Goodbye Hugs

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A/N: First of all, I'm SO sorry about the lack of posts! I started college, and although i have a TON of free time, I have to use most of it to study. :( Anyway, don't kill me for this, but I split this chapter into two parts because I didn't want to end the story with 39 chapters. A little OCD maybe, I know, but I had to do it! Also, if you're reading this story and you love it, PLEASE spread the word and remind people that it's almost over. I have 300 reads on the first chapter and 15 on the chapter before this and it's really disappointing. Anyway, I love you all, and thank you so much for reading!

Harry's Childhood Home---Harry's POV 

She's finally asleep in my arms, and everything in my life is right again. I wish more than anything in the entire world that I didn't have to leave her for these five months. My thoughts pause for a moment when Wheeler hiccups in her sleep, then turns toward me and moves closer. I kiss the top of her forehead softly. I can feel exhaustion taking over my body, but I don't want to go to sleep and lose this moment. I especially don't want to wake up and have to acknowledge that tomorrow is the day I leave them. I leave her. I move my nose closer to her hair, closer to her shoulder, hoping to take in the scent and never forget it because i know that this will be one of the last moments for a while. The urge to cry overwhelms me, and I swallow back a gigantic lump in my throat that makes my eyes water. Only she could do this to me. I cringe at the thought of Redd seeing me like this...he would have even more reason to compare me to a woman. Then I remember that I'm leaving him behind, too.  I'm leaving everyone. New place, new people, new everything. I'm finally realizing how much I don't actually like the idea of that. 


All of my deep thought must've put me to sleep, because the next thing I know I'm staring straight into Wheeler's ice blue eyes and light is shooting through my open window. 

"You leave today," she states matter-of-factly, with an empty expression. I think that this terrifies me even more than the tears.

"Are you okay?" I brush back some loose golden hairs that have fallen from her messy bun. 

"No, but I'm going to try to be," she says honestly, her blank expression becoming a deep frown as she lets out a whimper.

"It's already not working," her voice goes about three octaves higher as she sinks down into herself sadly. It's one of the most painful things I've ever witnessed.

"Listen, baby, listen, everything's going to work out, I promise," my raspy voice pleads with her as I wrap my arms around her small, limp figure.

"Why aren't you sad?" she questions, and my heart breaks at the realization that she thinks that.

"Wheeler, you honestly think I'm not? I am so sad. I'm just trying to be strong for you," I admit, pecking her on the cheek and half-smiling at her reddening in response. 

"Don't be sad. You'll be amazing, and you deserve the job. You belong there. You're the best baker I've ever seen," she musters a little smile. 

"You really believe that?" either she loves me enough to lie to me, or she loves me enough to really believe that. Either way, that's quite a feat.

"I really, wholeheartedly believe that, Harry," Wheeler pecks me on the cheek this time, but I quickly turn my head so that her mouth meets mine. The sparks between us are probably enough to make a firework show as we collide, falling back onto our pillows together.

"It's only nine. I say we stay here for a bit longer," I move Wheeler into my arms, smiling at the thought of another hour cuddling with my girl. 


"Time to get up," I whisper disappointedly, nudging Wheeler. Time to head back to my apartment and pack up my things. 

"I don't want to," Wheeler whines, attitude dripping from every word. I can't help but chuckle. 

"Time to go," I scoop her up fireman-style and carry her to the bathroom. It only takes us a few minutes to get ready and packed, and then we're waiting by the front door to say our goodbyes. My mom and sister are crying, which means that Wheeler is crying, which means that I am extremely uncomfortable because I'm the only man in a room full of women crying. There's also the part where they're crying over me.

"I'mgoingtomissyousomuchsonohmygoshwhatamIgoingtodowithoutmybabyyou'llbesofarawayIloveyoumybabyboy," my mom says, all her words running together into one large wail as she hugs me so tightly that I feel like I might break in half.

"Bye baby brother. You'll be fabulous. Take care of Wheeler," Gemma goes next, and seems more disappointed about leaving Wheeler than leaving me. 

"If you ever need anything," my mom says, quickly programming her and Gemma's numbers into Wheeler's cell phone.

"Um, I'm..." Wheeler stutters, causing us all to pause.

"I'm really going to miss all of you, obviously...but I don't think I'll have a phone for much longer..." she says quietly, looking at the floor.

"Why not?" I ask, panicked at the thought of not being able to talk to her at all. Then it dawns on me that she has no way to pay the bill. 

"I can't pay for it," she admits.

"I will," I immediately stifle her admission. 

"I can't let you---"

"You can and you will," I stifle her again and she just nods.

We all give each other goodbye hugs and Wheeler and I head out the door and on to our new lives.

A/N: Once again thanks so much for reading, and please tell your friends! Love all of you guys!

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