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Harry's childhood home--Wheeler's POV



I faintly hear a pleasant, raspy voice calling my name off in the distance. It is getting closer and closer and closer......

and then my eyes shoot open and Harry's face is inches from mine. I gasp and shove my head under the covers while Harry laughs uncontrollably.

"Sorry to scare you, but it's time to open gifts."

At Harry's statement, I carefully climb out of his giant bed and pad down the hall behind him. I am immediately overtaken with joy at the sight of all the lovely wrapped gifts under the tree---some are huge, like nothing I've ever seen. I know that none of them are for me, but I'm just happy to be around such wonderful people.

Did I just say Harry is wonderful? Ugh, I've got to be careful about that.

"Okay you all, find the gifts with your names on them!" Anne orders, her messy bun bouncing as she plops down on the floor where Gemma, Harry and I have chosen to sit. Harry and Gemma immediately get to work looking for their gifts, and Anne even starts to go through the pile and identify hers. I have to admit that I wish I had something to open, but I'm still satisfied watching how happy they are.

Did I just say I like watching Harry be happy? What is wrong with me?

"Wheeler, why aren't you finding your gifts?" Harry asks me as he digs through the mountains of presents around him. My eyes immediately go wide.

"I didn't know I had any! I mean, you guys just letting me be here is enough---" Anne cuts me off. 

"We may or may not have done some shopping after you went to sleep...." Anne nods at Gemma and Harry grins widely. I am so amazed.

As they all finish searching, I begin to search. It doesn't take me long to find the three gifts with my name on them, and I can't believe they did this for me. One package is from Anne, the other from Gemma, and the third from Harry.

"Wheeler, you open yours first!" Anne practically demands as they all wait excitedly for me to rip open the pretty packaging. I decide to look at Anne's to start, and I carefully open it as quickly as I can without completely maiming the lovely wrap.

"Oh my gosh, it's beautiful!" I immediately gasp at the sight of a Kate Spade idiom bracelet that says "Kick Up Your Heels" in bright colors. 

"Harry might've told me that you like idioms," Anne says, winking with a half smile.

"Thank you so much, it's perfect!" I say loudly, staring down at the second best gift I've ever recieved.

"Mine next!" Gemma says, bouncing with anticipation as I pick up the cute little box. The minute it's open, I'm just as amazed as before when I pull out a Lilly Pulitzer scarf with elephants all over it. I don't know much about the designer---but I do know her items are expensive, and this is so beautiful. I can't decide if this is the second best gift or if Anne's was.

"Thank you, thank you, it's absolutely perfect!" I gush, reaching to give Gemma a quick hug.

"Mine now!" Harry says as we hug, sounding like a bratty child. I quickly begin working on opening the gift, which is the biggest package of all. I can't help but giggle with joy as I pull open the box and see a season of Boy Meets World on DVD, an NYU sweatshirt, and a small box. 

"The box is for later," he says, making me curious, "but the rest is for now". I immediately know that this is the best gift I've gotten all day. It wasn't the fanciest or the prettiest, but it was clearly from a great friend who pays attention to what I like.

"It's completely perfect, Harry," I giggle, gathering up the contents of the box. 

"How did you know I love NYU?" I can't help but ask, because I don't think we really talked about college too much when we hung out.

"You said it once or twice," he admits, blushing at little and playing with his hands. I can't believe he remembered something so intricate.

"Thank you," I reach my arms out to hug him and almost laugh at his surprised look. When our bodies touch it's almost as if lightening has hit the room, and I can feel the air crackling minutes after the hug is over. That's when it hits me.

Whether I want to or not, I still have feelings for Harry.


Christmas cookies are in the oven, Christmas movies are playing on all the tvs, and Anne, Gemma, Harry and I are all sitting in a circle on the floor around the fireplace, talking like old friends. I can't believe it's already six o'clock at night. Time flies when you're having fun, but I would've been having a lot more fun if I could get my mind off of my earlier realization.

"You and Harry have obviously baked together before," Gemma says, getting up to retrieve the cookies and coming back with a mouthful.

"What was your first clue?" Harry laughs.

"The fact that these are amazing," she replies, plopping down and scooping up another mouthful.

After we all stuff our face with cookies, we stare mindlessly at the telly for what seems like forever, taking in the wide variety of good Christmas movies that are on and only making occasional comments. I lay down on a quilt on the floor and shove a decorative pillow under my head, comfortable enough to go to sleep but still perplexed as to why this family seems to always choose the floor over the couch. 

"Wheeler, come out back and bring the box, I need to talk to you." Anne and Gemma seem to give each other knowing looks as I nervously traipse to the back porch behind a quiet Harry. I can't imagine what this could be about or what he's going to say, and that makes me nervous. I sit down next to him on the porch swing and we just rock back and forth for a few moments. For what seems like days he is completely silent, but finally he looks at me, and I know he's about to say something important. 

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I didn't have time to continue and I figured you guys would want an update! WE ARE LITERALLY SO CLOSE TO THE END ITS UNBELIEVABLE. Please please please don't hesitate to leave me comments about what you think, they give me inspiration! And of course don't forget to vote! Thanks for all of your support, it means so so much to me! I love you all!

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