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Journal, page eleven

Dear reader,

Here I sit, in the middle of Heathrow, having just said goodbye to a man who might possibly be the great love of my life. Yes, I know I'm not even out of high school, don't scoff at me, I'm vulnerable.

For a long time, until the woman on the loudspeaker demanded "Last call for Flight 332!" we just stared at each other, my depression-filled blue eyes colliding with his concern-laden green ones. I know I will get my happy ending eventually, but that doesn't change the fact the we just fixed things. We just fixed things that I thought were irreparably broken, and now it feels like they're broken all over again.

I lied to him right before he left, dear reader. I told him that it would be okay, that I would be okay, and that all I wanted was for him to go and fulfill his dreams. I wonder if anyone really believes that when they say it. Do you really want your lover, or your friend, or your family to do something they love to do if it means you're in despair? After my contemplation, I'm not sure that anyone really means it when they say it. Maybe they grow to mean it. I hope they do, because I want to mean it, but right now I don't.

Despite my great desperation, there is a twinge of delight inside me, because of a revelation that I've had. The revelation that I've grown. I've lost some innocence, some naivety, and most recently, some weakness. Yes, I'll admit, part of me isn't sure how I'm going to go on for the next few months without Harry--but I've gained a voice inside me now, a voice that tells me that I'll be okay, because I can be strong without his complete presence, no matter what happens.

I'm not the little girl in the bakery anymore. I've traded my sparkly apron for a sparkling aquamarine ring that catches the light in the airport just right--just enough to remind me that I will endure. I'm not perfect, I'm not currently happy, I'm don't suddenly hold all the wisdom in the world---but I am grown.

Synonyms for grown: adult, mature, developed, of age, ripened

A/N: It's over! I hope you guys are as excited for Grown as I am! I am so sorry for the lack of updates, but college is hard. I plan to add updating into my schedule now and do it much more often, I promise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and tell me what you thought of the story and what you want to see in Grown, because I'm already working on the plot and such! PLEASE recognize my hard work and comment, because I'm definitely recognizing how great you guys have been for reading my stuff. I know I'm not a wattpad celebrity or anything, but I'm seriously amazing that I have 3500 reads on my story. Thank you all so, SO much, you're wonderful and I can't wait for the next story.

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