnants of Schnapps. I lick them all away as our tongues connect in one of the hardest kisses I've ever had. She's as experienced as me, which makes the whole thing feel perfect. My hands tug on both of the tank top straps I'd been drooling over earlier and I push her hair away from her shoulders and chest, taking in the view that was hidden with lustful desire.

"We should go to your place..." Isa moans as I kiss her neck and then move down lower and lower.

"Sounds perfect," I quickly fix her shirt, making her midly presentable for the short walk to my apartment.


"What the hell...." my head is pounding, and I find my way out from under the extremely hot mass of covers I'm in.

"Oh hell," I whisper, panicked as I take in a very naked Isa lying next to me sound asleep. To make things even better, I'm naked too, and I know what that means. I quietly roll out of bed and hurry to the bathroom to clean up and reclothe myself, feeling a shame I've never experienced. I put some gym shorts on and head to the sink to brush my teeth.

I stare at myself in the mirror for what feels like hours, trying to analyze what happened last night and letting regret wash over me. I don't stop until I feel the tears running down my cheeks. I've never been ashamed, but now I am, and I know exactly why. I used someone who is nothing but a body to me to try and forget a girl that I'm never going to be able to forget in my lifetime. Either Wheeler is mine, or nobody is mine, and I've let my Wheeler down again. 

I scrub the tears away, choking back a pathetic and completely immasculine sob and popping some pain relievers to stop the throbbing in my head. I try to shake it, but I can't stop the echo of the same words over and over in my head....

Either Wheeler is mine, or nobody is mine, and I've let my Wheeler down again.

*A/N: This was a pretty crazy chapter, and I hope you don't hate me too much for it. Thanks so much to Smilez247 for reading and commenting, you're fabullous! I'm really excited for what's coming next, and I love you all! <3

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