Not Juvenile

361 20 13

Tuesday, Fourth week of school--last hour of the day

I have seen him three times today, including once for a whole hour, and it has been eating me alive.

 I might have gone crazy sometime between this morning and the moment the last bell rings, because I've decided to do something that the real Wheeler would never even consider--and if she did consider it, she'd die with fright. But between loving Harry, not loving Harry, and liking (?) him again, I know I need to explore these feelings now and take a risk instead of hurting Niall when he finds out I have them.

"Wheeler, wait up!" Louis snaps me out of my trance and I run down the hallway as fast as my legs will carry me: I'm on a mission.

"Sorry, I have to be somewhere!" I wave frantically at him and disappear into the crowd, and I know he's smiling at the back of my head because he knows where I'm going. I don't even have to look at him to know it.

I rapidly shoot around a corner and become even more speedy when I see the door to Harry's classroom still wide open. I'm home free. When I'm inches from the it, I ecstatically speed up even more, not realizing what I've done until my undersized body slams into almost six feet  of pure muscle. Harry grunts softly, and the papers in his hands fly all over the classroom, causing my cheeks to turn the color of a hot chili pepper. For a moment that seems to last a whole lifetime, we just stare at each other. Harry's forest green eyes look deeply into my gray-blue ones, making my whole body ignite with tingles. Then I remember what I came for.

"I n-need to, t-to talk to you..." I stutter, moving toward him at an unbelievably slow pace and stopping a couple of feet away from him.

"It's funny that you say that...turns out I need to talk to you, too." Harry's eyes crinkle as he smiles a sad smile and moves towards me, completely closing the space between us. My small frame only reaches just below Harry's shoulder, and my mind threatens to shut down when the smell of Polo cologne and breath mints overtakes me. I admire the intricate diamond patterns on his tie, trying not to be mesmerized by him, but I gasp when he carefully raises my chin toward his eyes.

"You still can't reach me," he chuckles awkwardly, and for a moment I pale, thinking he was about to do something wonderful and has completely changed his mind. I thank God over and over for what he does next, and for the fact that I randomly decided to wear pants that day when I really prefer skirts.

As we stare into each other's eyes, frozen together in time, his hands grasp my bum loosely and lift me until my face is level with his. I'm so surprised that I'm lightly shaking.

"Wheeler, wrap your legs around me."

"Are you sure?" I sound more like a cartoon mouse than a person.

"I'm more than sure."

The moment my legs are around his strong body he leans in and gives me everything I'd been hoping for in a first kiss--if only I hadn't been stupid enough to kiss someone else. The kiss isn't rough and impassioned like the movies--in fact, it's quite the opposite. Tender, caring, hopeful, and overwhelmingly loving, which is probably why the tears begin streaming down my cheeks before he even pulls away. When he finally does, a quiet sob escapes me, and concern fills his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" he cooes, sitting me down in his desk chair and kneeling below me. His huge thumb begins to rub circles on my hand and I quiet myself and focus on the soothing feeling.

"Are you messing with me?" I squeak, trying to will myself to sound like a big girl. He sighs and winces at the obvious pain in my voice.

"No, and I know it looks that way, and I really screwed up before---but you're so young, I just didn't want to hurt you...and in my defense, it took me until yesterday to fully realize that I care about you this way, but I'm not messing with you, Wheels. I want you to be my girl." Harry reaches up and strokes my face, planting a gentle kiss on my tear-stained cheek.

"It took me until yesterday, too," I smile down at him, giggling at the change in height from just a few moments ago.

"There's that smile," Harry says. He's seemingly pleased, but he doesn't smile back.

"Wanna know how you can make me smile?" he stands up and then pulls me up with him, winking at me like mad and making me giggle again.

"How?" I ask incredulously.

"Say yes and be my girl," he utters the words with a slight twitch of his head, and I wonder if he's nervous. I don't think Harry gets nervous. 

"But, Niall...." I trail off, unable to finish my sentence as Harry sits down in a desk and puts his head in his hands, clearly disappointed.

"You didn't let me finish, Haz!" I run over to my curly-headed prince and peck his cheek, hoping he'll  uncover the rest of his handsomeness for me. He looks up quietly.

"I have to break up with Niall, and then I'll be your girl." He doesn't beam at my words, but he does get up and do a little dance around his classroom, managing to knock a few books off his shelves that I run behind to pick up. Suddenly  he hits the pause button on his celebration.

"When?" he questions, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm seeing him Wednesday night," I explain as Harry's face falls.

"I have to wait a whole day for you to be mine?" I feel so bad that he's disgruntled that I almost forget how ridiculous he's being.

"Maybe I can offer some assistance to hold you over..." I offer, plopping down on top of a desk.

"What kind?" Harry runs over to where I am, kneeling down to get the perfect angle toward my face.

"This kind," I lean in for another soft, intoxicating kiss, assuring Harry Styles that I am in fact, now his girl. 

"You sure do like to kiss me, even though I'm juvenile..." I snort, failing to be serious, and raise an eyebrow.

"That's the're not anymore," his kiss assures me that his words are true.

We pick up the mess in the classroom and sneak out hand in hand.

A/N: I really hope you guys have enjoyed this because normally I just check over things for grammar errors but I've read over this twice and I'm so ecstatic to see what you guys think. Although they ARE pretty much together now there is still more of the story. Harry didn't happen to mention that he slept with Isa, and I don't know about you guys but I'm thinking that could possibly be an issue in the future....anyway, I love you all and I appreciate you so much, and I'd be SO elated if this was the chapter that got me to a thousand reads! If you read this, PLEASE comment or at least vote because I'd love to know what you thought or at least know somehow that you enjoyed it! <3

NOTE: GIF on the side very accurately depicts Harry & Wheeler's embrace (at first) except that Harry was wearing a suit!

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