Keep the Secret - Newt

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You were hurt and had to stay in the medjack hut for days while you were unconscious. Little did you know that your crush and your brother stayed by your side the whole time.

While you are unconscious...
"Newt and Thomas, you guys should maybe leave Y/N to rest," Minho says.

Newt stares at you.

"I'm her brother! I'm going to stay by her side until she's walking again!" Thomas says.

"But your a runner, Thomas you have to run with Minho!" Alby says.

"I'm bloody staying," Newt says.

"Alright, that's enough from the both of you, no freeloaders, remember?" Alby says.

Thomas stands up and grabs your hand, then he slowly lets go as he moves to the door.

Minho and Thomas are now out of the room.

"C'mon Newt, I know your not a runner anymore..." Alby says but Newt cuts him off.

"What if something happened to her? What f she does something the medjack she didn't predict? What if someone comes in and harms her? What if-" he is cut off by Alby.

"Newt, get off your ass right now!" Alby commands, and before he can protest, Newt is pulled out of the room and Alby locks your rooms door and takes the key and runs off.

Hours later, two boys have stolen the keys from Alby and had entered your room and locked the door with them and you inside.

"Morning sunshine," one of them snickers, even though you are still fast asleep.

The boys step closer to you. Then, one of them gets ontop of you and starts grinding.

Then the other helps get your shirt off. His hands on you.

"Yeah! This is shucking great!" one of them exclaims.

"Shut up shuckface, they'all hear you," he spits.

"Oh right," he says as he continues to do what he is doing.

Accordingly, Chuck walks by and hears them. He was about to ignore it but then he heard them say 'They'all hear you!' and he ran to get Ably.

Newt stopped him along the way.

"Hey Chuck, where are you off to so quickly?" Newt asks.

" hut...get Alby...Y/N," Chuck says heavily because he is out of breath.

"Wait hold up, Y/N? Is in danger?" Newt asks getting worried now.

"Yes," Chuck responds.

"But that's impossible, Alby has the key," Newt says.

"I-I don't know...i'm gonna find Alby," Chuck says and starts to run off again.

"Wait! I'll come too," Newt says.

When they finally reach Alby, he is lecturing the Runners who just got back from their run.

"Minho and Thomas! Next time you must..." Alby is cut off.

"Alby! Where are the bloody keys?!" Newt asks.

"Newt, not again with Y/N..." Alby says but his cut off again by Chuck.

"No! She's in danger!" Chuck says.

At this Thomas steps foreword, "but Alby has the keys?" He asks.

"Well...I did have them," Alby says sheepishly. (Never seen this side of him)

"Bloody hell! They must have gotton them!" Newt says and begins to run to your room.

The others follow.

Newt bangs on the door.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Newt shouts.

"Whoever is shucking in there get your ass out here now!" Alby says.

We hear some grunts inside.

Newt tries to break the door down.

Thomas thinks that they might be raping you. "Chuck, go...uh, close the door to the map room," Thomas says.

"But I wanna save Y/n!" Chuck says.

"No, listen to Thomas!" Minho says and Chuck runs off.

"Open this bloody door!" Newt yells.

Finally, Newt smashes the door down to a horrid sight.

The two boys were right ontop of you, one was on you, grinding, and the other was hands on your chest and his mouth on yours. Your shirt and pants are off and one of them is also fiddling with your bra, trying to get it undone.

"Hey! Get off her!" Newt yells and pushes them off you.

Alby comes over and pulls one by the wrists while Thomas punches him in the face.

"Please...she..we...were just giving he what she wanted.." One of the boys said.

"Bullshit!" Newt says and punches the guy again.

"And while she was unconscious too, you bastards," Newt says again.

"Take them to the slammer we will have a gathering tomorrow," Alby orders.

Minho and Thomas take the two boys out and Thomas returns quickly.

Thomas crouches over you and whispers in your ear, "Im sorry,"

Then he gets up and stares at you.

"They took her clothes," Thomas says, "help me dress her, will ya?" he asks Newt.

"They took her clothes," Thomas says, "help me dress her, will ya?" he asks Newt

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"Of course," Newt says and he helps you get dressed. When they finish, they leave you to rest.

pt2??? Sorry this wasn't exactly a happy ending. More will come if you want!❤️

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