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*A/N: This is now Wheeler's POV, which you've only heard previously in the journals. I just wanted to let you know so it wouldn't confuse you too much!

Monday, third week of school

"Good morning!" Louis strolls toward my locker, whistling and chipper as ever.

"Ugggghhh," is all I can offer back as I yawn and try to grab my books with my eyes closed.

"Why are you wearing make up haven't done that since I've met you!" Louis marvels, making me giggle. Some people may not, but I deeply appreciate his constant honesty.

"To be truthful with you I'm not really sure...I just felt like I shouldn't look dead every school day," I admit, straightening my short black skirt. Suddenly I recall that it's the one Harry got blood on and wish I hadn't worn it, even though the stains did wash out. My grey crop top wasn't as lucky, so I had to go for a red and blue plaid one today. At least that isn't here to remind me of him.

"Hello...Earth to Wheeler...we have to get to class!" Louis is tapping me on the shoulder furiously.

"Sorry, let's go!" I slam my locker door shut and hurry off with him to get to British Lit class. Our instructor Mrs. Adams just entered her last week of pregnancy, so we're going to have a sub for eight weeks, which I'm excited about. Mrs. Adams been bland and monotone since school began...maybe this new person will be more exciting, or at least help me stay awake.

"Let's go, slowpoke!" Louis's words snap me back into reality again as we're climbing the stairs and I hurry until I'm right behind him.

We lightly jog and make it into the classroom seconds before the bell rings. Louis quickly sits down in front and I take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief before looking up and promptly spilling my books all over the floor.

"Wheeler...are you going to sit down?" Louis is looking at me like I have sixteen eyes and everyone is staring at me...but I'm staring at our new teacher who is now looking back at me.

"Yeah, yeah.." I glance toward Harry, or should I say Mr. Styles, one more time before scooping up my books and taking my seat next to Louis. He is trying to compose himself, but I can tell he's as shaken up as I am. Louis looks at me, gesturing for me to tell him what's the matter, but I just shake my head. Harry watches our exchange for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Hello everyone...I'm Mr. Styles, your temporary British Lit teacher. As a little 'getting to know you' exercise we're going to go go around the room starting at the back and each person will tell me their first and last name and three words that they feel accurately describe themselves. I will go last."

I try to stay calm, but I hate games like these already...and now I have to play one with a boy I care about who abandoned me and twenty of my classmates. Tiffany Worthington, one of the most popular girls in school, is at the very back and goes first.

"Tiffany Worthington. Beautiful, Intelligent, and sweet," I smirk as she flashes Harry her bright white teeth. How conceited do you have to  be to use those as describing words?

One of Tiffany's best friends, Shana Sloane, goes next. From the way she looks at Harry, I know it's going to be a long eight weeks full of flirting and it makes me sick to my stomach for some reason. "Shana Sloane. Adorable, delightful, and happy to see you," she giggles, grinning at Harry. He half smiles back, clearly a bit annoyed.

If those girls can make this game a stupid little show, so can I, I think to myself, waiting impatiently as the fourteen people before me use their boring adjectives. When it's my turn, I fold my hands confidently on my desk and look straight into Harry's eyes. "Wheeler Bloom. Forgotten, lonely, and juvenile." no one can understand my description except him, and some people snicker, but I don't really care. His momentary painful and surprised face makes the ridicule worthwhile. After that, I just stare down at the cheap wood my desk is made of and pretend I'm somewhere better until the bell rings. When it finally does, I decide to be the brave one before Harry has a chance to be. When everyone has filed out but me, I take long strides up to his desk and slap my hand down on it.

"Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours," I declare, frustratedly hurrying off to my next class and avoiding his eyes.


"What the hell was that?" Louis gapes at me wide-eyed the minute I sit down for lunch.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I trust Louis completely, but I've never told this story to anyone but my journal...I'm not sure I want to.

"Uh, yeah," he leans back from the table and crosses his arms, smirking at me all the while.

"Mr. Styles' first name is Harry. He worked with me at the bakery for a long time and we were best friends. I had a huuuuuge crush on him until I met Niall, and after one particularly crazy night Harry just decided that he and I shouldn't talk anymore. I'm bitter about it." Louis's mouth opens wider and wider the further I get into the story.

"That's just the short version...I really don't like reliving the long one," I admit.

"Why would he come here and teach if he never wanted to see you again?" Louis raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

"We only worked together during the summer, so I'm not even sure I ever told him which school I went to, but that's the only explanation I've come up with, and  believe me, I've been thinking about it since I threw down my books in front of the whole class," I blush, reliving the awkward moment in slow motion.

"But, why didn't he want to see you again? If you don't mind me asking.." Louis says quietly.

"Said he was bad for me."

"More like he has it bad for you," Louis snorts.

"That's impossible, trust me."

"Didn't look too impossible to me."

"It is, but it's not like it even matters. We won't ever talk again, and I've got Niall," I smirk, realizing I sound more disappointed than satisfied.

"I think you've got it bad, too," Louis grins at me and winks.

"Ugh, no!" I scrunch up my face and roll my eyes, making gagging noises.

"Don't worry, I won't tell..." Louis makes a zipping gesture over his lips and I can't help but die laughing.

"Believe me, Lou, we might have had a sliver of something once...but now? There's nothing to tell," I further my point by picking that moment to throw my lunch trash away and head to my next class.

*A/N: I hope this chapter was a bit more exciting! This one goes to namii01, thanks for reading & commenting, I appreciate it! Anywayyy, did you guys like hearing things from Wheeler's point of view or no? Do you like Wheeler and Louis's friendship? Let me know what you think, and please vote! Thank you all so much!

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